Source code for kwimage.im_core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Not sure how to best classify these functions
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np

[docs]def num_channels(img): """ Returns the number of color channels in an image. Assumes images are 2D and the the channels are the trailing dimension. Returns 1 in the case with no trailing channel dimension, otherwise simply returns ``img.shape[2]``. Args: img (ndarray): an image with 2 or 3 dimensions. Returns: int : the number of color channels (1, 3, or 4) Example: >>> H = W = 3 >>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H))) == 1 >>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 1))) == 1 >>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 3))) == 3 >>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 4))) == 4 >>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 2))) == 2 """ ndims = img.ndim if ndims == 2: n_channels = 1 elif ndims == 3: # Previously threw an error when n_channels was not 1, 3, or 4 n_channels = img.shape[2] else: raise ValueError('Cannot determine number of channels ' 'for img.shape={}'.format(img.shape)) return n_channels
[docs]def ensure_float01(img, dtype=np.float32, copy=True): """ Ensure that an image is encoded using a float32 properly Args: img (ndarray): an image in uint255 or float01 format. Other formats will raise errors. dtype (type, default=np.float32): a numpy floating type copy (bool, default=False): always copy if True, else copy if needed. Returns: ndarray: an array of floats in the range 0-1 Raises: ValueError : if the image type is integer and not in [0-255] Example: >>> ensure_float01(np.array([[0, .5, 1.0]])) array([[0. , 0.5, 1. ]], dtype=float32) >>> ensure_float01(np.array([[0, 1, 200]])) array([[0..., 0.0039..., 0.784...]], dtype=float32) """ if img.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u'): if img.dtype.kind != 'u' or img.dtype.itemsize != 1: # Only check min/max if the image is not a uint8 if img.min() < 0 or img.max() > 255: import kwarray raise ValueError( 'The image type is int, but its values are not ' 'between 0 and 255. Image stats are {}'.format( kwarray.stats_dict(img))) img_ = img.astype(dtype, copy=copy) / 255.0 else: img_ = img.astype(dtype, copy=copy) return img_
[docs]def ensure_uint255(img, copy=True): """ Ensure that an image is encoded using a uint8 properly. Either Args: img (ndarray): an image in uint255 or float01 format. Other formats will raise errors. copy (bool, default=False): always copy if True, else copy if needed. Returns: ndarray: an array of bytes in the range 0-255 Raises: ValueError : if the image type is float and not in [0-1] ValueError : if the image type is integer and not in [0-255] Example: >>> ensure_uint255(np.array([[0, .5, 1.0]])) array([[ 0, 127, 255]], dtype=uint8) >>> ensure_uint255(np.array([[0, 1, 200]])) array([[ 0, 1, 200]], dtype=uint8) """ if img.dtype.kind == 'u': img_ = img.astype(np.uint8, copy=copy) elif img.dtype.kind == 'i': if img.min() < 0 or img.max() > 255: import kwarray raise AssertionError( 'The image type is signed int, but its values are not ' 'between 0 and 255. Image stats are {}'.format( kwarray.stats_dict(img))) img_ = img.astype(np.uint8, copy=copy) else: # If the image is a float check that it is between 0 and 1 # Use a +- epsilon of 1e-3 to account for floating errors eps = 1e-3 if (img.min() < (0 - eps) or img.max() > (1 + eps)): import kwarray raise ValueError( 'The image type is float, but its values are not ' 'between 0 and 1. Image stats are {}'.format( kwarray.stats_dict(img))) img_ = (img.clip(0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8, copy=copy) return img_
# def _cast_type(*arrs): # # SeeAlso: np.common_type # for a in arrs: # if a.dtype.kind in ['f']: # pass
[docs]def make_channels_comparable(img1, img2, atleast3d=False): """ Broadcasts image arrays so they can have elementwise operations applied Args: img1 (ndarray): first image img2 (ndarray): second image atleast3d (bool, default=False): if true we ensure that the channel dimension exists (only relevant for 1-channel images) Example: >>> import itertools as it >>> wh_basis = [(5, 5), (3, 5), (5, 3), (1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1)] >>> for w, h in wh_basis: >>> shape_basis = [(w, h), (w, h, 1), (w, h, 3)] >>> # Test all permutations of shap inputs >>> for shape1, shape2 in it.product(shape_basis, shape_basis): >>> print('* input shapes: %r, %r' % (shape1, shape2)) >>> img1 = np.empty(shape1) >>> img2 = np.empty(shape2) >>> img1, img2 = make_channels_comparable(img1, img2) >>> print('... output shapes: %r, %r' % (img1.shape, img2.shape)) >>> elem = (img1 + img2) >>> print('... elem(+) shape: %r' % (elem.shape,)) >>> assert elem.size == img1.size, 'outputs should have same size' >>> assert img1.size == img2.size, 'new imgs should have same size' >>> print('--------') """ # if img1.shape[0:2] != img2.shape[0:2]: # raise ValueError( # 'Spatial sizes of {!r} and {!r} are not compatible'.format( # img1.shape, img2.shape)) if img1.shape != img2.shape: c1 = num_channels(img1) c2 = num_channels(img2) if len(img1.shape) == 2 and len(img2.shape) == 2: # Both images are 2d grayscale if atleast3d: # add the third dim with 1 channel img1 = img1[:, None] img2 = img2[:, None] elif len(img1.shape) == 3 and len(img2.shape) == 2: # Image 2 is grayscale if c1 == 3: img2 = np.tile(img2[..., None], 3) else: img2 = img2[..., None] elif len(img1.shape) == 2 and len(img2.shape) == 3: # Image 1 is grayscale if c2 == 3: img1 = np.tile(img1[..., None], 3) else: img1 = img1[..., None] elif len(img1.shape) == 3 and len(img2.shape) == 3: # Both images have 3 dims. # Check if either have color, then check for alpha if c1 == 1 and c2 == 1: # raise AssertionError('UNREACHABLE: Both are 3-grayscale') pass elif c1 == 4 and c2 == 4: # raise AssertionError('UNREACHABLE: Both are 3-alpha') pass elif c1 == 3 and c2 == 3: # raise AssertionError('UNREACHABLE: Both are 3-color') pass elif c1 == 1 and c2 == 3: img1 = np.tile(img1, 3) elif c1 == 3 and c2 == 1: img2 = np.tile(img2, 3) elif c1 == 1 and c2 == 4: img1 = np.dstack((np.tile(img1, 3), _alpha_fill_for(img1))) elif c1 == 4 and c2 == 1: img2 = np.dstack((np.tile(img2, 3), _alpha_fill_for(img2))) elif c1 == 3 and c2 == 4: img1 = np.dstack((img1, _alpha_fill_for(img1))) elif c1 == 4 and c2 == 3: img2 = np.dstack((img2, _alpha_fill_for(img2))) else: raise AssertionError('Unknown shape case: %r, %r' % (img1.shape, img2.shape)) else: raise AssertionError('Unknown shape case: %r, %r' % (img1.shape, img2.shape)) return img1, img2
[docs]def _alpha_fill_for(img): """ helper for make_channels_comparable """ fill_value = (255 if img.dtype.kind in ('i', 'u') else 1) alpha_chan = np.full(img.shape[0:2], dtype=img.dtype, fill_value=fill_value) return alpha_chan
[docs]def atleast_3channels(arr, copy=True): r""" Ensures that there are 3 channels in the image Args: arr (ndarray[N, M, ...]): the image copy (bool): Always copies if True, if False, then copies only when the size of the array must change. Returns: ndarray: with shape (N, M, C), where C in {3, 4} Doctest: >>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10))).shape[-1] == 3 >>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 1))).shape[-1] == 3 >>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 3))).shape[-1] == 3 >>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 4))).shape[-1] == 4 """ ndims = len(arr.shape) if ndims == 2: res = np.tile(arr[:, :, None], 3) return res elif ndims == 3: h, w, c = arr.shape if c == 1: res = np.tile(arr, 3) elif c in [3, 4]: res = arr.copy() if copy else arr else: raise ValueError('Cannot handle ndims={} with c={}'.format(ndims, c)) else: raise ValueError('Cannot handle arr.shape={}'.format(arr.shape)) return res
[docs]def normalize(arr, mode='linear', alpha=None, beta=None, out=None): """ Rebalance pixel intensities via contrast stretching. By default linearly stretches pixel intensities to minimum and maximum values. Notes: DEPRECATED: this function has been MOVED to ``kwarray.normalize`` """ import kwarray return kwarray.normalize(arr, mode=mode, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, out=out)
[docs]def normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=False, nodata=None, axis=None, dtype=np.float32): """ Normalize data intensities using heuristics to help put sensor data with extremely high or low contrast into a visible range. This function is designed with an emphasis on getting something that is reasonable for visualization. Args: imdata (ndarray): raw intensity data return_info (bool, default=False): if True, return information about the chosen normalization heuristic. nodata: A value representing nodata to leave unchanged during normalization, for example 0 dtype : can be float32 or float64 Returns: ndarray: a floating point array with values between 0 and 1. Example: >>> from kwimage.im_core import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import kwimage >>> import kwarray >>> s = 512 >>> bit_depth = 11 >>> dtype = np.uint16 >>> max_val = int(2 ** bit_depth) >>> min_val = int(0) >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> background = np.random.randint(min_val, max_val, size=(s, s), dtype=dtype) >>> poly1 = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=rng).scale(s / 2) >>> poly2 = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=rng).scale(s / 2).translate(s / 2) >>> forground = np.zeros_like(background, dtype=np.uint8) >>> forground = poly1.fill(forground, value=255) >>> forground = poly2.fill(forground, value=122) >>> forground = (kwimage.ensure_float01(forground) * max_val).astype(dtype) >>> imdata = background + forground >>> normed, info = normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=True) >>> print('info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(info, nl=1))) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(normed, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) Example: >>> from kwimage.im_core import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import kwimage >>> # Test on an image that is already normalized to test how it >>> # degrades >>> imdata = kwimage.grab_test_image() >>> normed, info = normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=True) >>> print('info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(info, nl=1))) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(normed, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) """ import kwarray if axis is not None: # Hack, normalize each channel individually. This could # be implementd more effciently. assert not return_info reorg = imdata.swapaxes(0, axis) parts = [] for item in reorg: part = normalize_intensity(item, nodata=nodata, axis=None) parts.append(part[None, :]) recomb = np.concatenate(parts, axis=0) final = recomb.swapaxes(0, axis) return final info = {} if nodata is not None: imdata_valid = imdata[imdata != nodata] else: imdata_valid = imdata # should center the desired distribution to visualize on zero # beta = np.median(imdata) quantiles = { 'low': 0.01, 'mid': 0.5, 'high': 0.9, } quant_low = quantiles['low'] quant_mid = quantiles['mid'] quant_high = quantiles['high'] qvals = [0, quant_low, quant_mid, quant_high, 1] quantile_vals = np.quantile(imdata_valid, qvals) (quant_low_abs, quant_low_val, quant_mid_val, quant_high_val, quant_high_abs) = quantile_vals # TODO: we could implement a hueristic where we do a numerical inspection # of the intensity distribution. We could apply a normalization that is # known to work for data with that sort of histogram distribution. # This might involve fitting several parametarized distributions to the # data and choosing the one with the best fit. (check how many modes there # are). # inner_range = quant_high_val - quant_low_val # upper_inner_range = quant_high_val - quant_mid_val # upper_lower_range = quant_mid_val - quant_low_val # # Compute amount of weight in each quantile quant_center_amount = (quant_high_val - quant_low_val) quant_low_amount = (quant_mid_val - quant_low_val) quant_high_amount = (quant_high_val - quant_mid_val) high_weight = quant_high_amount / quant_center_amount low_weight = quant_low_amount / quant_center_amount quant_high_residual = (1.0 - quant_high) quant_low_residual = (quant_low - 0.0) # todo: verify, having slight head fog, not 100% sure low_pad_val = quant_low_residual * (low_weight * quant_center_amount) high_pad_val = quant_high_residual * (high_weight * quant_center_amount) min_val = max(quant_low_abs, quant_low_val - low_pad_val) max_val = max(quant_high_abs, quant_high_val - high_pad_val) beta = quant_mid_val # This chooses alpha such the original min/max value will be pushed # towards -1 / +1. alpha = max(abs(min_val - beta), abs(max_val - beta)) / 6.212606 info.update({ 'min_val': min_val, 'max_val': max_val, 'beta': beta, 'alpha': alpha, 'mode': 'sigmoid' }) # Note: we are using kwarray normalize, the one in kwimage is the same, # but deprecated. imdata_normalized = kwarray.normalize( imdata.astype(dtype), mode='sigmoid', beta=beta, alpha=alpha) if nodata is not None: result = np.where(imdata != nodata, imdata_normalized, imdata) else: result = imdata_normalized if return_info: return result, info else: return result
[docs]def padded_slice(data, in_slice, pad=None, padkw=None, return_info=False): """ Allows slices with out-of-bound coordinates. Any out of bounds coordinate will be sampled via padding. DEPRECATED FOR THE VERSION IN KWARRAY (slices are more array-ish than image-ish) Note: Negative slices have a different meaning here then they usually do. Normally, they indicate a wrap-around or a reversed stride, but here they index into out-of-bounds space (which depends on the pad mode). For example a slice of -2:1 literally samples two pixels to the left of the data and one pixel from the data, so you get two padded values and one data value. Args: data (Sliceable[T]): data to slice into. Any channels must be the last dimension. in_slice (slice | Tuple[slice, ...]): slice for each dimensions ndim (int): number of spatial dimensions pad (List[int|Tuple]): additional padding of the slice padkw (Dict): if unspecified defaults to ``{'mode': 'constant'}`` return_info (bool, default=False): if True, return extra information about the transform. SeeAlso: _padded_slice_embed - finds the embedded slice and padding _padded_slice_apply - applies padding to sliced data Returns: Sliceable: data_sliced: subregion of the input data (possibly with padding, depending on if the original slice went out of bounds) Tuple[Sliceable, Dict] : data_sliced : as above transform : information on how to return to the original coordinates Currently a dict containing: st_dims: a list indicating the low and high space-time coordinate values of the returned data slice. The structure of this dictionary mach change in the future Example: >>> data = np.arange(5) >>> in_slice = [slice(-2, 7)] >>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, in_slice) >>> print(ub.repr2(data_sliced, with_dtype=False)) np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0]) >>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, in_slice, pad=(3, 3)) >>> print(ub.repr2(data_sliced, with_dtype=False)) np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, slice(3, 4), pad=[(1, 0)]) >>> print(ub.repr2(data_sliced, with_dtype=False)) np.array([2, 3]) """ import warnings warnings.warn('Deprecated use kwarray.padded_slice instead', DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(in_slice, slice): in_slice = [in_slice] ndim = len(in_slice) data_dims = data.shape[:ndim] # separate requested slice into an in-bounds part and a padding part data_slice, extra_padding = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad=pad) # Get the parts of the image that are in-bounds data_clipped = data[data_slice] # Apply the padding part data_sliced, transform = _padded_slice_apply( data_clipped, data_slice, extra_padding, padkw=padkw) if return_info: return data_sliced, transform else: return data_sliced
[docs]def _padded_slice_apply(data_clipped, data_slice, extra_padding, padkw=None): """ Applies requested padding to an extracted data slice. """ # Add any padding that is needed to behave like negative dims exist if sum(map(sum, extra_padding)) == 0: # The slice was completely in bounds data_sliced = data_clipped else: if padkw is None: padkw = { 'mode': 'constant', } trailing_dims = len(data_clipped.shape) - len(extra_padding) if trailing_dims > 0: extra_padding = extra_padding + ([(0, 0)] * trailing_dims) data_sliced = np.pad(data_clipped, extra_padding, **padkw) st_dims = [(sl.start - pad_[0], sl.stop + pad_[1]) for sl, pad_ in zip(data_slice, extra_padding)] # TODO: return a better transform back to the original space transform = { 'st_dims': st_dims, 'st_offset': [d[0] for d in st_dims] } return data_sliced, transform
[docs]def _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad=None): """ Embeds a "padded-slice" inside known data dimension. Returns the valid data portion of the slice with extra padding for regions outside of the available dimension. Given a slices for each dimension, image dimensions, and a padding get the corresponding slice from the image and any extra padding needed to achieve the requested window size. Args: in_slice (Tuple[slice]): a tuple of slices for to apply to data data dimension. data_dims (Tuple[int]): n-dimension data sizes (e.g. 2d height, width) pad (tuple): (List[int|Tuple]): extra pad applied to (left and right) / (both) sides of each slice dim Returns: Tuple: data_slice - Tuple[slice] a slice that can be applied to an array with with shape `data_dims`. This slice will not correspond to the full window size if the requested slice is out of bounds. extra_padding - extra padding needed after slicing to achieve the requested window size. Example: >>> # Case where slice is inside the data dims on left edge >>> from kwimage.im_core import * # NOQA >>> in_slice = (slice(0, 10), slice(0, 10)) >>> data_dims = [300, 300] >>> pad = [10, 5] >>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad) >>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a)) >>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b)) data_slice = (slice(0, 20, None), slice(0, 15, None)) extra_padding = [(10, 0), (5, 0)] Example: >>> # Case where slice is bigger than the image >>> in_slice = (slice(-10, 400), slice(-10, 400)) >>> data_dims = [300, 300] >>> pad = [10, 5] >>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad) >>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a)) >>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b)) data_slice = (slice(0, 300, None), slice(0, 300, None)) extra_padding = [(20, 110), (15, 105)] Example: >>> # Case where slice is inside than the image >>> in_slice = (slice(10, 40), slice(10, 40)) >>> data_dims = [300, 300] >>> pad = None >>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad) >>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a)) >>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b)) data_slice = (slice(10, 40, None), slice(10, 40, None)) extra_padding = [(0, 0), (0, 0)] """ low_dims = [sl.start for sl in in_slice] high_dims = [sl.stop for sl in in_slice] # Determine the real part of the image that can be sliced out data_slice_st = [] extra_padding = [] if pad is None: pad = 0 if isinstance(pad, int): pad = [pad] * len(data_dims) # Normalize to left/right pad value for each dim pad_slice = [p if ub.iterable(p) else [p, p] for p in pad] # Determine the real part of the image that can be sliced out for D_img, d_low, d_high, d_pad in zip(data_dims, low_dims, high_dims, pad_slice): if d_low > d_high: raise ValueError('d_low > d_high: {} > {}'.format(d_low, d_high)) # Determine where the bounds would be if the image size was inf raw_low = d_low - d_pad[0] raw_high = d_high + d_pad[1] # Clip the slice positions to the real part of the image sl_low = min(D_img, max(0, raw_low)) sl_high = min(D_img, max(0, raw_high)) data_slice_st.append((sl_low, sl_high)) # Add extra padding when the window extends past the real part low_diff = sl_low - raw_low high_diff = raw_high - sl_high # Hand the case where both raw coordinates are out of bounds extra_low = max(0, low_diff + min(0, high_diff)) extra_high = max(0, high_diff + min(0, low_diff)) extra = (extra_low, extra_high) extra_padding.append(extra) data_slice = tuple(slice(s, t) for s, t in data_slice_st) return data_slice, extra_padding