Source code for kwimage.im_draw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import cv2

[docs]def draw_text_on_image(img, text, org, return_info=False, **kwargs): r""" Draws multiline text on an image using opencv Args: img (ndarray | None | dict): Generally a numpy image to draw on (inplace). Otherwise a canvas will be constructed such that the text will fit. The user may specify a dictionary with keys width and height to have more control over the constructed canvas. text (str): text to draw org (Tuple[int, int]): The x, y location of the text string "anchor" in the image as specified by halign and valign. For instance, If valign='bottom', halign='left', this is the bottom left corner. return_info (bool, default=False): if True, also returns information about the positions the text was drawn on. **kwargs: color (tuple): default blue thickness (int): defaults to 2 fontFace (int): defaults to cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX fontScale (float): defaults to 1.0 valign (str, default='bottom'): either top, center, or bottom. NOTE: this default may change to "top" in the future. halign (str, default='left'): either left, center, or right border (dict | int): If specified as an integer, draws a black border with that given thickness. If specified as a dictionary, draws a border with color specified parameters. "color": border color, defaults to "black". "thickness": border thickness, defaults to 1. Returns: ndarray: the image that was drawn on Note: The image is modified inplace. If the image is non-contiguous then this returns a UMat instead of a ndarray, so be carefull with that. References: Example: >>> import kwimage >>> img = kwimage.grab_test_image(space='rgb') >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img.copy(), 'FOOBAR', org=(0, 0), valign='top') >>> assert img2.shape == img.shape >>> assert np.any(img2 != img) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> import kwimage >>> # Test valign >>> img = kwimage.grab_test_image(space='rgb', dsize=(500, 500)) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(0, 0), valign='top', border=2) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(150, 0), valign='center', border=2) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(300, 0), valign='bottom', border=2) >>> # Test halign >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(250, 100), halign='right', border=2) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(250, 250), halign='center', border=2) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(250, 400), halign='left', border=2) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # Ensure the function works with float01 or uint255 images >>> import kwimage >>> img = kwimage.grab_test_image(space='rgb') >>> img = kwimage.ensure_float01(img) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(img, 'FOOBAR\nbazbiz\nspam', org=(0, 0), valign='top', border=2) Example: >>> # Test dictionary border >>> import kwimage >>> img = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(None, 'hello\neveryone', org=(100, 100), valign='top', halign='center', border={'color': 'green', 'thickness': 9}) >>> #img = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(None, 'hello\neveryone', org=(0, 0), valign='top') >>> #img = kwimage.draw_text_on_image(None, 'hello', org=(0, 60), valign='top', halign='center', border=0) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # Test dictionary image >>> import kwimage >>> img = kwimage.draw_text_on_image({'width': 300}, 'good\nPropogate', org=(150, 0), valign='top', halign='center', border={'color': 'green', 'thickness': 0}) >>> print('img.shape = {!r}'.format(img.shape)) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwimage if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'red' # Get the color that is compatible with the input image encoding if img is None or isinstance(img, dict): kwargs['color'] = kwimage.Color(kwargs['color']).as255() else: kwargs['color'] = kwimage.Color(kwargs['color'])._forimage(img) if 'thickness' not in kwargs: kwargs['thickness'] = 2 if 'fontFace' not in kwargs: kwargs['fontFace'] = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX if 'fontScale' not in kwargs: kwargs['fontScale'] = 1.0 if 'lineType' not in kwargs: kwargs['lineType'] = cv2.LINE_AA if 'bottomLeftOrigin' in kwargs: raise ValueError('Do not use bottomLeftOrigin, use valign instead') border = kwargs.pop('border', None) if border is not None: if isinstance(border, int): border = {'color': 'black', 'thickness': border} subkw = kwargs.copy() subkw['color'] = border.get('color', 'black') subkw.pop('return_info', None) border_thickness = border.get('thickness', 1) else: border_thickness = 0 valign = kwargs.pop('valign', None) halign = kwargs.pop('halign', None) getsize_kw = { k: kwargs[k] for k in ['fontFace', 'fontScale', 'thickness'] if k in kwargs } x0, y0 = list(map(int, org)) thickness = kwargs.get('thickness', 2) vertical_spacing = 4 # space between vertical lines ypad = thickness + vertical_spacing lines = text.split('\n') line_sizes = [] final_baseline = 0 for line in lines: # TODO: better handling of baseline # (line_width, line_height), baseline = cv2.getTextSize(line, **getsize_kw) line_sizes.append((line_width, line_height)) final_baseline = baseline line_sizes = np.array(line_sizes) line_org = [] y = y0 for w, h in line_sizes: next_y = y + (h + ypad) line_org.append((x0, y)) y = next_y line_org = np.array(line_org) # the absolute top and bottom position of text abs_top_y = line_org[0, 1] abs_bot_y = (line_org[-1, 1] + line_sizes[-1, 1]) + thickness first_h = line_sizes[0, 1] total_h = (abs_bot_y - abs_top_y) total_w = line_sizes.T[0].max() if valign is not None: if valign == 'bottom': # This is the default for the one-line case # in the multiline case we need to subtract the total # height of all lines but the first to ensure the last # line is on the bottom. line_org[:, 1] -= (total_h - first_h) elif valign == 'center': # Change from bottom to center line_org[:, 1] += first_h - total_h // 2 elif valign == 'top': # Because bottom is the default we just need to add height of the # first line. line_org[:, 1] += first_h else: raise KeyError(valign) if halign is not None: if halign == 'left': # This is the default case, no modification needed pass elif halign == 'center': # When the x-orgin should be the center, subtract half of # the line width to get the leftmost point. line_org[:, 0] = x0 - (line_sizes[:, 0] / 2) elif halign == 'right': # The x-orgin should be the rightmost point, subtract # the width of each line to find the leftmost point. line_org[:, 0] = x0 - line_sizes[:, 0] else: raise KeyError(halign) if img is None: img = {'width': None, 'height': None} if isinstance(img, dict): # if image is unspecified allocate just enough space for text # allow users to specify partial parameters alloc_w = img.get('width', None) alloc_h = img.get('height', None) if alloc_w is None: abs_left_x = line_org[:, 0].min() alloc_w = total_w + border_thickness + abs_left_x if alloc_h is None: alloc_h = total_h + border_thickness + abs_top_y + final_baseline img = np.zeros((alloc_h, alloc_w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) if border_thickness > 0: # recursive call basis = list(range(-border_thickness, border_thickness + 1)) for i, j in it.product(basis, basis): if i == 0 and j == 0: continue org = np.array(org) img = draw_text_on_image(img, text, org=org + [i, j], **subkw) for i, line in enumerate(lines): xy = tuple(line_org[i]) img = cv2.putText(img, line, xy, **kwargs) if return_info: info = { 'line_org': line_org, 'line_sizes': line_sizes, } return img, info else: return img
[docs]def draw_clf_on_image(im, classes, tcx=None, probs=None, pcx=None, border=1): """ Draws classification label on an image. Works best with image chips sized between 200x200 and 500x500 Args: im (ndarray): the image classes (Sequence | CategoryTree): list of class names tcx (int, default=None): true class index if known probs (ndarray): predicted class probs for each class pcx (int, default=None): predicted class index. (if None but probs is specified uses argmax of probs) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> import torch >>> import kwarray >>> import kwimage >>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0) >>> im = (rng.rand(300, 300) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> classes = ['cls_a', 'cls_b', 'cls_c'] >>> tcx = 1 >>> probs = rng.rand(len(classes)) >>> probs[tcx] = 0 >>> probs = torch.FloatTensor(probs).softmax(dim=0).numpy() >>> im1_ = kwimage.draw_clf_on_image(im, classes, tcx, probs) >>> probs[tcx] = .9 >>> probs = torch.FloatTensor(probs).softmax(dim=0).numpy() >>> im2_ = kwimage.draw_clf_on_image(im, classes, tcx, probs) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(im1_, colorspace='rgb', pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(im2_, colorspace='rgb', pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwimage im_ = kwimage.atleast_3channels(im) w, h = im.shape[0:2][::-1] if pcx is None and probs is not None: import kwarray probs = kwarray.ArrayAPI.numpy(probs) pcx = probs.argmax() if probs is not None: pred_score = None if pcx is None else probs[pcx] true_score = None if tcx is None else probs[tcx] org1 = np.array((2, h - 5)) org2 = np.array((2, 5)) true_label = None if tcx is not None: true_name = classes[tcx] if pcx == tcx: true_label = 't:{tcx}:{true_name}'.format(**locals()) elif probs is None: true_label = 't:{tcx}:\n{true_name}'.format(**locals()) else: true_label = 't:{tcx}@{true_score:.2f}:\n{true_name}'.format(**locals()) pred_label = None if pcx is not None: pred_name = classes[pcx] if probs is None: pred_label = 'p:{pcx}:\n{pred_name}'.format(**locals()) else: pred_label = 'p:{pcx}@{pred_score:.2f}:\n{pred_name}'.format(**locals()) fontkw = { 'fontScale': 1.0, 'thickness': 2 } color = 'dodgerblue' if pcx == tcx else 'orangered' # im_ = draw_text_on_image(im_, pred_label, org=org1 - 2, # color='white', valign='bottom', **fontkw) # im_ = draw_text_on_image(im_, true_label, org=org2 - 2, # color='white', valign='top', **fontkw) if pred_label is not None: im_ = draw_text_on_image(im_, pred_label, org=org1, color=color, border=border, valign='bottom', **fontkw) if true_label is not None: im_ = draw_text_on_image(im_, true_label, org=org2, color='lawngreen', valign='top', border=border, **fontkw) return im_
[docs]def draw_boxes_on_image(img, boxes, color='blue', thickness=1, box_format=None, colorspace='rgb'): """ Draws boxes on an image. Args: img (ndarray): image to copy and draw on boxes (nh.util.Boxes): boxes to draw colorspace (str): string code of the input image colorspace Example: >>> import kwimage >>> import numpy as np >>> img = np.zeros((10, 10, 3), dtype=np.uint8) >>> color = 'dodgerblue' >>> thickness = 1 >>> boxes = kwimage.Boxes([[1, 1, 8, 8]], 'ltrb') >>> img2 = draw_boxes_on_image(img, boxes, color, thickness) >>> assert tuple(img2[1, 1]) == (30, 144, 255) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() # xdoc: +SKIP >>> kwplot.figure(doclf=True, fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(img2) """ import kwimage import cv2 if not isinstance(boxes, kwimage.Boxes): if box_format is None: raise ValueError('specify box_format') boxes = kwimage.Boxes(boxes, box_format) color = kwimage.Color(color)._forimage(img, colorspace) ltrb = boxes.to_ltrb().data img2 = img.copy() for x1, y1, x2, y2 in ltrb: # pt1 = (int(round(x1)), int(round(y1))) # pt2 = (int(round(x2)), int(round(y2))) pt1 = (int(x1), int(y1)) pt2 = (int(x2), int(y2)) # Note cv2.rectangle does work inplace img2 = cv2.rectangle(img2, pt1, pt2, color, thickness=thickness) return img2
[docs]def draw_line_segments_on_image( img, pts1, pts2, color='blue', colorspace='rgb', thickness=1, **kwargs): """ Draw line segments between pts1 and pts2 on an image. Args: pts1 (ndarray): xy coordinates of starting points pts2 (ndarray): corresponding xy coordinates of ending points color (str | List): color code or a list of colors for each line segment colorspace (str, default='rgb'): colorspace of image thickness (int, default=1) lineType (int, default=cv2.LINE_AA) option for cv2.line Returns: ndarray: the modified image (inplace if possible) Example: >>> from kwimage.im_draw import * # NOQA >>> pts1 = np.array([[2, 0], [2, 20], [2.5, 30]]) >>> pts2 = np.array([[10, 5], [30, 28], [100, 50]]) >>> img = np.ones((100, 100, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 >>> color = 'blue' >>> colorspace = 'rgb' >>> img2 = draw_line_segments_on_image(img, pts1, pts2, thickness=2) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() # xdoc: +SKIP >>> kwplot.figure(doclf=True, fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(img2) Example: >>> import kwimage >>> pts1 = kwimage.Points.random(10).scale(512).xy >>> pts2 = kwimage.Points.random(10).scale(512).xy >>> img = np.ones((512, 512, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 >>> color = kwimage.Color.distinct(10) >>> img2 = kwimage.draw_line_segments_on_image(img, pts1, pts2, color=color) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() # xdoc: +SKIP >>> kwplot.figure(doclf=True, fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(img2) """ import cv2 # color = kwimage.Color(color)._forimage(img, colorspace) num = len(pts1) colors = _broadcast_colors(color, num, img, colorspace) if 'lineType' not in kwargs: kwargs['lineType'] = cv2.LINE_AA pts1_ = pts1.tolist() pts2_ = pts2.tolist() for xy1, xy2, col in zip(pts1_, pts2_, colors): xy1 = tuple(map(int, xy1)) xy2 = tuple(map(int, xy2)) cv2.line(img, xy1, xy2, color=col, thickness=thickness, **kwargs) return img
[docs]def _broadcast_colors(color, num, img, colorspace): """ Determine if color applies a single color to all ``num`` items, or if it is a list of colors for each item. Return as a list of colors for each item. TODO: - [ ] add as classmethod of kwimage.Color Example: >>> img = (np.random.rand(512, 512, 3) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> colorspace = 'rgb' >>> color = color_str_list = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] >>> color_str = 'red' >>> num = 3 >>> print(_broadcast_colors(color_str_list, num, img, colorspace)) >>> print(_broadcast_colors(color_str, num, img, colorspace)) >>> colors_tuple_list = _broadcast_colors(color_str_list, num, img, colorspace) >>> print(_broadcast_colors(colors_tuple_list, num, img, colorspace)) >>> # >>> # FIXME: This case seems broken >>> colors_ndarray_list = np.array(_broadcast_colors(color_str_list, num, img, colorspace)) >>> print(_broadcast_colors(colors_ndarray_list, num, img, colorspace)) """ # Note there is an ambiguity when num=3 and color=[int, int, int] # that must be resolved by checking num channels in the image import kwimage import ubelt as ub import numbers needs_broadcast = True # assume the list wasnt given by default if ub.iterable(color): first = ub.peek(color) if len(color) == num: if len(color) <= 4 and isinstance(first, numbers.Number): # ambiguous case, interpret as a single broadcastable color needs_broadcast = True else: # This is the only case we dont need broadcast needs_broadcast = False if needs_broadcast: color = kwimage.Color(color)._forimage(img, colorspace) colors = [color] * num else: colors = [kwimage.Color(c)._forimage(img, colorspace) for c in color] return colors
[docs]def make_heatmask(probs, cmap='plasma', with_alpha=1.0, space='rgb', dsize=None): """ Colorizes a single-channel intensity mask (with an alpha channel) Args: probs (ndarray): 2D probability map with values between 0 and 1 cmap (str): mpl colormap with_alpha (float): between 0 and 1, uses probs as the alpha multipled by this number. space (str): output colorspace dsize (tuple): if not None, then output is resized to W,H=dsize SeeAlso: kwimage.overlay_alpha_images Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(module:matplotlib) >>> probs = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, 10), (10, 1)) >>> heatmask = make_heatmask(probs, with_alpha=0.8, dsize=(100, 100)) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.imshow(heatmask, fnum=1, doclf=True, colorspace='rgb') >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwimage import matplotlib as mpl import # NOQA assert len(probs.shape) == 2 cmap_ = probs = kwimage.ensure_float01(probs) heatmask = cmap_(probs).astype(np.float32) heatmask = kwimage.convert_colorspace(heatmask, 'rgba', space, implicit=True) if with_alpha is not False and with_alpha is not None: heatmask[:, :, 3] = (probs * with_alpha) # assign probs to alpha channel if dsize is not None: import cv2 heatmask = cv2.resize( heatmask, tuple(dsize), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) return heatmask
[docs]def make_orimask(radians, mag=None, alpha=1.0): """ Makes a colormap in HSV space where the orientation changes color and mag changes the saturation/value. Args: radians (ndarray): orientation in radians mag (ndarray): magnitude (must be normalized between 0 and 1) alpha (float | ndarray): if False or None, then the image is returned without alpha if a float, then mag is scaled by this and used as the alpha channel if an ndarray, then this is explicilty set as the alpha channel Returns: ndarray[float32]: an rgb / rgba image in 01 space SeeAlso: kwimage.overlay_alpha_images Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(module:matplotlib) >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(64), np.arange(64)) >>> dx, dy = x - 32, y - 32 >>> radians = np.arctan2(dx, dy) >>> mag = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) >>> orimask = make_orimask(radians, mag) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.imshow(orimask, fnum=1, doclf=True, colorspace='rgb') >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl import # NOQA TAU = np.pi * 2 # Map radians to 0 to 1 ori01 = (radians % TAU) / TAU cmap_ ='hsv') color_rgb = cmap_(ori01)[..., 0:3].astype(np.float32) if mag is not None: import kwimage if mag.max() > 1: mag = mag / mag.max() color_hsv = kwimage.convert_colorspace(color_rgb, 'rgb', 'hsv') color_hsv[..., 1:3] = mag[..., None] color_rgb = kwimage.convert_colorspace(color_hsv, 'hsv', 'rgb') else: mag = 1 orimask = np.array(color_rgb, dtype=np.float32) if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray): # Alpha specified as explicit numpy array orimask = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(orimask) orimask[:, :, 3] = alpha elif alpha is not False and alpha is not None: orimask = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(orimask) orimask[:, :, 3] = mag * alpha return orimask
[docs]def make_vector_field(dx, dy, stride=0.02, thresh=0.0, scale=1.0, alpha=1.0, color='red', thickness=1, tipLength=0.1, line_type='aa'): """ Create an image representing a 2D vector field. Args: dx (ndarray): grid of vector x components dy (ndarray): grid of vector y components stride (int | float): sparsity of vectors, int specifies stride step in pixels, a float specifies it as a percentage. thresh (float): only plot vectors with magnitude greater than thres scale (float): multiply magnitude for easier visualization alpha (float): alpha value for vectors. Non-vector regions receive 0 alpha (if False, no alpha channel is used) color (str | tuple | kwimage.Color): RGB color of the vectors thickness (int, default=1): thickness of arrows tipLength (float, default=0.1): fraction of line length line_type (int): either cv2.LINE_4, cv2.LINE_8, or cv2.LINE_AA Returns: ndarray[float32]: vec_img: an rgb/rgba image in 0-1 space SeeAlso: kwimage.overlay_alpha_images DEPRECATED USE: draw_vector_field instead Example: >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(512), np.arange(512)) >>> dx, dy = x - 256.01, y - 256.01 >>> radians = np.arctan2(dx, dy) >>> mag = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) >>> dx, dy = dx / mag, dy / mag >>> img = make_vector_field(dx, dy, scale=10, alpha=False) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import warnings warnings.warn('Deprecated, use draw_vector_field instead', DeprecationWarning) import cv2 import kwimage color = kwimage.Color(color).as255('rgb') vecmask = np.zeros(dx.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) line_type_lookup = {'aa': cv2.LINE_AA} line_type = line_type_lookup.get(line_type, line_type) width = dx.shape[1] height = dy.shape[0] x_grid = np.arange(0, width, 1) y_grid = np.arange(0, height, 1) # Vector locations and directions X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) U, V = dx, dy XYUV = [X, Y, U, V] if isinstance(stride, float): if stride < 0 or stride > 1: raise ValueError('Floating point strides must be between 0 and 1') stride = int(np.ceil(stride * min(width, height))) # stride the points if stride is not None and stride > 1: XYUV = [a[::stride, ::stride] for a in XYUV] # flatten the points XYUV = [a.ravel() for a in XYUV] # Filter out points with low magnitudes if thresh is not None and thresh > 0: M = np.sqrt((XYUV[2] ** 2) + (XYUV[3] ** 2)).ravel() XYUV = np.array(XYUV) flags = M > thresh XYUV = [a[flags] for a in XYUV] # Adjust vector magnitude for visibility if scale is not None: XYUV[2] *= scale XYUV[3] *= scale for (x, y, u, v) in zip(*XYUV): pt1 = (int(x), int(y)) pt2 = tuple(map(int, map(np.round, (x + u, y + v)))) cv2.arrowedLine(vecmask, pt1, pt2, color=color, thickness=thickness, tipLength=tipLength, line_type=line_type) vecmask = kwimage.ensure_float01(vecmask) if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray): # Alpha specified as explicit numpy array vecmask = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(vecmask) vecmask[:, :, 3] = alpha elif alpha is not False and alpha is not None: # Alpha specified as a scale factor vecmask = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(vecmask) # vecmask[:, :, 3] = (vecmask[:, :, 0:3].sum(axis=2) > 0) * alpha vecmask[:, :, 3] = vecmask[:, :, 0:3].sum(axis=2) * alpha return vecmask
[docs]def draw_vector_field(image, dx, dy, stride=0.02, thresh=0.0, scale=1.0, alpha=1.0, color='red', thickness=1, tipLength=0.1, line_type='aa'): """ Create an image representing a 2D vector field. Args: image (ndarray): image to draw on dx (ndarray): grid of vector x components dy (ndarray): grid of vector y components stride (int | float): sparsity of vectors, int specifies stride step in pixels, a float specifies it as a percentage. thresh (float): only plot vectors with magnitude greater than thres scale (float): multiply magnitude for easier visualization alpha (float): alpha value for vectors. Non-vector regions receive 0 alpha (if False, no alpha channel is used) color (str | tuple | kwimage.Color): RGB color of the vectors thickness (int, default=1): thickness of arrows tipLength (float, default=0.1): fraction of line length line_type (int): either cv2.LINE_4, cv2.LINE_8, or cv2.LINE_AA Returns: ndarray[float32]: The image with vectors overlaid. If image=None, then an rgb/a image is created and returned. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> width, height = 512, 512 >>> image = kwimage.grab_test_image(dsize=(width, height)) >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(height), np.arange(width)) >>> dx, dy = x - width / 2, y - height / 2 >>> radians = np.arctan2(dx, dy) >>> mag = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) + 1e-3 >>> dx, dy = dx / mag, dy / mag >>> img = kwimage.draw_vector_field(image, dx, dy, scale=10, alpha=False) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 import kwimage if image is None: # Create a default image image = np.zeros(dx.shape + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) # image = kwimage.atleast_3channels(image) color = kwimage.Color(color)._forimage(image) line_type_lookup = {'aa': cv2.LINE_AA} line_type = line_type_lookup.get(line_type, line_type) height, width = dx.shape[0:2] x_grid = np.arange(0, width, 1) y_grid = np.arange(0, height, 1) # Vector locations and directions X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid) U, V = dx, dy XYUV = [X, Y, U, V] if isinstance(stride, float): if stride < 0 or stride > 1: raise ValueError('Floating point strides must be between 0 and 1') stride = int(np.ceil(stride * min(width, height))) # stride the points if stride is not None and stride > 1: XYUV = [a[::stride, ::stride] for a in XYUV] # flatten the points XYUV = [a.ravel() for a in XYUV] # Filter out points with low magnitudes if thresh is not None and thresh > 0: M = np.sqrt((XYUV[2] ** 2) + (XYUV[3] ** 2)).ravel() XYUV = np.array(XYUV) flags = M > thresh XYUV = [a[flags] for a in XYUV] # Adjust vector magnitude for visibility if scale is not None: XYUV[2] *= scale XYUV[3] *= scale if alpha is not None and alpha is not False and alpha != 1: raise NotImplementedError for (x, y, u, v) in zip(*XYUV): pt1 = (int(x), int(y)) pt2 = tuple(map(int, map(np.round, (x + u, y + v)))) cv2.arrowedLine(image, pt1, pt2, color=color, thickness=thickness, tipLength=tipLength, line_type=line_type) if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray): # Alpha specified as explicit numpy array image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image) image = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(image) image[:, :, 3] = alpha elif alpha is not False and alpha is not None: # Alpha specified as a scale factor image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image) image = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(image) # image[:, :, 3] = (image[:, :, 0:3].sum(axis=2) > 0) * alpha image[:, :, 3] = image[:, :, 0:3].sum(axis=2) * alpha return image