Source code for kwimage.im_filter

import numpy as np

[docs]def radial_fourier_mask(img_hwc, radius=11, axis=None, clip=None): """ In [1] they use a radius of 11.0 on CIFAR-10. Args: img_hwc (ndarray): assumed to be float 01 References: [1] Jo and Bengio "Measuring the tendency of CNNs to Learn Surface Statistical Regularities" 2017. Example: >>> from kwimage.im_filter import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> img_hwc = kwimage.grab_test_image() >>> img_hwc = kwimage.ensure_float01(img_hwc) >>> out_hwc = radial_fourier_mask(img_hwc, radius=11) >>> # xdoc: REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> def keepdim(func): >>> def _wrap(im): >>> needs_transpose = (im.shape[0] == 3) >>> if needs_transpose: >>> im = im.transpose(1, 2, 0) >>> out = func(im) >>> if needs_transpose: >>> out = out.transpose(2, 0, 1) >>> return out >>> return _wrap >>> @keepdim >>> def rgb_to_lab(im): >>> return kwimage.convert_colorspace(im, src_space='rgb', dst_space='lab') >>> @keepdim >>> def lab_to_rgb(im): >>> return kwimage.convert_colorspace(im, src_space='lab', dst_space='rgb') >>> @keepdim >>> def rgb_to_yuv(im): >>> return kwimage.convert_colorspace(im, src_space='rgb', dst_space='yuv') >>> @keepdim >>> def yuv_to_rgb(im): >>> return kwimage.convert_colorspace(im, src_space='yuv', dst_space='rgb') >>> def show_data(img_hwc): >>> # dpath = ub.ensuredir('./fouriertest') >>> kwplot.imshow(img_hwc, fnum=1) >>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nRows=4, nCols=5) >>> for r in range(0, 17): >>> imgt = radial_fourier_mask(img_hwc, r, clip=(0, 1)) >>> kwplot.imshow(imgt, pnum=pnum_(), fnum=2) >>> plt.gca().set_title('r = {}'.format(r)) >>> kwplot.set_figtitle('RGB') >>> # plt.gcf().savefig(join(dpath, '{}_{:08d}.png'.format('rgb', x))) >>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nRows=4, nCols=5) >>> for r in range(0, 17): >>> imgt = lab_to_rgb(radial_fourier_mask(rgb_to_lab(img_hwc), r)) >>> kwplot.imshow(imgt, pnum=pnum_(), fnum=3) >>> plt.gca().set_title('r = {}'.format(r)) >>> kwplot.set_figtitle('LAB') >>> # plt.gcf().savefig(join(dpath, '{}_{:08d}.png'.format('lab', x))) >>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nRows=4, nCols=5) >>> for r in range(0, 17): >>> imgt = yuv_to_rgb(radial_fourier_mask(rgb_to_yuv(img_hwc), r)) >>> kwplot.imshow(imgt, pnum=pnum_(), fnum=4) >>> plt.gca().set_title('r = {}'.format(r)) >>> kwplot.set_figtitle('YUV') >>> # plt.gcf().savefig(join(dpath, '{}_{:08d}.png'.format('yuv', x))) >>> show_data(img_hwc) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 rows, cols = img_hwc.shape[0:2] diam = radius * 2 left = int(np.floor((cols - diam) / 2)) right = int(np.ceil((cols - diam) / 2)) top = int(np.floor((rows - diam) / 2)) bot = int(np.ceil((rows - diam) / 2)) # element = skimage.morphology.disk(radius) # mask = np.pad(element, ((top, bot), (left, right)), 'constant') if diam > 0: element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (diam, diam)) mask = cv2.copyMakeBorder(element, top, bot, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0) else: mask = 0 out_hwc = fourier_mask(img_hwc, mask, axis=axis, clip=clip) return out_hwc
[docs]def fourier_mask(img_hwc, mask, axis=None, clip=None): """ Applies a mask to the fourier spectrum of an image Args: img_hwc (ndarray): assumed to be float 01 mask (ndarray): mask used to modulate the image in the fourier domain. Usually these are boolean values (hence the name mask), but any numerical value is technically allowed. CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.im_filter fourier_mask --show Example: >>> from kwimage.im_filter import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> img_hwc = kwimage.grab_test_image(space='gray') >>> mask = np.random.rand(*img_hwc.shape[0:2]) >>> out_hwc = fourier_mask(img_hwc, mask) >>> # xdoc: REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img_hwc, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(out_hwc, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import kwarray img_hwc = kwarray.atleast_nd(img_hwc, 3, front=False) img_chw = img_hwc.transpose(2, 0, 1) def fourier(s): # note: cv2 functions would probably be faster here return np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(s)) def inv_fourier(f): # use real because LAB has negative components return np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(f))) out_chw = np.empty_like(img_chw) if axis is None: for i, s in enumerate(img_chw): # hadamard product (aka simple element-wise multiplication) out_chw[i] = inv_fourier(fourier(s) * mask) else: for i, s in enumerate(img_chw): if i in axis: # hadamard product (aka simple element-wise multiplication) out_chw[i] = inv_fourier(fourier(s) * mask) else: out_chw[i] = s if clip: out_chw = np.clip(out_chw, *clip) out_hwc = out_chw.transpose(1, 2, 0) return out_hwc