Source code for kwimage.im_io

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides functions ``imread`` and ``imwrite`` which are wrappers
around concrete readers/writers provided by other libraries. This allows us to
support a wider array of formats than any of individual backends.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import warnings  # NOQA
import cv2
from os.path import exists
import ubelt as ub
from . import im_cv2
from . import im_core

__all__ = [
    'imread', 'imwrite', 'load_image_shape',

# Common image extensions
    '.jpg', '.jpeg'

# These should be supported by opencv / PIL
    ('.bmp', '.pgm', '.png',)

# Extensions that usually will require GDAL
    '.ntf', '.nitf', '.ptif', '.cog.tiff', '.cog.tif',
    '.r0', '.r1', '.r2', '.r3', '.r4', '.r5', '.nsf',
    '.jp2', '.vrt',

# TODO: ITK Image formats
    '.nrrd',  #
    '.mgh',  #
    '.nii',  #
    '.mrb',  # multiple-resolution-bitmap

# ITK Demo data:

    ('.tif', '.tiff',) +

[docs]def imread(fpath, space='auto', backend='auto'): """ Reads image data in a specified format using some backend implementation. Args: fpath (str): path to the file to be read space (str, default='auto'): The desired colorspace of the image. Can by any colorspace accepted by `convert_colorspace`, or it can be 'auto', in which case the colorspace of the image is unmodified (except in the case where a color image is read by opencv, in which case we convert BGR to RGB by default). If None, then no modification is made to whatever backend is used to read the image. New in version 0.7.10: when the backend does not resolve to "cv2" the "auto" space resolves to None, thus the image is read as-is. backend (str, default='auto'): which backend reader to use. By default the file extension is used to determine this, but it can be manually overridden. Valid backends are 'gdal', 'skimage', 'itk', and 'cv2'. Returns: ndarray: the image data in the specified color space. Note: if space is something non-standard like HSV or LAB, then the file must be a normal 8-bit color image, otherwise an error will occur. Raises: IOError - If the image cannot be read ImportError - If trying to read a nitf without gdal NotImplementedError - if trying to read a corner-case image Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network) >>> from kwimage.im_io import * # NOQA >>> import tempfile >>> from os.path import splitext # NOQA >>> # Test a non-standard image, which encodes a depth map >>> fpath = ub.grabdata( >>> '', >>> hasher='sha256', hash_prefix='64522acba6f0fb7060cd4c202ed32c5163c34e63d386afdada4190cce51ff4d4') >>> img1 = imread(fpath) >>> # Check that write + read preserves data >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=splitext(fpath)[1]) >>> imwrite(, img1) >>> img2 = imread( >>> assert np.all(img2 == img1) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(img1, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1, norm=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(img2, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1, norm=True) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network) >>> import tempfile >>> img1 = imread(ub.grabdata( >>> '', fname='ada.png', hasher='sha256', >>> hash_prefix='898cf2588c40baf64d6e09b6a93b4c8dcc0db26140639a365b57619e17dd1c77')) >>> tmp_tif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> tmp_png = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') >>> imwrite(, img1) >>> imwrite(, img1) >>> tif_im = imread( >>> png_im = imread( >>> assert np.all(tif_im == png_im) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(png_im, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(tif_im, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network) >>> import tempfile >>> tif_fpath = ub.grabdata( >>> '', >>> fname='pepper.tif', hasher='sha256', >>> hash_prefix='31ff3a1f416cb7281acfbcbb4b56ee8bb94e9f91489602ff2806e5a49abc03c0') >>> img1 = imread(tif_fpath) >>> tmp_tif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> tmp_png = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') >>> imwrite(, img1) >>> imwrite(, img1) >>> tif_im = imread( >>> png_im = imread( >>> assert np.all(tif_im == png_im) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(png_im / 2 ** 16, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(tif_im / 2 ** 16, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:itk, --network) >>> import kwimage >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # Grab an image that ITK can read >>> fpath = ub.grabdata( >>> url='', >>> fname='brainweb1e5a10f17Rot20Tx20.mha', >>> hash_prefix='08f0812591691ae24a29788ba8cd1942e91', hasher='sha512') >>> # Read the image (this is actually a DxHxW stack of images) >>> img1_stack = kwimage.imread(fpath) >>> # Check that write + read preserves data >>> import tempfile >>> tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mha') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1_stack) >>> recon = kwimage.imread( >>> assert not np.may_share_memory(recon, img1_stack) >>> assert np.all(recon == img1_stack) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(kwimage.stack_images_grid(recon[0::20])) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Benchmark: >>> from kwimage.im_io import * # NOQA >>> import timerit >>> import kwimage >>> import tempfile >>> # >>> dsize = (1920, 1080) >>> img1 = kwimage.grab_test_image('amazon', dsize=dsize) >>> ti = timerit.Timerit(10, bestof=3, verbose=1, unit='us') >>> formats = {} >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('cache') >>> space = 'auto' >>> formats['png'] = kwimage.imwrite(join(dpath, '.png'), img1, space=space, backend='cv2') >>> formats['jpg'] = kwimage.imwrite(join(dpath, '.jpg'), img1, space=space, backend='cv2') >>> formats['tif_raw'] = kwimage.imwrite(join(dpath, '.raw.tif'), img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='RAW') >>> formats['tif_deflate'] = kwimage.imwrite(join(dpath, '.deflate.tif'), img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='DEFLATE') >>> formats['tif_lzw'] = kwimage.imwrite(join(dpath, '.lzw.tif'), img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='LZW') >>> grid = [ >>> ('cv2', 'png'), >>> ('cv2', 'jpg'), >>> ('gdal', 'jpg'), >>> ('turbojpeg', 'jpg'), >>> ('gdal', 'tif_raw'), >>> ('gdal', 'tif_lzw'), >>> ('gdal', 'tif_deflate'), >>> ('skimage', 'tif_raw'), >>> ] >>> backend, filefmt = 'cv2', 'png' >>> for backend, filefmt in grid: >>> for timer in ti.reset(f'imread-{filefmt}-{backend}'): >>> with timer: >>> kwimage.imread(formats[filefmt], space=space, backend=backend) >>> # Test all formats in auto mode >>> for filefmt in formats.keys(): >>> for timer in ti.reset(f'kwimage.imread-{filefmt}-auto'): >>> with timer: >>> kwimage.imread(formats[filefmt], space=space, backend='auto') >>> ti.measures = ub.map_vals(ub.sorted_vals, ti.measures) >>> import netharn as nh >>> print('ti.measures = {}'.format(nh.util.align(ub.repr2(ti.measures['min'], nl=2), ':'))) Timed best=42891.504 µs, mean=44008.439 ± 1409.2 µs for imread-png-cv2 Timed best=33146.808 µs, mean=34185.172 ± 656.3 µs for imread-jpg-cv2 Timed best=40120.306 µs, mean=41220.927 ± 1010.9 µs for imread-jpg-gdal Timed best=30798.162 µs, mean=31573.070 ± 737.0 µs for imread-jpg-turbojpeg Timed best=6223.170 µs, mean=6370.462 ± 150.7 µs for imread-tif_raw-gdal Timed best=42459.404 µs, mean=46519.940 ± 5664.9 µs for imread-tif_lzw-gdal Timed best=36271.175 µs, mean=37301.108 ± 861.1 µs for imread-tif_deflate-gdal Timed best=5239.503 µs, mean=6566.574 ± 1086.2 µs for imread-tif_raw-skimage ti.measures = { 'imread-tif_raw-skimage' : 0.0052395030070329085, 'imread-tif_raw-gdal' : 0.006223169999429956, 'imread-jpg-turbojpeg' : 0.030798161998973228, 'imread-jpg-cv2' : 0.03314680799667258, 'imread-tif_deflate-gdal': 0.03627117499127053, 'imread-jpg-gdal' : 0.040120305988239124, 'imread-tif_lzw-gdal' : 0.042459404008695856, 'imread-png-cv2' : 0.042891503995633684, } >>> print('ti.measures = {}'.format(nh.util.align(ub.repr2(ti.measures['mean'], nl=2), ':'))) """ if backend == 'auto': # TODO: memoize the extensions? # TODO: each backend should maintain a list of supported (possibly # overlapping) formats, and that should be used to build a mapping from # formats to candidate backends. We should then filter down to a # backend that actually exists. # Determine the backend reader using the file extension _fpath_lower = fpath.lower() # Note: rset dataset ( support is hacked if _fpath_lower.endswith(ITK_EXTENSIONS): backend = 'itk' elif _fpath_lower.endswith(GDAL_EXTENSIONS): backend = 'gdal' elif _fpath_lower.endswith(('.tif', '.tiff')): if _have_gdal(): backend = 'gdal' else: backend = 'skimage' elif _fpath_lower.endswith(JPG_EXTENSIONS): if _have_turbojpg(): backend = 'turbojpeg' else: backend = 'cv2' else: backend = 'cv2' if space == 'auto' and backend != 'cv2': # cv2 is the only backend that does weird things, we can # default to auto and save the user the headache of specifying this space = None try: if backend == 'gdal': image, src_space, auto_dst_space = _imread_gdal(fpath) elif backend == 'cv2': image, src_space, auto_dst_space = _imread_cv2(fpath) elif backend == 'turbojpeg': image, src_space, auto_dst_space = _imread_turbojpeg(fpath) elif backend == 'skimage': image, src_space, auto_dst_space = _imread_skimage(fpath) elif backend == 'itk': src_space, auto_dst_space = None, None import itk itk_obj = itk.imread(fpath) image = np.asarray(itk_obj) else: raise KeyError('Unknown imread backend={!r}'.format(backend)) if space == 'auto': dst_space = auto_dst_space else: dst_space = space if dst_space is not None: if src_space is None: raise ValueError(( 'Cannot convert to destination colorspace ({}) because' ' the source colorspace could not be determined. Use ' ' space=None to return the raw data.' ).format(dst_space)) image = im_cv2.convert_colorspace(image, src_space=src_space, dst_space=dst_space, implicit=False) return image except Exception as ex: print('ex = {!r}'.format(ex)) print('Error reading fpath = {!r}'.format(fpath)) raise
def _imread_turbojpeg(fpath): """ See: References: Bash: pip install PyTurboJPEG sudo apt install libturbojpeg -y Ignore: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(turbojpeg) >>> import kwimage >>> rgb_fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath('amazon') >>> assert rgb_fpath.endswith('.jpg') >>> # >>> rgb = kwimage.imread(rgb_fpath) >>> gray = kwimage.convert_colorspace(rgb, 'rgb', 'gray') >>> gray_fpath = rgb_fpath + '.gray.jpg' >>> kwimage.imwrite(gray_fpath, gray) >>> # >>> fpath = gray_fpath >>> # >>> from kwimage.im_io import _imread_turbojpeg, _imread_skimage, _imread_cv2 >>> import timerit >>> ti = timerit.Timerit(50, bestof=10, verbose=2) >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('turbojpeg'): >>> with timer: >>> im_turbo = _imread_turbojpeg(fpath) >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('cv2'): >>> with timer: >>> im_cv2 = _imread_cv2(fpath) """ import turbojpeg jpeg = turbojpeg.TurboJPEG() with open(fpath, 'rb') as file: data = (width, height, jpeg_subsample, jpeg_colorspace) = jpeg.decode_header(data) # print('width = {!r}'.format(width)) # print('height = {!r}'.format(height)) # print('jpeg_subsample = {!r}'.format(jpeg_subsample)) # print('jpeg_colorspace = {!r}'.format(jpeg_colorspace)) if jpeg_colorspace == turbojpeg.TJCS_GRAY: pixel_format = turbojpeg.TJPF_GRAY src_space = 'gray' auto_dst_space = 'gray' else: pixel_format = turbojpeg.TJPF_RGB src_space = 'rgb' auto_dst_space = 'rgb' image = jpeg.decode(data, pixel_format=pixel_format) return image, src_space, auto_dst_space def _imread_skimage(fpath): import # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # skimage reads color in RGB by default image = n_channels = im_core.num_channels(image) if n_channels == 3: src_space = 'rgb' elif n_channels == 4: src_space = 'rgba' elif n_channels == 1: src_space = 'gray' else: src_space = None # raise NotImplementedError('unknown number of channels') auto_dst_space = src_space return image, src_space, auto_dst_space def _imread_cv2(fpath): # opencv reads color in BGR by default image = cv2.imread(fpath, flags=cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) if image is None: if exists(fpath): # TODO: this could be a permissions error. We could test for that. # and print a better error message in that case. raise IOError('OpenCV cannot read this image: "{}", ' 'but it exists'.format(fpath)) else: raise IOError('OpenCV cannot read this image: "{}", ' 'because it does not exist'.format(fpath)) n_channels = im_core.num_channels(image) if n_channels == 3: src_space = 'bgr' auto_dst_space = 'rgb' elif n_channels == 4: src_space = 'bgra' auto_dst_space = 'rgba' elif n_channels == 1: src_space = 'gray' auto_dst_space = 'gray' else: raise NotImplementedError('unknown number of channels') return image, src_space, auto_dst_space def _imread_gdal(fpath): """ gdal imread backend """ try: from osgeo import gdal except ImportError: import gdal try: gdal_dset = gdal.Open(fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if gdal_dset is None: raise IOError('GDAL cannot read: {!r}'.format(fpath)) num_channels = gdal_dset.RasterCount if num_channels == 1: band = gdal_dset.GetRasterBand(1) color_table = band.GetColorTable() if color_table is None: buf = band.ReadAsArray() if buf is None: # Sometimes this works if you try again. I don't know why. # It spits out annoying messages, not sure how to supress. buf = band.ReadAsArray() if buf is None: raise IOError('GDal was unable to read this band') image = np.array(buf) else: # The buffer is an index into the color table buf = band.ReadAsArray() gdal_dtype = color_table.GetPaletteInterpretation() dtype = _gdal_to_numpy_dtype(gdal_dtype) num_colors = color_table.GetCount() if num_colors <= 0: raise AssertionError('invalid color table') idx_to_color = [] for idx in range(num_colors): color = color_table.GetColorEntry(idx) idx_to_color.append(color) # The color table specifies the real number of channels num_channels = len(color) idx_to_color = np.array(idx_to_color, dtype=dtype) image = idx_to_color[buf] else: bands = [gdal_dset.GetRasterBand(i) for i in range(1, num_channels + 1)] gdal_dtype = bands[0].DataType dtype = _gdal_to_numpy_dtype(gdal_dtype) shape = (gdal_dset.RasterYSize, gdal_dset.RasterXSize, gdal_dset.RasterCount) # Preallocate and populate image image = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) for i, band in enumerate(bands): image[:, :, i] = band.ReadAsArray() # note this isn't a safe assumption, but it is an OK default heuristic if num_channels == 1: src_space = 'gray' elif num_channels == 3: src_space = 'rgb' elif num_channels == 4: src_space = 'rgba' else: # We have no hint of the source color space in this instance src_space = None except Exception: raise finally: gdal_dset = None auto_dst_space = src_space return image, src_space, auto_dst_space
[docs]def imwrite(fpath, image, space='auto', backend='auto', **kwargs): """ Writes image data to disk. Args: fpath (PathLike): location to save the image image (ndarray): image data space (str | None, default='auto'): the colorspace of the image to save. Can by any colorspace accepted by `convert_colorspace`, or it can be 'auto', in which case we assume the input image is either RGB, RGBA or grayscale. If None, then absolutely no color modification is made and whatever backend is used writes the image as-is. New in version 0.7.10: when the backend does not resolve to "cv2", the "auto" space resolves to None, thus the image is saved as-is. backend (str, default='auto'): which backend writer to use. By default the file extension is used to determine this. Valid backends are 'gdal', 'skimage', 'itk', and 'cv2'. **kwargs : args passed to the backend writer Returns: str: path to the written file Notes: The image may be modified to preserve its colorspace depending on which backend is used to write the image. When saving as a jpeg or png, the image must be encoded with the uint8 data type. When saving as a tiff, any data type is allowed. Raises: Exception : if the image cannot be written Doctest: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network) >>> # This should be moved to a unit test >>> import tempfile >>> test_image_paths = [ >>> ub.grabdata('', fname='pepper.tif'), >>> ub.grabdata('', fname='ada.png'), >>> #ub.grabdata(''), >>> ub.grabdata('', fname='parrot.png') >>> ] >>> for fpath in test_image_paths: >>> for space in ['auto', 'rgb', 'bgr', 'gray', 'rgba']: >>> img1 = imread(fpath, space=space) >>> print('Test im-io consistency of fpath = {!r} in {} space, shape={}'.format(fpath, space, img1.shape)) >>> # Write the image in TIF and PNG format >>> tmp_tif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> tmp_png = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') >>> imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='skimage') >>> imwrite(, img1, space=space) >>> tif_im = imread(, space=space) >>> png_im = imread(, space=space) >>> assert np.all(tif_im == png_im), 'im-read/write inconsistency' >>> if _have_gdal: >>> tmp_tif2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal') >>> tif_im2 = imread(, space=space) >>> assert np.all(tif_im == tif_im2), 'im-read/write inconsistency' >>> if space == 'gray': >>> assert tif_im.ndim == 2 >>> assert png_im.ndim == 2 >>> elif space in ['rgb', 'bgr']: >>> assert tif_im.shape[2] == 3 >>> assert png_im.shape[2] == 3 >>> elif space in ['rgba', 'bgra']: >>> assert tif_im.shape[2] == 4 >>> assert png_im.shape[2] == 4 Benchmark: >>> import timerit >>> import os >>> import kwimage >>> import tempfile >>> # >>> img1 = kwimage.grab_test_image('astro', dsize=(1920, 1080)) >>> space = 'auto' >>> # >>> file_sizes = {} >>> # >>> ti = timerit.Timerit(10, bestof=3, verbose=2) >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-skimage-tif'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='skimage') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-cv2-png'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='cv2') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-cv2-jpg'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='cv2') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-gdal-raw'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='RAW') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-gdal-lzw'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='LZW') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-gdal-zstd'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='ZSTD') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-gdal-deflate'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='DEFLATE') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('imwrite-gdal-jpeg'): >>> with timer: >>> tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> kwimage.imwrite(, img1, space=space, backend='gdal', compress='JPEG') >>> file_sizes[ti.label] = os.stat( >>> # >>> file_sizes = ub.sorted_vals(file_sizes) >>> import xdev >>> file_sizes_human = ub.map_vals(lambda x: xdev.byte_str(x, 'MB'), file_sizes) >>> print('ti.rankings = {}'.format(ub.repr2(ti.rankings, nl=2))) >>> print('file_sizes = {}'.format(ub.repr2(file_sizes_human, nl=1))) Example: >>> # Test saving a multi-band file >>> import kwimage >>> import tempfile >>> # In this case the backend will not resolve to cv2, so >>> # we should not need to specify space. >>> data = np.random.rand(32, 32, 13).astype(np.float32) >>> temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> fpath = >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data) >>> recon = kwimage.imread(fpath) >>> assert np.all(recon == data) >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data, backend='skimage') >>> recon = kwimage.imread(fpath) >>> assert np.all(recon == data) >>> import pytest >>> # In this case the backend will resolve to cv2, and thus we expect >>> # a failure >>> temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') >>> fpath = >>> with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data) """ if backend == 'auto': _fpath_lower = fpath.lower() if _fpath_lower.endswith(('.tif', '.tiff')): if _have_gdal(): backend = 'gdal' else: backend = 'skimage' elif _fpath_lower.endswith(GDAL_EXTENSIONS): if _have_gdal(): backend = 'gdal' elif _fpath_lower.endswith(ITK_EXTENSIONS): backend = 'itk' else: backend = 'cv2' if space == 'auto': if backend != 'cv2': # For non-cv2 backends, we can read / writ the image as is # without worrying about channel ordering conversions space = None if space is not None: n_channels = im_core.num_channels(image) if space == 'auto': if n_channels == 3: auto_src_space = 'rgb' elif n_channels == 4: auto_src_space = 'rgba' elif n_channels == 1: auto_src_space = 'gray' else: # TODO: allow writing of arbitrary num channels using gdal raise NotImplementedError('unknown number of channels') src_space = auto_src_space else: src_space = space if space is not None: if backend == 'cv2': # OpenCV writes images in BGR(A)/ grayscale if n_channels == 3: dst_space = 'bgr' elif n_channels == 4: dst_space = 'bgra' elif n_channels == 1: dst_space = 'gray' else: raise AssertionError('impossible state') else: # most writers like skimage and gdal write images in RGB(A)/ grayscale if n_channels == 3: dst_space = 'rgb' elif n_channels == 4: dst_space = 'rgba' elif n_channels == 1: dst_space = 'gray' else: raise AssertionError('impossible state') image = im_cv2.convert_colorspace( image, src_space=src_space, dst_space=dst_space, implicit=False) if backend == 'cv2': try: cv2.imwrite(fpath, image, **kwargs) except cv2.error as ex: if 'could not find a writer for the specified extension' in str(ex): raise ValueError( 'Image fpath {!r} does not have a known image extension ' '(e.g. png/jpg)'.format(fpath)) else: raise elif backend == 'skimage': import, image, **kwargs) elif backend == 'gdal': _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, image, **kwargs) elif backend == 'itk': import itk itk_obj = itk.image_view_from_array(image) itk.imwrite(itk_obj, fpath, **kwargs) elif backend == 'turbojpeg': raise NotImplementedError else: raise KeyError('Unknown imwrite backend={!r}'.format(backend)) return fpath
[docs]def load_image_shape(fpath): """ Determine the height/width/channels of an image without reading the entire file. Args: fpath (str): path to an image Returns: Tuple - shape of the dataset. Recall this library uses the convention that "shape" is refers to height,width,channels and "size" is width,height ordering. Benchmark: >>> # For large files, PIL is much faster >>> import gdal >>> from PIL import Image >>> # >>> import kwimage >>> fpath = kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath() >>> # >>> ti = ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, verbose=2) >>> for timer in ti.reset('gdal'): >>> with timer: >>> gdal_dset = gdal.Open(fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) >>> width = gdal_dset.RasterXSize >>> height = gdal_dset.RasterYSize >>> gdal_dset = None >>> # >>> for timer in ti.reset('PIL'): >>> with timer: >>> pil_img = >>> width, height = pil_img.size >>> pil_img.close() Timed gdal for: 100 loops, best of 10 time per loop: best=62.967 µs, mean=63.991 ± 0.8 µs Timed PIL for: 100 loops, best of 10 time per loop: best=46.640 µs, mean=47.314 ± 0.4 µs """ from PIL import Image try: pil_img = width, height = pil_img.size num_channels = len(pil_img.getbands()) pil_img.close() except Exception as pil_ex: if not _have_gdal(): raise try: import gdal gdal_dset = gdal.Open(fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if gdal_dset is None: raise Exception width = gdal_dset.RasterXSize height = gdal_dset.RasterYSize num_channels = gdal_dset.RasterCount gdal_dset = None except (ImportError, Exception): raise pil_ex shape = (height, width, num_channels) return shape
def __inspect_optional_overhead(): r""" Benchmark: >>> from kwimage.im_io import _have_gdal, _have_turbojpg # NOQA >>> def dis_instructions(func): >>> import dis >>> import io >>> buf = io.StringIO() >>> dis.disassemble(func.__code__, file=buf) >>> _, text =, >>> return text >>> func = _have_turbojpg >>> func = _have_gdal >>> memo = ub.memoize(func) >>> print(func_dis := dis_instructions(func)) >>> print(memo_dis := dis_instructions(memo)) >>> n = max(func_dis.count('\n'), memo_dis.count('\n')) >>> sep = ' | \n' * n >>> prefix = '| \n' * n >>> print('\n\n') >>> print(ub.hzcat([prefix, x, sep, y])) Benchmark: >>> from kwimage.im_io import _have_gdal, _have_turbojpg # NOQA >>> funcs = [] >>> funcs += [_have_turbojpg] >>> funcs += [_have_gdal] >>> for func in funcs: >>> memo = ub.memoize(func) >>> print('func = {!r}'.format(func)) >>> print('memo = {!r}'.format(memo)) >>> import timerit >>> ti = timerit.Timerit(100, bestof=10, verbose=1, unit='us') >>> ti.reset('call func').call(func).report() >>> ti.reset('call memo').call(memo).report() """ raise NotImplementedError @ub.memoize def _have_turbojpg(): """ pip install PyTurboJPEG """ try: import turbojpeg # NOQA turbojpeg.TurboJPEG() except Exception: return False else: return True def _have_gdal(): try: import gdal # NOQA except Exception: return False else: return True def _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='auto', blocksize=256, overviews=None, overview_resample='NEAREST', options=[]): """ Writes data as a cloud-optimized geotiff using gdal Args: fpath (PathLike): file path to save the COG to. data (ndarray[ndim=3]): Raw HWC image data to save. Dimensions should be height, width, channels. compress (bool, default='auto'): Can be JPEG (lossy) or LZW (lossless), or DEFLATE (lossless). Can also be 'auto', which will try to heuristically choose a sensible choice. blocksize (int, default=256): size of tiled blocks overviews (None | int | list, default=None): if specified as a list, then uses exactly those overviews. If specified as an integer a list is created using powers of two. overview_resample (str, default='NEAREST'): resampling method for overview pyramid. Valid choices are: 'NEAREST', 'AVERAGE', 'BILINEAR', 'CUBIC', 'CUBICSPLINE', 'LANCZOS'. options (List[str]): other gdal options Returns: str: the file path where the data was written References: Notes: Need to fix `CXXABI_1.3.11 not found` with conda gdal sometimes CLI to reproduce: python -c "import kwimage; kwimage.imread(kwimage.grab_test_image_fpath(), backend='gdal')" This error seems to be fixed by using 2.3.3 instead of 3.x gdal, not sure why, should look into that. CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.im_io _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> from kwimage.im_io import * # NOQA >>> from kwimage.im_io import _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff >>> import tempfile >>> data = np.random.randint(0, 255, (800, 800, 3), dtype=np.uint8) >>> tmp_tif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.cog.tif') >>> fpath = >>> compress = 'JPEG' >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='JPEG') >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='LZW') >>> data = (np.random.rand(100, 100, 4) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='JPEG') >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='LZW') >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='DEFLATE') >>> data = (np.random.rand(100, 100, 5) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, compress='LZW') >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, overviews=3) >>> from osgeo import gdal >>> ds = gdal.Open(fpath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) >>> filename = ds.GetDescription() >>> main_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) >>> assert main_band.GetOverviewCount() == 3 >>> _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff(fpath, data, overviews=[2, 4]) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> from kwimage.im_io import * # NOQA >>> from kwimage.im_io import _imwrite_cloud_optimized_geotiff >>> import tempfile >>> import kwimage >>> # Test with uint16 >>> shape = (100, 100, 1) >>> dtype = np.uint16 >>> dinfo = np.iinfo(np.uint16) >>> data = kwimage.normalize(kwimage.gaussian_patch(shape)) >>> data = ((data - dinfo.min) * (dinfo.max - dinfo.min)).astype(dtype) >>> import tempfile >>> tmp_tif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tif') >>> fpath = >>> kwimage.imwrite(fpath, data) >>> loaded = kwimage.imread(fpath) >>> assert np.all(loaded.ravel() == data.ravel()) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.imshow(loaded / dinfo.max) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ from osgeo import gdal if len(data.shape) == 2: data = data[:, :, None] y_size, x_size, num_bands = data.shape data_set = None if compress == 'auto': compress = _gdal_auto_compress(data=data) # if compress not in ['JPEG', 'LZW', 'DEFLATE', 'RAW']: # raise KeyError('unknown compress={}'.format(compress)) # JPEG/LZW/PACKBITS/DEFLATE/CCITTRLE/CCITTFAX3/CCITTFAX4/LZMA/ZSTD/LERC/LERC_DEFLATE/LERC_ZSTD/WEBP/NONE if compress == 'JPEG' and num_bands >= 5: raise ValueError('Cannot use JPEG with more than 4 channels (got {})'.format(num_bands)) eType = _numpy_to_gdal_dtype(data.dtype) if compress == 'JPEG': if eType not in [gdal.GDT_Byte, gdal.GDT_UInt16]: raise ValueError('JPEG compression must use 8 or 16 bit integers') # NEAREST/AVERAGE/BILINEAR/CUBIC/CUBICSPLINE/LANCZOS if overviews is None: overviewlist = [] elif isinstance(overviews, int): overviewlist = (2 ** np.arange(1, overviews + 1)).tolist() else: overviewlist = overviews _options = [ 'TILED=YES', 'BIGTIFF=YES', 'BLOCKXSIZE={}'.format(blocksize), 'BLOCKYSIZE={}'.format(blocksize), ] if compress != 'RAW': _options += ['COMPRESS={}'.format(compress)] if compress == 'JPEG' and num_bands == 3: # Using YCBCR speeds up jpeg compression by quite a bit _options += ['PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR'] if overviewlist: _options.append('COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES') _options += options _options = list(map(str, _options)) # python2.7 support # Create an in-memory dataset where we will prepare the COG data structure driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('MEM')) data_set = driver.Create(str(''), x_size, y_size, num_bands, eType=eType) for i in range(num_bands): band_data = np.ascontiguousarray(data[:, :, i]) data_set.GetRasterBand(i + 1).WriteArray(band_data) if overviewlist: # Build the downsampled overviews (for fast zoom in / out) data_set.BuildOverviews(str(overview_resample), overviewlist) driver = None # Copy the in-memory dataset to an on-disk GeoTiff driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName(str('GTiff')) data_set2 = driver2.CreateCopy(fpath, data_set, options=_options) data_set = None # OK, so setting things to None turns out to be important. Gah! # NOTE: if data_set2 is None here, that may be because the directory # we are trying to write to does not exist. data_set2.FlushCache() # Dereference everything data_set2 = None driver2 = None return fpath def _numpy_to_gdal_dtype(numpy_dtype): """ maps numpy dtypes to gdal dtypes """ from osgeo import gdal if not hasattr(numpy_dtype, 'kind'): # convert to the dtype instance object numpy_dtype = numpy_dtype().dtype kindsize = (numpy_dtype.kind, numpy_dtype.itemsize) if kindsize == ('u', 1): eType = gdal.GDT_Byte elif kindsize == ('u', 2): eType = gdal.GDT_UInt16 elif kindsize == ('u', 4): eType = gdal.GDT_UInt32 elif kindsize == ('i', 2): eType = gdal.GDT_Int16 elif kindsize == ('i', 4): eType = gdal.GDT_Int32 elif kindsize == ('f', 4): eType = gdal.GDT_Float32 elif kindsize == ('f', 8): eType = gdal.GDT_Float64 elif kindsize == ('c', 8): eType = gdal.GDT_CFloat32 elif kindsize == ('c', 16): eType = gdal.GDT_CFloat64 else: raise TypeError('Unsupported GDAL dtype for {}'.format(kindsize)) return eType def _gdal_to_numpy_dtype(gdal_dtype): """ maps gdal dtypes to numpy dtypes Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> numpy_types = [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.int16, np.uint32, np.int32, >>> np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, >>> np.complex128] >>> for np_type in numpy_types: >>> numpy_dtype1 = np_type().dtype >>> gdal_dtype1 = _numpy_to_gdal_dtype(numpy_dtype1) >>> numpy_dtype2 = _gdal_to_numpy_dtype(gdal_dtype1) >>> gdal_dtype2 = _numpy_to_gdal_dtype(numpy_dtype2) >>> assert gdal_dtype2 == gdal_dtype1 >>> assert _dtype_equality(numpy_dtype1, numpy_dtype2) """ from osgeo import gdal _GDAL_DTYPE_LUT = { gdal.GDT_Byte: np.uint8, gdal.GDT_UInt16: np.uint16, gdal.GDT_Int16: np.int16, gdal.GDT_UInt32: np.uint32, gdal.GDT_Int32: np.int32, gdal.GDT_Float32: np.float32, gdal.GDT_Float64: np.float64, gdal.GDT_CInt16: np.complex_, gdal.GDT_CInt32: np.complex_, gdal.GDT_CFloat32: np.complex64, gdal.GDT_CFloat64: np.complex128 } return _GDAL_DTYPE_LUT[gdal_dtype] def _gdal_auto_compress(src_fpath=None, data=None, data_set=None): """ Heuristic for automatically choosing gdal compression type Args: src_fpath (str): path to source image if known data (ndarray): data pixels if known data_set (gdal.Dataset): gdal dataset if known Returns: str: gdal compression code References: Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:osgeo) >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(src_fpath='foo.jpg') == 'JPEG' >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(src_fpath='foo.png') == 'LZW' >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(data=np.random.rand(3, 2)) == 'RAW' >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(data=np.random.rand(3, 2, 3).astype(np.uint8)) == 'RAW' >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(data=np.random.rand(3, 2, 4).astype(np.uint8)) == 'RAW' >>> assert _gdal_auto_compress(data=np.random.rand(3, 2, 1).astype(np.uint8)) == 'RAW' """ compress = None num_channels = None dtype = None if src_fpath is not None: # the filepath might hint at which compress method is best. ext = src_fpath[-5:].lower() if ext.endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg')): compress = 'JPEG' elif ext.endswith(('.png', '.png')): compress = 'LZW' if compress is None: if data_set is not None: if dtype is None: main_band = data_set.GetRasterBand(1) dtype = _gdal_to_numpy_dtype(main_band.DataType) if num_channels is None: data_set.RasterCount == 3 elif data is not None: if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if num_channels is None: if len(data.shape) == 3: num_channels = data.shape[2] # if compress is None: # if _dtype_equality(dtype, np.uint8) and num_channels == 3: # compress = 'JPEG' if compress is None: # which backend is best in this case? compress = 'RAW' return compress def _dtype_equality(dtype1, dtype2): """ Check for numpy dtype equality References: Example: dtype1 = np.empty(0, dtype=np.uint8).dtype dtype2 = np.uint8 _dtype_equality(dtype1, dtype2) """ dtype1_ = getattr(dtype1, 'type', dtype1) dtype2_ = getattr(dtype2, 'type', dtype2) return dtype1_ == dtype2_