kwimage.im_core module

Not sure how to best classify these functions


Returns the number of color channels in an image.

Assumes images are 2D and the the channels are the trailing dimension. Returns 1 in the case with no trailing channel dimension, otherwise simply returns img.shape[2].


img (ndarray) – an image with 2 or 3 dimensions.


the number of color channels (1, 3, or 4)

Return type:



>>> H = W = 3
>>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H))) == 1
>>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 1))) == 1
>>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 3))) == 3
>>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 4))) == 4
>>> assert num_channels(np.empty((W, H, 2))) == 2
kwimage.im_core.ensure_float01(img, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, copy=True)[source]

Ensure that an image is encoded using a float32 properly

  • img (ndarray) – an image in uint255 or float01 format. Other formats will raise errors.

  • dtype (type) – a numpy floating type defaults to np.float32

  • copy (bool) – Always copy if True, else copy if needed. Defaults to True.


an array of floats in the range 0-1

Return type:



ValueError – if the image type is integer and not in [0-255]


>>> ensure_float01(np.array([[0, .5, 1.0]]))
array([[0. , 0.5, 1. ]], dtype=float32)
>>> ensure_float01(np.array([[0, 1, 200]]))
array([[0..., 0.0039..., 0.784...]], dtype=float32)
kwimage.im_core.ensure_uint255(img, copy=True)[source]

Ensure that an image is encoded using a uint8 properly. Either

  • img (ndarray) – an image in uint255 or float01 format. Other formats will raise errors.

  • copy (bool) – always copy if True, else copy if needed. Defaults to True.


an array of bytes in the range 0-255

Return type:


  • ValueError – if the image type is float and not in [0-1]

  • ValueError – if the image type is integer and not in [0-255]


>>> ensure_uint255(np.array([[0, .5, 1.0]]))
array([[  0, 127, 255]], dtype=uint8)
>>> ensure_uint255(np.array([[0, 1, 200]]))
array([[  0,   1, 200]], dtype=uint8)
kwimage.im_core.make_channels_comparable(img1, img2, atleast3d=False)[source]

Broadcasts image arrays so they can have elementwise operations applied

  • img1 (ndarray) – first image

  • img2 (ndarray) – second image

  • atleast3d (bool) – if true we ensure that the channel dimension exists (only relevant for 1-channel images). Defaults to False.


>>> import itertools as it
>>> wh_basis = [(5, 5), (3, 5), (5, 3), (1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1)]
>>> for w, h in wh_basis:
>>>     shape_basis = [(w, h), (w, h, 1), (w, h, 3)]
>>>     # Test all permutations of shap inputs
>>>     for shape1, shape2 in it.product(shape_basis, shape_basis):
>>>         print('*    input shapes: %r, %r' % (shape1, shape2))
>>>         img1 = np.empty(shape1)
>>>         img2 = np.empty(shape2)
>>>         img1, img2 = make_channels_comparable(img1, img2)
>>>         print('... output shapes: %r, %r' % (img1.shape, img2.shape))
>>>         elem = (img1 + img2)
>>>         print('... elem(+) shape: %r' % (elem.shape,))
>>>         assert elem.size == img1.size, 'outputs should have same size'
>>>         assert img1.size == img2.size, 'new imgs should have same size'
>>>         print('--------')

helper for make_channels_comparable

kwimage.im_core.atleast_3channels(arr, copy=True)[source]

Ensures that there are 3 channels in the image

  • arr (ndarray) – an image with 2 or 3 dims.

  • copy (bool) – Always copies if True, if False, then copies only when the size of the array must change. Defaults to True.


with shape (N, M, C), where C in {3, 4}

Return type:




>>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10))).shape[-1] == 3
>>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 1))).shape[-1] == 3
>>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 3))).shape[-1] == 3
>>> assert atleast_3channels(np.zeros((10, 10, 4))).shape[-1] == 4
kwimage.im_core.exactly_1channel(image, ndim=2)[source]

Returns a 1-channel image as either a 2D or 3D array.

  • image (ndarray) – an image with shape (H, W, 1) or (H, W).

  • ndim (int) – number of dimensions in the output array. Can be either 2 or 3.


if ndim is 2, returns a (H, W) image. if ndim is 3, returns a (H, W, 1) image.

Return type:



ValueError – if assumptions are not met.



>>> import kwimage
>>> assert kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3, 3)), ndim=2).shape == (3, 3)
>>> assert kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3, 3)), ndim=3).shape == (3, 3, 1)
>>> assert kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3, 3, 1)), ndim=2).shape == (3, 3)
>>> assert kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3, 3, 1)), ndim=3).shape == (3, 3, 1)
>>> import pytest
>>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
>>>     kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3, 3, 2)), ndim=2)
>>> with pytest.raises(ValueError):
>>>     kwimage.exactly_1channel(np.empty((3)), ndim=3)
kwimage.im_core.padded_slice(data, in_slice, pad=None, padkw=None, return_info=False)[source]

Allows slices with out-of-bound coordinates. Any out of bounds coordinate will be sampled via padding.

DEPRECATED FOR THE VERSION IN KWARRAY (slices are more array-ish than image-ish)


Negative slices have a different meaning here then they usually do. Normally, they indicate a wrap-around or a reversed stride, but here they index into out-of-bounds space (which depends on the pad mode). For example a slice of -2:1 literally samples two pixels to the left of the data and one pixel from the data, so you get two padded values and one data value.

  • data (Sliceable) – data to slice into. Any channels must be the last dimension.

  • in_slice (slice | Tuple[slice, …]) – slice for each dimensions

  • ndim (int) – number of spatial dimensions

  • pad (List[int|Tuple]) – additional padding of the slice

  • padkw (Dict) – if unspecified defaults to {'mode': 'constant'}

  • return_info (bool) – if True, return extra information about the transform. Defaults to False.


_padded_slice_embed - finds the embedded slice and padding _padded_slice_apply - applies padding to sliced data


data_sliced: subregion of the input data (possibly with padding,

depending on if the original slice went out of bounds)

Tuple[Sliceable, Dict] :

data_sliced : as above

transform : information on how to return to the original coordinates

Currently a dict containing:
st_dims: a list indicating the low and high space-time

coordinate values of the returned data slice.

The structure of this dictionary mach change in the future

Return type:



>>> data = np.arange(5)
>>> in_slice = [slice(-2, 7)]
>>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, in_slice)
>>> print(ub.urepr(data_sliced, with_dtype=False))
np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0])
>>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, in_slice, pad=(3, 3))
>>> print(ub.urepr(data_sliced, with_dtype=False))
np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
>>> data_sliced = padded_slice(data, slice(3, 4), pad=[(1, 0)])
>>> print(ub.urepr(data_sliced, with_dtype=False))
np.array([2, 3])
kwimage.im_core._padded_slice_apply(data_clipped, data_slice, extra_padding, padkw=None)[source]

Applies requested padding to an extracted data slice.

kwimage.im_core._padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad=None)[source]

Embeds a “padded-slice” inside known data dimension.

Returns the valid data portion of the slice with extra padding for regions outside of the available dimension.

Given a slices for each dimension, image dimensions, and a padding get the corresponding slice from the image and any extra padding needed to achieve the requested window size.

  • in_slice (Tuple[slice]) – a tuple of slices for to apply to data data dimension.

  • data_dims (Tuple[int]) – n-dimension data sizes (e.g. 2d height, width)

  • pad (tuple) – (List[int|Tuple]): extra pad applied to (left and right) / (both) sides of each slice dim


data_slice - Tuple[slice] a slice that can be applied to an array

with with shape data_dims. This slice will not correspond to the full window size if the requested slice is out of bounds.

extra_padding - extra padding needed after slicing to achieve

the requested window size.

Return type:



>>> # Case where slice is inside the data dims on left edge
>>> from kwimage.im_core import *  # NOQA
>>> in_slice = (slice(0, 10), slice(0, 10))
>>> data_dims  = [300, 300]
>>> pad        = [10, 5]
>>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad)
>>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a))
>>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b))
data_slice = (slice(0, 20, None), slice(0, 15, None))
extra_padding = [(10, 0), (5, 0)]


>>> # Case where slice is bigger than the image
>>> in_slice = (slice(-10, 400), slice(-10, 400))
>>> data_dims  = [300, 300]
>>> pad        = [10, 5]
>>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad)
>>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a))
>>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b))
data_slice = (slice(0, 300, None), slice(0, 300, None))
extra_padding = [(20, 110), (15, 105)]


>>> # Case where slice is inside than the image
>>> in_slice = (slice(10, 40), slice(10, 40))
>>> data_dims  = [300, 300]
>>> pad        = None
>>> a, b = _padded_slice_embed(in_slice, data_dims, pad)
>>> print('data_slice = {!r}'.format(a))
>>> print('extra_padding = {!r}'.format(b))
data_slice = (slice(10, 40, None), slice(10, 40, None))
extra_padding = [(0, 0), (0, 0)]
kwimage.im_core.normalize(arr, mode='linear', alpha=None, beta=None, out=None)[source]

Rebalance pixel intensities via contrast stretching.

By default linearly stretches pixel intensities to minimum and maximum values.


DEPRECATED: this function has been MOVED to kwarray.normalize

kwimage.im_core.find_robust_normalizers(data, params='auto')[source]

Finds robust normalization statistics for a single observation

DEPRECATED IN FAVOR of kwarray.find_robust_normalizers

  • data (ndarray) – a 1D numpy array where invalid data has already been removed

  • params (str | dict) – normalization params


normalization parameters

Return type:

Dict[str, str | float]


  • [ ] No Magic Numbers! Use first principles to deterimine defaults.

  • [ ] Probably a lot of literature on the subject.

  • [ ] Is this a kwarray function in general?


>>> from kwimage.im_core import *  # NOQA
>>> data = np.random.rand(100)
>>> norm_params1 = find_robust_normalizers(data, params='auto')
>>> norm_params2 = find_robust_normalizers(data, params={'low': 0, 'high': 1.0})
>>> norm_params3 = find_robust_normalizers(np.empty(0), params='auto')
>>> print('norm_params1 = {}'.format(ub.urepr(norm_params1, nl=1)))
>>> print('norm_params2 = {}'.format(ub.urepr(norm_params2, nl=1)))
>>> print('norm_params3 = {}'.format(ub.urepr(norm_params3, nl=1)))
kwimage.im_core.normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=False, nodata=None, axis=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, params='auto', mask=None)[source]

Normalize data intensities using heuristics to help put sensor data with extremely high or low contrast into a visible range.

This function is designed with an emphasis on getting something that is reasonable for visualization.


  • [x] Move to kwarray and renamed to robust_normalize?

  • [ ] Support for M-estimators?

  • imdata (ndarray) – raw intensity data

  • return_info (bool) – if True, return information about the chosen normalization heuristic.

  • params (str | dict) – can contain keys, low, high, or center e.g. {‘low’: 0.1, ‘center’: 0.8, ‘high’: 0.9}

  • axis (None | int) – The axis to normalize over, if unspecified, normalize jointly

  • nodata (None | int) – A value representing nodata to leave unchanged during normalization, for example 0

  • dtype (type) – can be float32 or float64

  • mask (ndarray | None) – A mask indicating what pixels are valid and what pixels should be considered nodata. Mutually exclusive with nodata argument. A mask value of 1 indicates a VALID pixel. A mask value of 0 indicates an INVALID pixel.


a floating point array with values between 0 and 1.

Return type:



>>> from kwimage.im_core import *  # NOQA
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> import kwimage
>>> import kwarray
>>> s = 512
>>> bit_depth = 11
>>> dtype = np.uint16
>>> max_val = int(2 ** bit_depth)
>>> min_val = int(0)
>>> rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(0)
>>> background = np.random.randint(min_val, max_val, size=(s, s), dtype=dtype)
>>> poly1 = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=rng).scale(s / 2)
>>> poly2 = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=rng).scale(s / 2).translate(s / 2)
>>> forground = np.zeros_like(background, dtype=np.uint8)
>>> forground = poly1.fill(forground, value=255)
>>> forground = poly2.fill(forground, value=122)
>>> forground = (kwimage.ensure_float01(forground) * max_val).astype(dtype)
>>> imdata = background + forground
>>> normed, info = normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=True)
>>> print('info = {}'.format(ub.urepr(info, nl=1)))
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> kwplot.imshow(imdata, pnum=(1, 2, 1), fnum=1)
>>> kwplot.imshow(normed, pnum=(1, 2, 2), fnum=1)


>>> from kwimage.im_core import *  # NOQA
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> import kwimage
>>> # Test on an image that is already normalized to test how it
>>> # degrades
>>> imdata = kwimage.grab_test_image() / 255
>>> quantile_basis = {
>>>     'mode': ['linear', 'sigmoid'],
>>>     'high': [0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
>>> }
>>> quantile_grid = list(ub.named_product(quantile_basis))
>>> quantile_grid += ['auto']
>>> rows = []
>>> rows.append({'key': 'orig', 'result': imdata})
>>> for params in quantile_grid:
>>>     key = ub.urepr(params, compact=1)
>>>     result, info = normalize_intensity(imdata, return_info=True, params=params)
>>>     print('key = {}'.format(key))
>>>     print('info = {}'.format(ub.urepr(info, nl=1)))
>>>     rows.append({'key': key, 'info': info, 'result': result})
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
>>> import kwplot
>>> kwplot.autompl()
>>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(rows))
>>> for row in rows:
>>>     _, ax = kwplot.imshow(row['result'], fnum=1, pnum=pnum_())
>>>     ax.set_title(row['key'])