Source code for kwimage.structs._generic

import ubelt as ub
import sys
import kwarray
import numbers
import numpy as np
# import abc

# try:
#     import torch
# except Exception:
#     torch = None
#     ARRAY_TYPES = (np.ndarray,)
# else:
#     ARRAY_TYPES = (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)

[docs] def isinstance_arraytypes(obj): """ workaround so we dont need to import torch at the global level """ torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if torch is None: return isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) else: return isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor))
# class Spatial(ub.NiceRepr, abc.ABC):
[docs] class Spatial(ub.NiceRepr): """ Abstract base class defining the spatial annotation API """
# @abc.abstractmethod # def translate(self, offset, output_dims=None): # raise NotImplementedError # @abc.abstractmethod # def scale(self, factor, output_dims=None): # raise NotImplementedError # @abc.abstractmethod # def warp(self, transform, input_dims=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): # raise NotImplementedError # def draw(self, image=None, **kwargs): # # If draw doesnt exist use draw_on # import numpy as np # if image is None: # dims = self.bounds # shape = tuple(dims) + (4,) # image = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) # image = self.draw_on(image, **kwargs) # import kwplot # kwplot.imshow(image) # @abc.abstractmethod # def draw_on(self, image): # """ # TODO - # - [ ] Choose 1: # Should accept either uint255 or float01, and should return the # same kind # """ # raise NotImplementedError # @abc.abstractmethod # def tensor(self, device=ub.NoParam): # raise NotImplementedError # @abc.abstractmethod # def numpy(self): # raise NotImplementedError # @classmethod # @abc.abstractmethod # def random(cls): # raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ObjectList(Spatial): """ Stores a list of potentially heterogenous structures, each item usually corresponds to a different object. """ # __slots__ = ('data', 'meta',) def __init__(self, data, meta=None): if meta is None: meta = {} = data self.meta = meta def __len__(self): return len( @property def shape(self): return (len(self),) @property def dtype(self): try: return except Exception: print('kwimage._generic: no dtype for ' + str(type( raise def __nice__(self): return 'n={}'.format(len(self)) def __getitem__(self, index): return[index] def __iter__(self): for index in range(len(self)): yield self[index]
[docs] def translate(self, offset, output_dims=None, inplace=False): newdata = [None if item is None else item.translate(offset, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) for item in] return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def scale(self, factor, output_dims=None, inplace=False): newdata = [None if item is None else item.scale(factor, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) for item in] return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def warp(self, transform, input_dims=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): if inplace: for item in if item is not None: item.warp(transform, input_dims=input_dims, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) return self else: newdata = [None if item is None else item.warp(transform, input_dims=input_dims, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) for item in] return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def apply(self, func): newdata = [None if item is None else func(item) for item in] return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def to_coco(self, style='orig'): for item in if item is None: yield None else: yield item.to_coco(style=style)
[docs] def compress(self, flags, axis=0): assert axis == 0 newdata = list(ub.compress(, flags)) return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def take(self, indices, axis=0): assert axis == 0 newdata = list(ub.take(, indices)) return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def draw(self, **kwargs): patches = [] for item in if item is not None: patch = item.draw(**kwargs) patches.append(patch) return patches
[docs] def draw_on(self, image, **kwargs): """ TODO: document fastdraw - it flattens all subobjects into the same layer and then does any alpha blending. Is there a better name? """ import kwimage # Take care of data prep before looping alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', None) copy = kwargs.pop('copy', False) has_float_alpha = alpha is not None and alpha < 1.0 if has_float_alpha: image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image, copy=copy) elif copy: image = image.copy() # Check if we want to do the fastdraw hack fastdraw = kwargs.pop('fastdraw', 'auto') if fastdraw == 'auto': fastdraw = has_float_alpha if fastdraw: # Fast draw hack will remove the alpha from the subcalls to # draw_on, instead we will draw with full alpha on an empty canvas # and then blend together everything at the end. orig_canvas = image overlay_canvas = np.zeros_like(image, shape=(image.shape[0:2] + (4,))) image = overlay_canvas kwargs['alpha'] = None # Handle per-instance arguments # If color is given an it corresponds to each subitem # then pass the appropriate arg to each subitem instkw_list = [{} for _ in range(len(] selflen = len( _handle_perinstance_color_arg(selflen, instkw_list, kwargs, 'color') _handle_perinstance_color_arg(selflen, instkw_list, kwargs, 'edgecolor') _handle_perinstance_color_arg(selflen, instkw_list, kwargs, 'facecolor') for item, instkw in zip(, instkw_list): if item is not None: image = item.draw_on(image=image, **kwargs, **instkw) if fastdraw: # Blend the empty canvas back onto overlay_canvas = image overlay_canvas[..., 3] *= alpha image = kwimage.overlay_alpha_images(overlay_canvas, orig_canvas) pass return image
[docs] def tensor(self, device=ub.NoParam): return self.apply(lambda item: item.tensor(device))
[docs] def numpy(self): return self.apply(lambda item: item.numpy())
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, items, axis=0): """ Args: items (Sequence[ObjectList]): multiple object lists of the same type axis (int | None): unused, always implied to be axis 0 Returns: ObjectList: combined object list Example: >>> import kwimage >>> cls = kwimage.MaskList >>> sub_cls = kwimage.Mask >>> item1 = cls([sub_cls.random(), sub_cls.random()]) >>> item2 = cls([sub_cls.random()]) >>> items = [item1, item2] >>> new = cls.concatenate(items) >>> assert len(new) == 3 """ if len(items) == 0: new = cls([]) else: newdata = [] for item in items: newdata.extend( newmeta = items[0].meta new = cls(newdata, newmeta) return new
[docs] def is_tensor(cls): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_numpy(cls): raise NotImplementedError
# @classmethod # def random(cls): # raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _handle_perinstance_color_arg(selflen, instkw_list, kwargs, argname): """ helper to expand any color argument into multiple color arguments for each instance handled by the generic draw on method. This allows the user to specify a list of colors for each member, or a single color to be applied to everyone. """ if argname in kwargs: color = kwargs.pop(argname, None) if (ub.iterable(color) and len(color) == selflen and len(color) > 0 and not isinstance(ub.peek(color), numbers.Number)): for d, c in zip(instkw_list, color): d[argname] = c else: kwargs[argname] = color
[docs] def _coerce_color_list_for(image, color, num): """ Get a list of colors for each item """ import kwimage if (ub.iterable(color) and len(color) == num and len(color) > 0 and not isinstance(ub.peek(color), numbers.Number)): color_list = [kwimage.Color(c)._forimage(image) for c in color] else: color_list = [kwimage.Color(color)._forimage(image)] * num return color_list
[docs] def _consistent_dtype_fixer(data): """ helper for ensuring out.dtype == in.dtype """ import kwimage if data.dtype.kind == 'f': return kwimage.ensure_float01 elif data.dtype.kind == 'u': return kwimage.ensure_uint255 else: raise TypeError(data.dtype)
[docs] def _safe_take(data, indices, axis): if data is None: return data try: return data.take(indices, axis=axis) except (TypeError, AttributeError): return kwarray.ArrayAPI.take(data, indices, axis=axis)
[docs] def _safe_compress(data, flags, axis): if data is None: return data try: return data.compress(flags, axis=axis) except (TypeError, AttributeError): return kwarray.ArrayAPI.compress(data, flags, axis=axis)
[docs] def _issubclass2(child, parent): """ Uses string comparisons to avoid ipython reload errors. Much less robust though. """ # String comparison if child.__name__ == parent.__name__: if child.__module__ == parent.__module__: return True # Recurse through classes of obj return any(_issubclass2(base, parent) for base in child.__bases__)
[docs] def _isinstance2(obj, cls): """ Uses string comparisons to avoid ipython reload errors. Much less robust though. Example: import kwimage from kwimage.structs import _generic cls = kwimage.structs._generic.ObjectList obj = kwimage.MaskList([]) _generic._isinstance2(obj, cls) _generic._isinstance2(kwimage.MaskList([]), _generic.ObjectList) dets = kwimage.Detections( boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(3).numpy(), class_idxs=[0, 1, 1], segmentations=kwimage.MaskList([None] * 3) ) """ if isinstance(obj, cls): return True try: return _issubclass2(obj.__class__, cls) except Exception: return False return False
[docs] def _setlim(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, setlim=False, ax=None): """ Helper for setlim argument for draw function """ if ax is None: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if isinstance(setlim, str): if setlim == 'grow': # only allow growth x1_, x2_ = ax.get_xlim() xmin = min(x1_, xmin) xmax = max(x2_, xmax) y1_, y2_ = ax.get_ylim() ymin = min(y1_, ymin) ymax = max(y2_, ymax) else: raise KeyError(setlim) if isinstance(setlim, float): w = abs(xmax - xmin) h = abs(ymax - ymin) xpad = ((w * setlim) - w) / 2 ypad = ((h * setlim) - h) / 2 xmin = xmin - xpad ymin = ymin - ypad xmax = xmax + xpad ymax = ymax + ypad ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
[docs] def _handle_color_args_for(color, alpha, border, fill, edgecolor, facecolor, image): """ Common logic for boxes and polygons """ import kwimage if facecolor is None: if fill: facecolor = color elif facecolor is True: facecolor = color else: facecolor = kwimage.Color(facecolor, alpha=alpha)._forimage(image) if edgecolor is None: if border: edgecolor = color elif edgecolor is True: edgecolor = color else: edgecolor = kwimage.Color(edgecolor, alpha=alpha)._forimage(image)