Source code for kwimage.structs.polygon

A class to represent a polygon (and a MultiPolygon)

Defines :class:`Polygon` and :class:`MultiPolygon`

    - [ ]  Make function mask -> polygon list
    - [ ]  Make function multipolygon -> polygon list
    - [ ]  Make function PolygonList -> Boxes
    - [ ]  Make function SegmentationList -> Boxes
    - [ ] First class shapely support (format='shapely' to mitigate format conversion cost) (or use shapely as the primary format).

import numbers
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np
from kwimage.structs import _generic

__docstubs__ = """
from kwimage._typing import SKImageGeometricTransform

[docs] class _ShapelyMixin: """ Extends :class:`Polygon` and :class:`MultiPolygon` with methods that duck-type shapely objects. References: .. [WikiBoolPolygon] .. [WikiDe91M] Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> import itertools as it >>> import kwimage >>> poly1 = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> poly2 = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> mpoly1 = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random() >>> mpoly2 = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random().buffer(0) >>> for self, other in it.combinations([poly1, poly2, mpoly1, mpoly2], 2): >>> self.iou(other) >>> self.iooa(other) >>> self.intersection(other) >>> self.union(other) >>> self.difference(other) >>> self.symmetric_difference(other) >>> self.oriented_bounding_box() """
[docs] def oriented_bounding_box(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random().scale(100, 100).round() >>> obox = self.oriented_bounding_box() >>> print(f'obox={obox}') """ import cv2 from collections import namedtuple OrientedBBox = namedtuple('OrientedBBox', ('center', 'extent', 'theta')) hull = self.convex_hull cv2_xy = center, extent, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(cv2_xy) theta = np.deg2rad(angle) obox = OrientedBBox(center, extent, theta) return obox
[docs] def buffer(self, *args, **kwargs): a = self.to_shapely() r = a.buffer(*args, **kwargs) return _kwimage_from_shapely(r)
[docs] def simplify(self, tolerance, preserve_topology=True): a = self.to_shapely() r = a.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=preserve_topology) return _kwimage_from_shapely(r)
@property def __geo_interface__(self): """ Geometry interface standardized in GeoInterface_. References: .. [GeoInterface] Example: >>> import kwimage >>> x = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> geos = x.__geo_interface__ >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:geopandas) >>> import geopandas as gpd >>> # This allows kwimage Polygons to work with geopandas seemlessly >>> gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [x]}) """ return self.to_shapely().__geo_interface__ # area # crosses # disjoint # distance # empty # envelope # equals # almost_equals # contains # interpolate (conflict) # intersects # within # touches # simplify # representative_point # project # relate # overlaps # normalize # minimum_clearance # minimum_rotated_rectangle (i.e. oriented_bounding_box) # minimum_rotated_rectangle (i.e. oriented_bounding_box) # is_valid, is_closed, is_empty, is_ring, is_simple #
[docs] def union(self, other): a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) c = a.union(b) return _kwimage_from_shapely(c)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) c = a.intersection(b) return _kwimage_from_shapely(c)
[docs] def difference(self, other): a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) c = a.difference(b) return _kwimage_from_shapely(c)
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other): a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) c = a.symmetric_difference(b) return _kwimage_from_shapely(c)
# ----
[docs] def iooa(self, other): """ Intersection over other area """ a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) isect = a.intersection(b) iooa = isect.area / b.area return iooa
[docs] def iou(self, other): """ Intersection area over union area """ a, b = self.to_shapely(fix=1), other.to_shapely(fix=1) isect = a.intersection(b) union = a.union(b) iou = isect.area / union.area return iou
# --- Properties @property def area(self): """ Computes area via shapley conversion Returns: float """ return self.to_shapely().area @property def convex_hull(self): a = self.to_shapely() r = a.convex_hull return _kwimage_from_shapely(r)
[docs] def is_invalid(self, explain=False): """ Return True if the polygon is invalid according to shapely. Args: explain (bool): if True, the return value is a string explaining why the polygon is invalid. Returns: bool | str: Always returns False if the polygon is valid. Returns True or a string if the polygon is invalid according to shapely. """ a = self.to_shapely() if a.is_valid: return False elif explain: from shapely import validation return validation.explain_validity(a) else: return True
[docs] def fix(self, drop_non_polygons=True): """ Attempt to ensure validity References: .. [SO20833344] """ # from shapely.geometry.base import geom_factory # from shapely.geos import lgeos from shapely.validation import make_valid a = self.to_shapely() if not a.is_valid: a = make_valid(a) # a = geom_factory(lgeos.GEOSMakeValid(a._geom)) if drop_non_polygons: import shapely if isinstance(a, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): poly_parts = [ p for p in a.geoms if isinstance(p, (shapely.geometry.Polygon, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon)) ] if len(poly_parts) == 1: a = poly_parts[0] if len(poly_parts) > 1: a = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(poly_parts) else: raise Exception('null geometry') return _kwimage_from_shapely(a)
[docs] class _PolyArrayBackend: """ Extends :class:`Polygon` and :class:`MultiPolygon` with methods related to array representations of polygons. """
[docs] def is_numpy(self): return self._impl.is_numpy
[docs] def is_tensor(self): return self._impl.is_tensor
[docs] def tensor(self, device=ub.NoParam): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * >>> self = Polygon.random() >>> self.tensor() """ impl = self._impl if True: newdata = {} for k, v in if hasattr(v, 'tensor'): v2 = v.tensor(device) elif isinstance(v, list): v2 = [x.tensor(device) for x in v] else: v2 = impl.tensor(v, device) newdata[k] = v2 else: newdata = {k: v.tensor(device) if hasattr(v, 'tensor') else impl.tensor(v, device) for k, v in} new = self.__class__(newdata, self.meta) return new
[docs] def numpy(self): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * >>> self = Polygon.random() >>> self.tensor().numpy().tensor().numpy() """ impl = self._impl if True: newdata = {} for k, v in if hasattr(v, 'numpy'): v2 = v.numpy() elif isinstance(v, list): v2 = [x.numpy() for x in v] else: v2 = impl.numpy(v) newdata[k] = v2 else: # newdata = {k: v.tensor(device) if hasattr(v, 'tensor') newdata = {k: v.numpy() if hasattr(v, 'numpy') else impl.numpy(v) for k, v in} new = self.__class__(newdata, self.meta) return new
[docs] class _PolyWarpMixin: """ Extends :class:`Polygon` and :class:`MultiPolygon` with methods for warping their geometry. """
[docs] def _warp_imgaug(self, augmenter, input_dims, inplace=False): """ Warps by applying an augmenter from the imgaug library Args: augmenter (imgaug.augmenters.Augmenter): input_dims (Tuple): h/w of the input image inplace (bool): if True, modifies data inplace Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:imgaug) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> import imgaug >>> input_dims = np.array((10, 10)) >>> self = Polygon.random(10, n_holes=1, rng=0).scale(input_dims) >>> augmenter = imgaug.augmenters.Fliplr(p=1) >>> new = self._warp_imgaug(augmenter, input_dims) >>> assert np.allclose(['exterior'].data[:, 1],['exterior'].data[:, 1]) >>> assert np.allclose(input_dims[0] -['exterior'].data[:, 0],['exterior'].data[:, 0]) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as pl >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> ax.set_xlim(0, 10) >>> ax.set_ylim(0, 10) >>> self.draw(color='red', alpha=.4) >>> new.draw(color='blue', alpha=.4) """ import kwimage new = self if inplace else self.__class__( # current version of imgaug doesnt fully support polygons # coerce to and from points instead dtype =['exterior'].data.dtype parts = [['exterior']] +'interiors', []) parts = [ for p in parts] cs = [0] + np.cumsum(np.array(list(map(len, parts)))).tolist() flat_kps = np.concatenate(parts, axis=0) flat_coords = kwimage.Coords(flat_kps) flat_coords = flat_coords._warp_imgaug(augmenter, input_dims, inplace=True) flat_parts = new_parts = [] for a, b in ub.iter_window(cs, 2): new_part = np.array(flat_parts[a:b], dtype=dtype) new_parts.append(new_part) new_exterior = kwimage.Coords(new_parts[0]) new_interiors = [kwimage.Coords(p) for p in new_parts[1:]]['exterior'] = new_exterior['interiors'] = new_interiors return new
[docs] def to_imgaug(self, shape): import imgaug ia_exterior = imgaug.Polygon(['exterior']) ia_interiors = [imgaug.Polygon(p) for p in'interiors', [])] iamp = imgaug.MultiPolygon([ia_exterior] + ia_interiors) return iamp
[docs] def warp(self, transform, input_dims=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Generalized coordinate transform. Args: transform (SKImageGeometricTransform | ArrayLike | Augmenter | callable): scikit-image tranform, a 3x3 transformation matrix, an imgaug Augmenter, or generic callable which transforms an NxD ndarray. input_dims (Tuple): shape of the image these objects correspond to (only needed / used when transform is an imgaug augmenter) output_dims (Tuple): unused, only exists for compatibility inplace (bool): if True, modifies data inplace Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> import skimage >>> self = Polygon.random() >>> transform = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(2, 2)) >>> new = self.warp(transform) Doctest: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:imgaug) >>> self = Polygon.random() >>> import imgaug >>> augmenter = imgaug.augmenters.Fliplr(p=1) >>> new = self.warp(augmenter, input_dims=(1, 1)) >>> print('new = {!r}'.format( >>> print('self = {!r}'.format( >>> #assert np.all(self.warp(np.eye(3)).exterior == self.exterior) >>> #assert np.all(self.warp(np.eye(2)).exterior == self.exterior) """ from kwimage._typing import SKImageGeometricTransform new = self if inplace else self.__class__( # print('WARP new = {!r}'.format(new)) if transform is None: return new elif not isinstance(transform, (np.ndarray, SKImageGeometricTransform)): try: import imgaug except ImportError: pass # import warnings # warnings.warn('imgaug is not installed') # raise TypeError(type(transform)) else: if isinstance(transform, imgaug.augmenters.Augmenter): return new._warp_imgaug(transform, input_dims, inplace=True) # else: # raise TypeError(type(transform))['exterior'] =['exterior'].warp(transform, input_dims, output_dims, inplace)['interiors'] = [ p.warp(transform, input_dims, output_dims, inplace) for p in['interiors'] ] return new
[docs] def scale(self, factor, about=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Scale a polygon by a factor Args: factor (float | Tuple[float, float]): scale factor as either a scalar or a (sf_x, sf_y) tuple. about (Tuple | None): if unspecified scales about the origin (0, 0), otherwise the scaling is about this point. Can be "centroid" and will use centroid of polygon Using "ymin,xmin" will be the topmost,leftmost point on the polygon (wrt image coords). See :func:`_PolyWarpMixin._rectify_about` for details bout codes. output_dims (Tuple): unused in non-raster spatial structures inplace (bool): if True, modifies data inplace Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(10, rng=0) >>> new = self.scale(10) Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(10, rng=0).translate((0.5)) >>> new = self.scale(1.5, about='centroid') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(color='red', alpha=0.5) >>> new.draw(color='blue', alpha=0.5, setlim=True) """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__( about = self._rectify_about(about)['exterior'] =['exterior'].scale( factor, about=about, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace)['interiors'] = [ p.scale(factor, about=about, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) for p in['interiors']] return new
[docs] def translate(self, offset, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Shift the polygon up/down left/right Args: factor (float | Tuple[float]): transation amount as either a scalar or a (t_x, t_y) tuple. output_dims (Tuple): unused in non-raster spatial structures inplace (bool): if True, modifies data inplace Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(10, rng=0) >>> new = self.translate(10) """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__(['exterior'] =['exterior'].translate( offset, output_dims, inplace)['interiors'] = [p.translate(offset, output_dims, inplace) for p in['interiors']] return new
[docs] def rotate(self, theta, about=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Rotate the polygon Args: theta (float): rotation angle in radians about (Tuple | None | str): if unspecified rotates about the origin (0, 0). If "center" then rotate around the center of this polygon. Otherwise the rotation is about a custom specified point. output_dims (Tuple): unused in non-raster spatial structures Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(10, rng=0) >>> new = self.rotate(np.pi / 2, about='center') >>> new2 = self.rotate(np.pi / 2) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(color='red', alpha=0.5) >>> new.draw(color='blue', alpha=0.5) """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__( about = self._rectify_about(about)['exterior'] =['exterior'].rotate( theta, about, output_dims, inplace)['interiors'] = [p.rotate(theta, about, output_dims, inplace) for p in['interiors']] return new
[docs] def _rectify_about(self, about): """ Ensures that about returns a specified point. Allows for special keys like center to be used. Args: about (str | Tuple): either a numeric coordinate or a string code that specifies one. Valid string codes are * "origin" - maps to (0, 0) * "centroid" - maps to the polygon centroid * "center" - alias of centroid * "ymin,xmin-bound" - the top-left (img coords) of the polygon bounding box * "ymin,xmax-bound" - the top-right (img coords) of the polygon bounding box * "ymax,xmin-bound" - the bottom-right (img coords) of the polygon bounding box * "ymax,xmax-bound" - the bottom-left (img coords) of the polygon bounding box * A comma separated code illustrated in the TextArt adapted from [SO67822179]_. Returns: Tuple[int, int] - the x, y about position References: .. [SO67822179] TextArt: (0, 0) + ---------> +x | | ymin,left ─────────►xxxxxxxxxx◄──────── ymin,xmax | xxxx xx V xmin,ymin ────►xxx xx y+ x xx◄──── xmax,ymin x x xmin,ymax ────►xx x xx xx◄──── xmax,ymax x xx ymax,left ──────►xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx◄────── ymax,xmax Example: >>> import kwimage >>> mask = kwimage.Mask.from_text(ub.codeblock( >>> ''' >>> xxxxxxxxxx >>> xxxx xx >>> xxx xx >>> x xx >>> x x >>> xx x >>> xx xx >>> x xx >>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>> '''), zero_chr=' ') >>> poly = mask.to_multi_polygon().data[0] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('ymin,xmin')) [5 0] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('xmin,ymin')) [0 2] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('xmin,ymax')) [0 5] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('ymax,xmin')) [2 8] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('ymin,xmax')) [14 0] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('xmax,ymin')) [18 3] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('xmax,ymax')) [18 6] >>> print(poly._rectify_about('ymax,xmax')) [16 8] Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(10, rng=0).scale(10).round().astype(np.int32) >>> print(self._rectify_about('centroid')) >>> print(self._rectify_about('ymax,xmin')) >>> print(self._rectify_about('xmin,ymax')) >>> print(self._rectify_about('ymax,xmin-bounds')) >>> print(self._rectify_about('xmin,ymax-bounds')) (4.325, 3.9) [5 8] [1 6] [1 8] [1 8] """ if about is None: about_ = None else: if isinstance(about, str): if about == 'origin': about_ = (0., 0.) elif about in {'center', 'centroid'}: centroid = self.to_shapely().centroid about_ = (centroid.x, centroid.y) else: # NOTE: We may want to generalize this to keypoints / # coordinates as well (or at least keypoints, not sure # about coordinates, i.e. the notion of a top-left doesnt # make sense for general ND-points), but punting on this # for now and just putting it where it is immediately # needed. import parse pattern1 = parse.Parser('{dir1},{dir2}-{qualifier}') pattern2 = parse.Parser('{dir1},{dir2}') found = pattern1.parse(about) or pattern2.parse(about) if found is None: raise KeyError('Unknown code about={}'.format(about)) parts = found.named dir1 = parts.get('dir1') dir2 = parts.get('dir2') qualifier = parts.get('qualifier', 'poly') if qualifier == 'bounds': points = self.to_boxes().to_polygons()[0] elif qualifier == 'poly': points = else: raise KeyError( 'Unknown qualifier={} in about={}'.format( qualifier, about)) def dir_to_axis_and_extremum(dir_): """ extremuf is a factor where the minimum of the data multiplied by this factor will be the desired extreme: 1 for min and -1 for max. """ if dir_ == 'ymax': axis, extremf = 1, -1 elif dir_ == 'ymin': axis, extremf = 1, +1 elif dir_ == 'xmin': axis, extremf = 0, +1 elif dir_ == 'xmax': axis, extremf = 0, -1 else: raise KeyError return axis, extremf try: axis1, extremf1 = dir_to_axis_and_extremum(dir1) except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'Unknown dir1={} in about={}'.format(dir1, about)) try: axis2, extremf2 = dir_to_axis_and_extremum(dir2) except KeyError: raise KeyError( 'Unknown dir1={} in about={}'.format(dir1, about)) if axis2 == axis1: raise ValueError(( 'Specified directions in about={} ' 'cannot be on the same axis').format(about)) extremuf_ = np.array([[extremf1, extremf2]]) pt = min((points[:, [axis1, axis2]] * extremuf_).tolist()) about_ = (np.array(pt) * extremuf_[0])[[axis1, axis2]] else: about_ = about if ub.iterable(about) else [about] * 2 return about_
[docs] def round(self, decimals=0, inplace=False): """ Rounds data to the specified decimal place. This may make the polygon invalid. Args: inplace (bool): if True, modifies this object decimals (int): number of decimal places to round to Returns: Polygon: modified polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(3).scale(10) >>> new = self.round() >>> assert np.any( != >>> assert np.all( == >>> # demo a case that makes the polygon invalid >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(6).scale(0.1) >>> new = self.round() >>> assert np.any( != >>> assert np.all( == """ new = self if inplace else self.copy() #['exterior'].round(decimals=decimals, inplace=True) # for hole in['interiors']: # hole.round(decimals=decimals, inplace=True) # print(f'inplace={inplace}')['exterior'] =['exterior'].round(decimals=decimals, inplace=inplace)['interiors'][:] = [ hole.round(decimals=decimals, inplace=inplace) for hole in['interiors'] ] return new
[docs] def astype(self, dtype, inplace=False): """ Changes the data type Args: dtype : new type inplace (bool): if True, modifies this object Returns: Polygon: modified polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(3, rng=0).scale(10) >>> new = self.astype(np.int32) >>> assert np.any( != >>> assert np.all( == """ new = self if inplace else self.copy()['exterior'] =['exterior'].astype(dtype, inplace=inplace)['interiors'][:] = [ hole.astype(dtype, inplace=inplace) for hole in['interiors'] ] return new
[docs] def swap_axes(self, inplace=False): """ Swap the x and y coordinate axes Args: inplace (bool): if True, modifies data inplace Returns: Polygon: modified polygon """ new = self if inplace else self.copy()['exterior'] =['exterior'].reorder_axes( (1, 0), inplace=inplace)['interiors'] = [ p.reorder_axes((1, 0), inplace=inplace) for p in['interiors']] return new
[docs] class Polygon(_generic.Spatial, _PolyArrayBackend, _PolyWarpMixin, _ShapelyMixin, ub.NiceRepr): """ Represents a single polygon as set of exterior boundary points and a list of internal polygons representing holes. By convention exterior boundaries should be counterclockwise and interior holes should be clockwise. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> poly1 = kwimage.Polygon(exterior=[[ 5., 10.], [ 1., 8.], [ 3., 4.], [ 5., 3.], [ 8., 9.], [ 6., 10.]]) >>> poly2 = kwimage.Polygon.random(rng=34214, n_holes=2).scale(10).round() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(doclf=True) >>> poly1.draw(setlim=1.4, vertex=0.2, vertexcolor='kw_orange', color='kw_blue', edgecolor='kw_green', alpha=0.5) >>> poly2.draw(setlim=2.9, vertex=0.2, vertexcolor='kw_red', color='kw_darkgreen', edgecolor='kw_darkblue', alpha=0.5) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> import kwimage >>> data = { >>> 'exterior': np.array([[13, 1], [13, 19], [25, 19], [25, 1]]), >>> 'interiors': [ >>> np.array([[14, 13], [15, 12], [23, 12], [24, 13], [24, 18], >>> [23, 19], [13, 19], [12, 18]]), >>> np.array([[13, 2], [14, 1], [24, 1], [25, 2], [25, 11], >>> [24, 12], [14, 12], [13, 11]])] >>> } >>> self = kwimage.Polygon(**data) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(setlim=1.4, vertex=0.2, vertexcolor='kw_orange', color='kw_blue', edgecolor='kw_green') Example: >>> import kwimage >>> data = { >>> 'exterior': np.array([[13, 1], [13, 19], [25, 19], [25, 1]]), >>> 'interiors': [ >>> np.array([[14, 13], [15, 12], [23, 12], [24, 13], [24, 18], >>> [23, 19], [13, 19], [12, 18]]), >>> np.array([[13, 2], [14, 1], [24, 1], [25, 2], [25, 11], >>> [24, 12], [14, 12], [13, 11]])] >>> } >>> self = kwimage.Polygon(**data) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(setlim=1.4, vertex=0.2, vertexcolor='kw_orange', color='kw_blue', edgecolor='kw_green') Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random( >>> n=5, n_holes=1, convex=False, rng=0) >>> print('self = {}'.format(self)) self = <Polygon({ 'exterior': <Coords(data= array([[0.30371392, 0.97195856], [0.24372304, 0.60568445], [0.21408694, 0.34884262], [0.5799477 , 0.44020379], [0.83720288, 0.78367234]]))>, 'interiors': [<Coords(data= array([[0.50164209, 0.83520279], [0.25835064, 0.40313428], [0.28778562, 0.74758761], [0.30341266, 0.93748088]]))>], })> >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(setlim=True) Example: >>> # Test empty polygon >>> import kwimage >>> data = { >>> 'exterior': np.array([]), >>> 'interiors': [],} >>> self = kwimage.Polygon(**data) >>> geos = self.to_geojson() >>> kwimage.Polygon.from_geojson(geos) >>> geom = self.to_shapely() >>> kwimage.Polygon.from_shapely(geom) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self.draw(setlim=True) """ __datakeys__ = ['exterior', 'interiors'] __metakeys__ = ['classes'] def __init__(self, data=None, meta=None, datakeys=None, metakeys=None, **kwargs): if kwargs: if data or meta: raise ValueError('Cannot specify kwargs AND data/meta dicts') _datakeys = self.__datakeys__ _metakeys = self.__metakeys__ # Allow the user to specify custom data and meta keys if datakeys is not None: _datakeys = _datakeys + list(datakeys) if metakeys is not None: _metakeys = _metakeys + list(metakeys) # Perform input checks whenever kwargs is given data = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in _datakeys if key in kwargs} meta = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in _metakeys if key in kwargs} if kwargs: raise ValueError( 'Unknown kwargs: {}'.format(sorted(kwargs.keys()))) import kwimage if 'exterior' in data: if isinstance(data['exterior'], (list, tuple)): data['exterior'] = kwimage.Coords(np.array(data['exterior'])) elif _generic.isinstance_arraytypes(data['exterior']): data['exterior'] = kwimage.Coords(data['exterior']) if 'interiors' in data: holes = [] for hole in data['interiors']: if isinstance(hole, (list, tuple)): hole = kwimage.Coords(np.array(hole)) elif _generic.isinstance_arraytypes(hole): hole = kwimage.Coords(hole) holes.append(hole) data['interiors'] = holes else: data['interiors'] = [] elif isinstance(data, self.__class__): # Avoid runtime checks and assume the user is doing the right thing # if data is explicitly specified meta = data.meta data = if meta is None: meta = {} # TODO: Add format option where format can be dict, or shapley = data self.meta = meta @property def exterior(self): """ Returns: kwimage.Coords """ # if self.format = 'dict': # if self.format = 'shapely': # return['exterior'] @property def interiors(self): """ Returns: List[kwimage.Coords] """ # if self.format = 'dict': # if self.format = 'shapely': # [d.coords for d in z.interiors] return['interiors'] def __nice__(self): """ Returns: str """ return ub.urepr(, nl=1)
[docs] @classmethod def circle(cls, xy=(0, 0), r=1.0, resolution=64): """ Create a circular or elliptical polygon. Might rename to ellipse later? Args: xy (Iterable[Number]): x and y center coordinate r (float | Number | Tuple[Number, Number]): circular radius or major and minor elliptical radius resolution (int): number of sides Returns: Polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> xy = (0.5, 0.5) >>> r = .3 >>> # Demo with circle >>> circle =, r, resolution=6) >>> # Demo with ellipse >>> xy = (0.5, 0.5) >>> r = (.4, .7) >>> ellipse1 =, r, resolution=12) >>> ellipse2 =, (.7, .4), resolution=12) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> circle.draw(setlim=True, border=1, fill=0, color='kitware_orange') >>> ellipse1.draw(setlim=True, border=1, fill=0, color='kitware_blue') >>> ellipse2.draw(setlim=True, border=1, fill=0, color='kitware_green') >>> plt.gca().set_xlim(-0.5, 1.5) >>> plt.gca().set_ylim(-0.5, 1.5) >>> plt.gca().set_aspect('equal'), r, resolution=10).draw() """ tau = 2 * np.pi if ub.iterable(r): a, b = r is_circle = (a == b) if is_circle: r = a else: is_circle = True if is_circle: theta = np.linspace(0, tau, resolution) y_offset = np.sin(theta) * r x_offset = np.cos(theta) * r else: # If we have an ellipse (i.e. different radius in each direction), # then the problem gets a lot harder, but we can do it! WE JUST # GOTTA BELIEVE IN OURSELVES! import scipy.optimize import scipy need_swap = a > b if need_swap: a, b = b, a def angles_in_ellipse(num, a, b): """ References: """ assert num > 0 assert a < b angles = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(num) / num if a != b: e2 = (1.0 - a ** 2.0 / b ** 2.0) tot_size = scipy.special.ellipeinc(2.0 * np.pi, e2) arc_size = tot_size / num arcs = np.arange(num) * arc_size res = scipy.optimize.root( lambda x: (scipy.special.ellipeinc(x, e2) - arcs), angles, # options={'maxiter': 5} ) angles = res.x return angles # Sample theta such that the arclengths between points are nearly # the same. theta = angles_in_ellipse(resolution, a, b) x_offset, y_offset = np.array((a * np.cos(theta), b * np.sin(theta))) if need_swap: x_offset, y_offset = y_offset, x_offset center = np.array(xy) xcoords = center[0] + x_offset ycoords = center[1] + y_offset exterior = np.stack([xcoords.ravel(), ycoords.ravel()], axis=1) self = cls(exterior=exterior) return self
[docs] @classmethod def regular(cls, num, xy=(0, 0), r=1): """ Make a regular polygon with ``num`` sides. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> n_polys = [ >>> kwimage.Polygon.regular(n) >>> for n in range(3, 11) >>> ] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> fig =kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> ax = fig.gca() >>> for i, poly in enumerate(n_polys): >>> poly.translate((i * 2.5, 0), inplace=True) >>> poly.draw(border=True, fill=False) >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') >>> ax.set_xlim(-1, 8 * 2.5) >>> ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) """ return, r=r, resolution=num + 1)
[docs] @classmethod def star(cls, xy=(0, 0), r=1): """ Make a star polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> poly = >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> ax = fig.gca() >>> poly.draw() >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') >>> ax.set_xlim(-1, 1) >>> ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) """ import kwimage decagon = kwimage.Polygon.regular(10, xy=xy, r=r) decagon = decagon.warp(kwimage.Affine.rotate(np.pi / 2)) path = [['exterior'].data[0],['exterior'].data[4],['exterior'].data[8],['exterior'].data[2],['exterior'].data[6],['exterior'].data[0], ] # kwimage.Points(xy=np.array(path)).draw(color='red', radius=0.1) # Take contour of self-intersecting shape (note we don't draw them # correctly) shp = kwimage.Polygon(exterior=path).to_shapely().buffer(0) star = kwimage.Polygon.from_shapely(shp) # star.draw(edgecolor='green') return star
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, n=6, n_holes=0, convex=True, tight=False, rng=None): """ Args: n (int): number of points in the polygon (must be 3 or more) n_holes (int): number of holes tight (bool): fits the minimum and maximum points between 0 and 1 convex (bool): force resulting polygon will be convex (may remove exterior points) Returns: Polygon CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.structs.polygon Polygon.random Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(n=4, rng=None, n_holes=2, convex=1) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> self.draw(color='kw_green', edgecolor='kw_blue', vertexcolor='kw_darkblue', vertex=0.01) References: """ import kwarray import scipy rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) def _gen_polygon2(n, irregularity, spikeyness): """ Creates the polygon by sampling points on a circle around the centre. Random noise is added by varying the angular spacing between sequential points, and by varying the radial distance of each point from the centre. Based on original code by Mike Ounsworth Args: n (int): number of vertices irregularity (float): [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in the angular spacing of vertices. [0,1] will map to [0, 2pi/numberOfVerts] spikeyness (float): [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in each vertex from the circle of radius aveRadius. [0,1] will map to [0, aveRadius] Returns: a list of vertices, in CCW order. Example: n = 4 irregularity = 0 spikeyness = 0 """ # Generate around the unit circle cx, cy = (0.0, 0.0) radius = 1 tau = np.pi * 2 irregularity = np.clip(irregularity, 0, 1) * 2 * np.pi / n spikeyness = np.clip(spikeyness, 1e-9, 1) # generate n angle steps lower = (tau / n) - irregularity upper = (tau / n) + irregularity angle_steps = rng.uniform(lower, upper, n) # normalize the steps so that point 0 and point n+1 are the same k = angle_steps.sum() / (2 * np.pi) angles = (angle_steps / k).cumsum() + rng.uniform(0, tau) from kwarray import distributions tnorm = distributions.TruncNormal(radius, spikeyness, low=0, high=2 * radius, rng=rng) # now generate the points radii = tnorm.sample(n) x_pts = cx + radii * np.cos(angles) y_pts = cy + radii * np.sin(angles) points = np.hstack([x_pts[:, None], y_pts[:, None]]) # Scale to 0-1 space points = points - points.min(axis=0) points = points / points.max(axis=0) # Randomly place within 0-1 space points = points * (rng.rand() * .8 + .2) min_pt = points.min(axis=0) max_pt = points.max(axis=0) high = (1 - max_pt) low = (0 - min_pt) offset = (rng.rand(2) * (high - low)) + low points = points + offset return points # points = rng.rand(n, 2) points = _gen_polygon2(n, 0.9, 0.1 if convex else 0.9) if convex: points = _order_vertices(points) hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points) exterior = hull.points[hull.vertices] # hack if len(exterior) != n: points = _gen_polygon2(n, 1.0, 0) points = _order_vertices(points) hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points) exterior = hull.points[hull.vertices] else: exterior = points exterior = _order_vertices(exterior) def generate_random(number, polygon, rng): # FIXME: needs to be inside a convex portion of the polygon list_of_points = [] minx, miny, maxx, maxy = polygon.bounds counter = 0 while counter < number: xy = (rng.uniform(minx, maxx), rng.uniform(miny, maxy)) pnt = Point(*xy) if polygon.contains(pnt): list_of_points.append(xy) counter += 1 return list_of_points interiors = [] if n_holes: try: import shapely from shapely.geometry import Point except Exception: print('FAILED TO IMPORT SHAPELY') raise polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(shell=exterior) for _ in range(n_holes): polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(shell=exterior, holes=interiors) in_pts = generate_random(4, polygon, rng) interior = _order_vertices(np.array(in_pts))[::-1] interiors.append(interior) self = cls(exterior=exterior, interiors=interiors) if tight: min_xy =['exterior'].data.min(axis=0) max_xy =['exterior'].data.max(axis=0) extent = max_xy - min_xy self = self.translate(-min_xy).scale(1 / extent) return self
@ub.memoize_property def _impl(self): return['exterior']._impl
[docs] def to_mask(self, dims=None, pixels_are='points'): """ Convert this polygon to a mask TODO: - [ ] currently not efficient Args: dims (Tuple): height and width of the output mask pixels_are (str): either "points" or "areas" Returns: kwimage.Mask Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1).scale(128) >>> mask = self.to_mask((128, 128)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> mask.draw(color='blue') >>> mask.to_multi_polygon().draw(color='red', alpha=.5) """ import kwimage if dims is None: raise ValueError('Must specify output raster dimensions') c_mask = np.zeros(dims, dtype=np.uint8) value = 1 self.fill(c_mask, value, pixels_are=pixels_are) mask = kwimage.Mask(c_mask, 'c_mask') return mask
[docs] def to_relative_mask(self, return_offset=False): """ Returns a translated mask such the mask dimensions are minimal. In other words, we move the polygon all the way to the top-left and return a mask just big enough to fit the polygon. Returns: kwimage.Mask Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random().scale(8).translate(100, 100) >>> mask = self.to_relative_mask() >>> assert mask.shape <= (8, 8) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> mask.draw(color='blue') >>> mask.to_multi_polygon().draw(color='red', alpha=.5) """ x, y, w, h = self.to_boxes().quantize().to_xywh().data[0] mask = self.translate((-x, -y)).to_mask(dims=(h, w)) if return_offset: offset = (x, y) return mask, offset else: return mask
[docs] def _to_cv_countours(self): """ OpenCV polygon representation, which is a list of points. Holes are implicitly represented. When another polygon is drawn over an existing polyon via cv2.fillPoly Returns: List[ndarray]: where each ndarray is of shape [N, 1, 2], where N is the number of points on the boundary, the middle dimension is always 1, and the trailing dimension represents x and y coordinates respectively. """ data = coords = [data['exterior']] + data['interiors'] cv_contour_ = [np.expand_dims(, axis=1) for c in coords] WORKAROUND_OPENCV_5473 = 1 if WORKAROUND_OPENCV_5473: max_coord = (1 << 16) // 2 for c in cv_contour_: if np.any(c > max_coord): import warnings warnings.warn('Drawing a large polygon with cv2 has bugs') cv_contour_ = [c.clip(-max_coord, max_coord) for c in cv_contour_] cv_contours = [c.astype(np.int32) for c in cv_contour_] return cv_contours
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(Polygon, data): """ Routes the input to the proper constructor Try to autodetermine format of input polygon and coerce it into a kwimage.Polygon. Args: data (object): some type of data that can be interpreted as a polygon. Returns: kwimage.Polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce(self) >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce(self.exterior) >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce( >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce( >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce(self.to_geojson()) >>> kwimage.Polygon.coerce('POLYGON ((0.11 0.61, 0.07 0.588, 0.015 0.50, 0.11 0.61))') """ # TODO: fix single list case from old coco style import kwimage if isinstance(data, Polygon): return data if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, kwimage.Coords)): return Polygon(exterior=data) # TODO accept torch if isinstance(data, str): return Polygon.from_wkt(data) if isinstance(data, dict): if 'coordinates' in data: return Polygon.from_geojson(data) if 'exterior' in data: return Polygon(data) import shapely import shapely.geometry if isinstance(data, shapely.geometry.Polygon): return Polygon.from_shapely(data) raise TypeError( 'coerce data into a polygon not implemented for this case: {}'.format( type(data)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapely(Polygon, geom): """ Convert a shapely polygon to a kwimage.Polygon Args: geom (shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon): a shapely polygon Returns: kwimage.Polygon """ if len(geom.exterior.coords) == 0: exterior = np.empty((0, 2)) else: exterior = np.array(geom.exterior.coords.xy).T interiors = [np.array(g.coords.xy).T for g in geom.interiors] self = Polygon(exterior=exterior, interiors=interiors) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_wkt(Polygon, data): """ Convert a WKT string to a kwimage.Polygon Args: data (str): a WKT polygon string Returns: kwimage.Polygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> data = 'POLYGON ((0.11 0.61, 0.07 0.588, 0.015 0.50, 0.11 0.61))' >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.from_wkt(data) >>> assert len(self.exterior) == 4 """ from shapely import wkt geom = wkt.loads(data) self = Polygon.from_shapely(geom) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_geojson(Polygon, data_geojson): """ Convert a geojson polygon to a kwimage.Polygon Args: data_geojson (dict): geojson data Returns: Polygon References: Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=2) >>> data_geojson = self.to_geojson() >>> new = Polygon.from_geojson(data_geojson) """ # By the spec a Polygon should have 3 levels of nesting, but lets # handle the common case (mistake?) where there are only two geojson_type = data_geojson.get('type', 'Polygon').lower() if geojson_type != 'polygon': raise ValueError('Type is {}, not Polygon'.format(geojson_type)) # TODO: better method for checking nest depth coords = data_geojson['coordinates'] def check_leftmost_depth(data): # quick check_leftmost_depth of a nested struct item = data depth = 0 while isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): if len(item) == 0: return None # empty data # raise Exception('no child node') item = item[0] depth += 1 return depth depth = check_leftmost_depth(coords) if depth is None: exterior = np.empty((0, 2)) interiors = [] elif depth == 2: raise Exception(ub.codeblock( ''' The GEOJSON spec has a depth of 3! coodinates should be: 'coordinates': [ [ [x_1, y_1], ... , [x_n, y_n] ], # exterior [ [x_1, y_1], ... , [x_n, y_n] ], # hole 1 [ [x_1, y_1], ... , [x_n, y_n] ], # hole 2 ] ''')) # exterior = np.array(coords) # interiors = [] elif depth == 3: exterior = np.array(coords[0]) interiors = [np.array(h) for h in coords[1:]] else: raise Exception('Unknown geojson format') self = Polygon(exterior=exterior, interiors=interiors) return self
[docs] def to_shapely(self, fix=False): """ Args: fix (bool): if True, will check for validity and if any simple fixes can be applied, otherwise it returns the data as is. Returns: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:shapely) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1) >>> self = self.scale(100) >>> geom = self.to_shapely() >>> print('geom = {!r}'.format(geom)) """ import shapely import shapely.geometry shell_data =['exterior'].data if shell_data.size == 0: # Empty polygon geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon() else: geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon( shell=shell_data, holes=[ for c in['interiors']] ) if fix: if not geom.is_valid: geom = geom.buffer(0) return geom
[docs] def to_geojson(self): """ Converts polygon to a geojson structure Returns: Dict[str, object] Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> print(self.to_geojson()) """ coords = [['exterior'].data.tolist()] holes = [ for interior in['interiors']] if holes: coords.extend(holes) geojson = { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': coords, } return geojson
[docs] def to_wkt(self): """ Convert a kwimage.Polygon to WKT string Returns: str Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> print(self.to_wkt()) """ shp = self.to_shapely() if hasattr(shp, 'wkt'): return shp.wkt # new version (~1.8a1) else: return shp.to_wkt()
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(cls, data, dims=None): """ Accepts either new-style or old-style coco polygons Args: data (List[Number] | Dict): A new or old-style coco polygon dims (None | Tuple[int, ...]): the shape dimensions of the canvas. Unused. Exists for compatibility with masks. Returns: Polygon """ if isinstance(data, list): if len(data) > 0: assert isinstance(ub.peek(data), numbers.Number) exterior = np.array(data).reshape(-1, 2) self = cls(exterior=exterior) else: self = cls(exterior=[]) elif isinstance(data, dict): if 'exterior' not in data: raise ValueError('dict requires exterior key') self = cls(**data) else: raise TypeError(type(data)) return self
[docs] def _to_coco(self, style='orig'): return self.to_coco(style=style)
[docs] def to_coco(self, style='orig'): """ Args: style(str): can be "orig" or "new" Returns: List | Dict : coco-style polygons """ interiors ='interiors', []) if style == 'orig': if interiors: raise ValueError('Original coco does not support holes') return['exterior'].data.ravel().tolist() elif style == 'new': _new = { 'exterior':['exterior'].data.tolist(), 'interiors': [ for item in interiors] } return _new else: raise KeyError(style)
[docs] def to_multi_polygon(self): """ Returns: MultiPolygon """ return MultiPolygon([self])
[docs] def to_boxes(self): """ Deprecated: lossy conversion use 'bounding_box' instead Returns: kwimage.Boxes """ return self.bounding_box()
@property def centroid(self): """ Returns: Tuple[Number, Number] """ shp_centroid = self.to_shapely().centroid xy = (shp_centroid.x, shp_centroid.y) return xy
[docs] def to_box(self): """ ## DEPRECATED: Use :func:`box` instead. ## Do we deprecate this? Should we stick to the to_ / from_ convention? Returns: kwimage.Box """ import kwimage xys =['exterior'].data lt = xys.min(axis=0) rb = xys.max(axis=0) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb]) boxes = kwimage.Box.from_data(ltrb, 'ltrb') # ub.schedule_deprecation( # 'kwimage', 'to_box', 'method', # migration='use instead', # deprecate='0.9.19', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0') return boxes
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Returns an axis-aligned bounding box for the segmentation DEPRECATED: Use singular :func:`box` instead. Returns: kwimage.Boxes """ ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwimage', 'Polygon.bounding_box', 'function', migration='Use the box method instead.', deprecate='0.9.20', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0') import kwimage xys =['exterior'].data lt = xys.min(axis=0) rb = xys.max(axis=0) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb])[None, :] boxes = kwimage.Boxes(ltrb, 'ltrb') ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwimage', 'bounding_box', 'method', migration='use instead', deprecate='0.9.19', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0') return boxes
[docs] def box(self): """ Returns an axis-aligned bounding box for the segmentation Returns: kwimage.Box Example: >>> import kwimage >>> poly = kwimage.Polygon.random() >>> box = >>> print('box = {}'.format(ub.urepr(box, nl=1))) """ import kwimage xys =['exterior'].data lt = xys.min(axis=0) rb = xys.max(axis=0) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb]) box = kwimage.Box.coerce(ltrb, format='ltrb') return box
[docs] def bounding_box_polygon(self): """ Returns an axis-aligned bounding polygon for the segmentation. Note: This Polygon will be a Box, not a convex hull! Use shapely for convex hulls. Returns: kwimage.Polygon """ new = self.bounding_box().to_polygons()[0] return new
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns: Polygon: a copy """ self2 = self.__class__(, self.meta.copy())['exterior'] =['exterior'].copy()['interiors'] = [x.copy() for x in['interiors']] return self2
[docs] def clip(self, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, inplace=False): """ Clip polygon to specified boundaries. Returns: Polygon: clipped polygon Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * >>> self = Polygon.random().scale(10).translate(-1) >>> self2 = self.clip(1, 1, 3, 3) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> self2.draw(setlim=True) """ if inplace: self2 = self else: self2 = self.copy() impl = self._impl xs, ys = impl.T(['exterior'].data) np.clip(xs, x_min, x_max, out=xs) np.clip(ys, y_min, y_max, out=ys) return self2
[docs] def fill(self, image, value=1, pixels_are='points', assert_inplace=False): """ Fill in an image based on this polyon. Args: image (ndarray): image to draw on value (int | Tuple[int]): value fill in with. Defaults to 1. pixels_are (str): either points or areas assert_inplace (bool): if True then the function will error if the modification cannot happen inplace. Returns: ndarray: the image that has been modified in place Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:rasterio) >>> import kwimage >>> mask = kwimage.Mask.random(rng=0) >>> self = mask.to_multi_polygon(pixels_are='areas').data[0] >>> image = np.zeros_like( >>> self.fill(image, pixels_are='areas') Example: >>> # Test case where there are multiple channels >>> import kwimage >>> mask = kwimage.Mask.random(shape=(4, 4), rng=0) >>> self = mask.to_multi_polygon() >>> image = np.zeros(mask.shape[0:2] + (2,), dtype=np.float32) >>> fill_v1 = self.fill(image.copy(), value=1) >>> fill_v2 = self.fill(image.copy(), value=(1, 2)) >>> assert np.all((fill_v1 > 0) == (fill_v2 > 0)) Example: >>> import kwimage >>> # Test dtype with inplace vs not >>> mask = kwimage.Mask.random(shape=(32, 32), rng=0) >>> self = mask.to_multi_polygon() >>> native_dtypes = [] >>> native_dtypes += [np.uint8, np.uint16] >>> native_dtypes += [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32] >>> native_dtypes += [np.float32] >>> for dtype in native_dtypes: >>> image = np.zeros(mask.shape[0:2] + (2,), dtype=dtype) >>> image1 = self.fill(image, value=1, assert_inplace=True) >>> assert image1.sum() > 0 >>> assert image.sum() > 0 >>> print(f'dtype: {dtype} inplace') >>> needfix_dtypes = [np.uint32, np.uint64, np.int64, np.float16, np.float64] >>> for dtype in needfix_dtypes: >>> image = np.zeros(mask.shape[0:2] + (2,), dtype=dtype) >>> image1 = self.fill(image, value=1, assert_inplace=False) >>> assert image1.sum() > 0 >>> assert image.sum() == 0 >>> print(f'dtype: {dtype} not inplace') """ import cv2 # If the dtype if fixed, then the data is not modified inplace final_dtype = None image_ = image from kwimage.im_cv2 import _cv2_input_fixer_v2 image_, final_dtype = _cv2_input_fixer_v2( image, allowed_types='uint8,uint16,int8,int16,int32,float32', contiguous=False) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') if pixels_are == 'areas': # rasterio hac: todo nicer organization from rasterio import features shapes = [self.translate((0.5, 0.5)).to_geojson()] features.rasterize(shapes, out=image_, default_value=value) elif pixels_are == 'points': # line_type = cv2.LINE_AA cv_contours = self._to_cv_countours() line_type = cv2.LINE_8 # Modification happens inplace if len(image_.shape) == 2: cv2.fillPoly(image_, cv_contours, value, line_type, shift=0) elif len(image_.shape) == 3 and image_.shape[2] < 4: if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): value = (value,) * image_.shape[2] cv2.fillPoly(image_, cv_contours, value, line_type, shift=0) else: # handle bands > 3 for bx in enumerate(range(image_.shape[2])): tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(image_[..., bx]) cv2.fillPoly(tmp, cv_contours, value, line_type, shift=0) image_[..., bx] = tmp if final_dtype is not None: image_ = image_.astype(final_dtype) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') return image_
[docs] def draw_on(self, image, color='blue', fill=True, border=False, alpha=1.0, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None, copy=False): """ Rasterizes a polygon on an image. See `draw` for a vectorized matplotlib version. Args: image (ndarray): image to raster polygon on. color (str | tuple): data coercable to a color fill (bool): draw the center mass of the polygon. Note: this will be deprecated. Use facecolor instead. border (bool): draw the border of the polygon Note: this will be deprecated. Use edgecolor instead. alpha (float): polygon transparency (setting alpha < 1 makes this function much slower). Defaults to 1.0 copy (bool): if False only copies if necessary edgecolor (str | tuple): color for the border facecolor (str | tuple): color for the fill Returns: np.ndarray Note: This function will only be inplace if alpha=1.0 and the input has 3 or 4 channels. Otherwise the output canvas is coerced so colors can be drawn on it. In the case where alpha < 1.0, Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1).scale(128) >>> image_in = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=np.float32) >>> image_out = self.draw_on(image_in) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(image_out, fnum=1) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # Demo drawing on a RGBA canvas >>> # If you initialize an zero rgba canvas, the alpha values are >>> # filled correctly. >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> s = 16 >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1, rng=32).scale(s) >>> image_in = np.zeros((s, s, 4), dtype=np.float32) >>> image_out = self.draw_on(image_in, color='black') >>> assert np.all(image_out[..., 0:3] == 0) >>> assert not np.all(image_out[..., 3] == 1) >>> assert not np.all(image_out[..., 3] == 0) Example: >>> import kwimage >>> color = 'blue' >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(n_holes=1).scale(128) >>> image = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=np.float32) >>> # Test drawing on all channel + dtype combinations >>> im3 = np.random.rand(128, 128, 3) >>> im_chans = { >>> 'im3': im3, >>> 'im1': kwimage.convert_colorspace(im3, 'rgb', 'gray'), >>> #'im0': im3[..., 0], >>> 'im4': kwimage.convert_colorspace(im3, 'rgb', 'rgba'), >>> } >>> inputs = {} >>> for k, im in im_chans.items(): >>> inputs[k + '_f01'] = (kwimage.ensure_float01(im.copy()), {'alpha': None}) >>> inputs[k + '_u255'] = (kwimage.ensure_uint255(im.copy()), {'alpha': None}) >>> inputs[k + '_f01_a'] = (kwimage.ensure_float01(im.copy()), {'alpha': 0.5}) >>> inputs[k + '_u255_a'] = (kwimage.ensure_uint255(im.copy()), {'alpha': 0.5}) >>> # Check cases when image is/isnot written inplace Construct images >>> # with different dtypes / channels and run a draw_on with different >>> # keyword args. For each combination, demo if that results in an >>> # implace operation or not. >>> rows = [] >>> outputs = {} >>> for k, v in inputs.items(): >>> im, kw = v >>> outputs[k] = self.draw_on(im, color=color, **kw) >>> inplace = outputs[k] is im >>> rows.append({'key': k, 'inplace': inplace}) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pandas) >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.DataFrame(rows).sort_values('inplace') >>> print(df.to_string()) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nCols=2, nRows=len(inputs)) >>> for k in inputs.keys(): >>> kwplot.imshow(inputs[k][0], fnum=2, pnum=pnum_(), title=k) >>> kwplot.imshow(outputs[k], fnum=2, pnum=pnum_(), title=k) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # Test empty polygon draw >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.from_coco([]) >>> image_in = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=np.float32) >>> image_out = self.draw_on(image_in) Example: >>> # Test stupid large polygon draw >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import _generic >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random().scale(2e11) >>> image = np.zeros((128, 128), dtype=np.float32) >>> image_out = self.draw_on(image) Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(kwimage.Polygon.draw_on)) """ import kwimage import cv2 is_empty = len(['exterior']) == 0 if is_empty: if copy: image = image.copy() return image if 0 in image.shape[0:2]: # Cannot draw on this image without width and height, return it as is return image # Note: opencv#5473 # # # There is a bug where polygons do not draw correctly over the size # of 2 ** 16 # return shape of contours to openCV contours dtype_fixer = _generic._consistent_dtype_fixer(image) # print('--- A') # print('image.dtype = {!r}'.format(image.dtype)) # print('image.max() = {!r}'.format(image.max())) # line_type = cv2.LINE_AA line_type = cv2.LINE_8 cv_contours = self._to_cv_countours() if alpha == 1.0: alpha = None if alpha is None: # image = kwimage.ensure_uint255(image) image = kwimage.atleast_3channels(image, copy=copy) else: image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image) image = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(image) from kwimage.im_cv2 import _cv2_imputation image = _cv2_imputation(image) color = kwimage.Color(color, alpha=alpha)._forimage(image) # print('--- B') # print('image.dtype = {!r}'.format(image.dtype)) # print('image.max() = {!r}'.format(image.max())) # print('rgba = {!r}'.format(rgba)) if facecolor is None: if fill: facecolor = color elif facecolor is True: facecolor = color else: facecolor = kwimage.Color(facecolor, alpha=alpha)._forimage(image) # TODO: consolidate logic # _generic._handle_color_args_for( # color, alpha, border, fill, edgecolor, facecolor, image) if fill: if alpha is None or alpha == 1.0: # Modification happens inplace # NOTE: This takes a very long time if contours have # large coordinates (even if the image is small) image = cv2.fillPoly(image, cv_contours, facecolor, line_type, shift=0) else: # FIXME: This is very slow when there are a lot of polygons to # draw. An alternative is to draw all polygons on an empty # canvas and then blend that canvas with the original. The # downside is that the polygons wont blend together. # This logic needs to happen outside of this scope at the # PolygonList level. orig = image.copy() mask = np.zeros_like(orig) mask = cv2.fillPoly(mask, cv_contours, facecolor, line_type, shift=0) # TODO: could use add weighted image = kwimage.overlay_alpha_images(mask, orig) # facecolor = kwimage.Color(facecolor)._forimage(image) # print('--- C') # print('image.dtype = {!r}'.format(image.dtype)) # print('image.max() = {!r}'.format(image.max())) # print('rgba = {!r}'.format(rgba)) if edgecolor is None: if border: edgecolor = color elif edgecolor is True: edgecolor = color else: edgecolor = kwimage.Color(edgecolor, alpha=alpha)._forimage(image) if edgecolor: thickness = 4 contour_idx = -1 if alpha is None or alpha == 1.0: # Modification happens inplace image = cv2.drawContours(image, cv_contours, contour_idx, edgecolor, thickness, line_type) else: orig = image.copy() mask = np.zeros_like(orig) mask = cv2.drawContours(mask, cv_contours, contour_idx, edgecolor, thickness, line_type) image = kwimage.overlay_alpha_images(mask, orig) # edgecolor = kwimage.Color(edgecolor)._forimage(image) # image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image)[..., 0:3] # print('--- D') # print('image.dtype = {!r}'.format(image.dtype)) # print('image.max() = {!r}'.format(image.max())) image = dtype_fixer(image, copy=False) return image
[docs] def draw(self, color='blue', ax=None, alpha=1.0, radius=1, setlim=False, border=None, linewidth=None, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None, fill=True, vertex=False, vertexcolor=None): r""" Draws polygon in a matplotlib axes. See `draw_on` for in-memory image modification. Args: color (str | Tuple): coercable color. Default color if specific colors are not given. alpha (float): fill transparency fill (bool): if True fill the polygon with facecolor, otherwise just draw the border if linewidth > 0 setlim (bool | str): if True, modify the x and y limits of the matplotlib axes such that the polygon is can be seen. Can also be a string "grow", which only allows growth of the viewport to accomidate the new polyogn. border (bool): if True, draws an edge border on the polygon. DEPRECATED. Use linewidth instead. linewidth (bool): width of the border edgecolor (None | Any): if None, uses the value of ``color``. Otherwise the color of the border when linewidth > 0. Extended types Coercible[kwimage.Color]. facecolor (None | Any): if None, uses the value of ``color``. Otherwise, color of the border when fill=True. Extended types Coercible[kwimage.Color]. vertex (float): if non-zero, draws vertexes on the polygon with this radius. vertexcolor (Any): color of vertexes Extended types Coercible[kwimage.Color]. Returns: matplotlib.patches.PathPatch | None : None for am empty polygon TODO: - [ ] Rework arguments in favor of matplotlib standards Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1) >>> self = self.scale(100) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwargs = dict(edgecolor='orangered', facecolor='dodgerblue', linewidth=10) >>> self.draw(**kwargs) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2) >>> self.draw(setlim=True, **kwargs) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = Polygon.random(n_holes=1, rng=33202) >>> import textwrap >>> # Test over a range of parameters >>> basis = { >>> 'linewidth': [0, 4], >>> 'edgecolor': [None, 'gold'], >>> 'facecolor': ['purple'], >>> 'fill': [True, False], >>> 'alpha': [1.0, 0.5], >>> 'vertex': [0, 0.01], >>> 'vertexcolor': ['green'], >>> } >>> grid = list(ub.named_product(basis)) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> pnum_ = kwplot.PlotNums(nSubplots=len(grid)) >>> for kwargs in grid: >>> fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=pnum_()) >>> ax = fig.gca() >>> self.draw(ax=ax, **kwargs) >>> title = ub.urepr(kwargs, compact=True) >>> title = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( >>> title.replace(',', ' '), break_long_words=False, >>> width=60)) >>> ax.set_title(title, fontdict={'fontsize': 8}) >>> ax.grid(False) >>> ax.set_xticks([]) >>> ax.set_yticks([]) >>> fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.3, bottom=0.001, top=0.97) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.patches import Path from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import kwimage if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if border is not None: ub.schedule_deprecation( modname='kwimage', migration='use linewidth instead', name='border', type='kwarg to Polygon.draw_on', deprecate='0.8.7', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', ) data = exterior = data['exterior'].data.tolist() if len(exterior) == 0: return None # empty color = list(kwimage.Color(color).as01()) exterior.append(exterior[0]) n = len(exterior) verts = [] verts.extend(exterior) codes = [Path.MOVETO] + ([Path.LINETO] * (n - 2)) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] interiors = data.get('interiors', []) for hole in interiors: hole = hole.append(hole[0]) n = len(hole) verts.extend(hole) codes += [Path.MOVETO] + ([Path.LINETO] * (n - 2)) + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] verts = np.array(verts) path = Path(verts, codes) if border is None: border = (edgecolor is not None or linewidth is not None) else: if not border: linewidth = 0 if facecolor is None: facecolor = color kw = {} # TODO: # depricate border kwarg in favor of standard matplotlib args if border: if linewidth is None: linewidth = 2 kw['linewidth'] = linewidth if edgecolor is None: try: edgecolor = list(kwimage.Color(border).as01()) except Exception: edgecolor = list(color) # hack to darken edgecolor[0] -= .1 edgecolor[1] -= .1 edgecolor[2] -= .1 edgecolor = [min(1, max(0, c)) for c in edgecolor] else: edgecolor = kwimage.Color(edgecolor).as01('rgba') kw['edgecolor'] = edgecolor else: kw['linewidth'] = 0 kw['facecolor'] = facecolor patch = mpl.patches.PathPatch(path, alpha=alpha, fill=fill, **kw) ax.add_patch(patch) if vertex: if vertexcolor is None: vertexcolor = color data['exterior'].draw(color=vertexcolor, radius=vertex) for hole in interiors: hole.draw(color=vertexcolor, radius=vertex) if setlim: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.to_boxes().to_ltrb().data[0] _generic._setlim(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, setlim=setlim, ax=ax) return patch
[docs] def _ensure_vertex_order(self, inplace=False): """ Fixes vertex ordering so the exterior ring is CCW and the interior rings are CW. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(n=3, n_holes=2, rng=0) >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> new = self._ensure_vertex_order() >>> print('new = {!r}'.format(new)) >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(n=3, n_holes=2, rng=0).swap_axes() >>> print('self = {!r}'.format(self)) >>> new = self._ensure_vertex_order() >>> print('new = {!r}'.format(new)) """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__( exterior =['exterior'] if _is_clockwise( # ensure exterior is CCW =[::-1] pass for interior in['interiors']: if not _is_clockwise( =[::-1] return new
[docs] def interpolate(self, other, alpha): ub.schedule_deprecation( modname='kwimage', migration='use morph instead', name='interpolate', type='method', # deprecate='0.8.7', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0', deprecate='now', error='soon', remove='soon', ) return self.morph(other, alpha)
[docs] def morph(self, other, alpha): """ Perform polygon-to-polygon morphing. Note: This current algorithm is very basic and does not yet prevent self-intersections in intermediate polygons. Args: other (kwimage.Polygon): the other polygon to morph into alpha (float | List[float]): A value between 0 and 1, indicating the fractional position of the new interpolated polygon between ``self`` and ``other``. If given as a list multiple interpolations are returned. Returns: Polygon | List[Polygon]: one ore more interpolated polygons TODO: - [ ] Implement level set method [LevelSet]_ which rasterizes each polygon, interpolates the raster, and computes the interpolated polygon as contours in that interpolated raster. - [ ] Implement methods from [Albrecht2006]_ and [PolygonMorph]_ References: .. [InterpPoly] .. [LevelSet] .. [HaudrenShapes] .. [PolygonMorph] .. [Albrecht2006] .. [KamvysselisMorph] Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Polygon.random(3, convex=0) >>> other = kwimage.Polygon.random(4, convex=0).translate((2, 2)) >>> results = self.morph(other, np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.figure(doclf=1) >>> self.draw(setlim='grow', color='kw_blue', alpha=0.5, vertex=0.02) >>> other.draw(setlim='grow', color='kw_green', alpha=0.5, vertex=0.02) >>> colors = kwimage.Color('kw_blue').morph( >>> 'kw_green', np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) >>> for new, c in zip(results, colors): >>> pt =[0] >>> new.draw(color=c, alpha=0.5, vertex=0.01) >>> intepolation_lines = np.array([ for new in results]) >>> for interp_line in intepolation_lines.transpose(1, 0, 2)[::8]: >>> plt.plot(*interp_line.T, '--x') """ from shapely import geometry import kwimage # Create a variant of each polygon shape1 = self.to_shapely() shape2 = other.to_shapely() if len(shape1.interiors) > 0: raise NotImplementedError('no holes in interpolation yet') if len(shape2.interiors) > 0: raise NotImplementedError('no holes in interpolation yet') ring1 = shape1.exterior ring2 = shape2.exterior ring1_coords = np.array(ring1.xy).T ring2_coords = np.array(ring2.xy).T # Rotate each ring to align the leftmost point # Rotate the coordinates such that vertices are in better # correspondence. There are different ways we can (and should implement # options to) do this, but this one is reasonable idx1 = ring1_coords.argmin(axis=0)[0] idx2 = ring2_coords.argmin(axis=0)[0] aligned_ring_coords1 = np.roll(ring1_coords, -idx1, axis=0) aligned_ring_coords2 = np.roll(ring2_coords, -idx2, axis=0) ring1 = geometry.polygon.LinearRing(aligned_ring_coords1) ring2 = geometry.polygon.LinearRing(aligned_ring_coords2) # For each polygon exterior, find the normalized fractional point each # vertex lives on. ring_dist1 = [ring1.project(geometry.Point(pt), normalized=True) for pt in zip(*ring1.xy)] ring_dist2 = [ring2.project(geometry.Point(pt), normalized=True) for pt in zip(*ring2.xy)] # Get a common set of normalized ring distances ring_distB = sorted(set(ring_dist1 + ring_dist2)) interps = np.array(ring_distB) # Determine the coordinates for the common fractional points on each # exterior. length1 = shape1.exterior.length length2 = shape2.exterior.length interps1 = (interps * length1) % length1 interps2 = (interps * length2) % length2 coords1 = np.array([ring1.interpolate(i).xy for i in interps1])[..., 0] coords2 = np.array([ring2.interpolate(i).xy for i in interps2])[..., 0] # # Find the left-most point and use that as the base for the # # correspondence. # idx1 = coords1.argmin(axis=0)[0] # idx2 = coords2.argmin(axis=0)[0] # # centered_coords1 = coords1 - coords1.mean(axis=1, keepdims=1) # # centered_coords2 = coords2 - coords2.mean(axis=1, keepdims=1) # # kwarray.algo_assignment.mindist_assignment(centered_coords1, centered_coords2) # # kwarray.algo_assignment.mindist_assignment(coords1, coords2) # aligned_coords1 = np.roll(coords1, -idx1, axis=0) # aligned_coords2 = np.roll(coords2, -idx2, axis=0) was_iterable = ub.iterable(alpha) if not was_iterable: alpha = [alpha] alpha2 = np.array(alpha).ravel()[:, None, None] alpha1 = 1 - alpha2 interpolated_coords = ( (coords1[None, :] * alpha1) + (coords2[None, :] * alpha2) ) result = [kwimage.Polygon(exterior=xy) for xy in interpolated_coords] if not was_iterable: result = result[0] return result
[docs] class MultiPolygon(_generic.ObjectList, _ShapelyMixin): """ Data structure for storing multiple polygons (typically related to the same underlying but potentitally disjoing object) Attributes: data (List[Polygon]) """
[docs] @classmethod def random(self, n=3, n_holes=0, rng=None, tight=False): """ Create a random MultiPolygon Returns: MultiPolygon """ import kwarray rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) data = [Polygon.random(rng=rng, n_holes=n_holes, tight=tight) for _ in range(n)] self = MultiPolygon(data) return self
[docs] def fill(self, image, value=1, pixels_are='points', assert_inplace=False): """ Inplace fill in an image based on this multi-polyon. Args: image (ndarray): image to draw on (inplace) value (int | Tuple[int, ...]): value fill in with. Defaults to 1.0 Returns: ndarray: the image that has been modified in place """ from kwimage.im_cv2 import _cv2_input_fixer_v2 image_, final_dtype = _cv2_input_fixer_v2( image, allowed_types='uint8,uint16,int8,int16,int32,float32', contiguous=False) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') for p in image_ = p.fill(image_, value=value, pixels_are=pixels_are, assert_inplace=assert_inplace) if final_dtype is not None: image_ = image_.astype(final_dtype) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') return image_
[docs] def to_multi_polygon(self): """ Returns: MultiPolygon """ return self
[docs] def to_boxes(self): """ Deprecated: lossy conversion use 'bounding_box' instead Returns: kwimage.Boxes """ return self.bounding_box()
[docs] def to_box(self): """ Returns: kwimage.Box """ import kwimage lt = np.array([np.inf, np.inf]) rb = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf]) for data in xys =['exterior'].data lt = np.minimum(lt, xys.min(axis=0)) rb = np.maximum(rb, xys.max(axis=0)) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb]) boxes = kwimage.Box.coerce(ltrb, format='ltrb') return boxes
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Return the bounding box of the multi polygon DEPRECATED: Use singular :func:`box` instead. Returns: kwimage.Boxes: a Boxes object with one box that encloses all polygons Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = MultiPolygon.random(rng=0, n=10) >>> boxes = self.to_boxes() >>> sub_boxes = [d.to_boxes() for d in] >>> areas1 = np.array([s.intersection(boxes).area[0] for s in sub_boxes]) >>> areas2 = np.array([s.area[0] for s in sub_boxes]) >>> assert np.allclose(areas1, areas2) """ ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwimage', 'MultiPolygon.bounding_box', 'function', migration='Use the box method instead.', deprecate='0.9.20', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0') import kwimage lt = np.array([np.inf, np.inf]) rb = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf]) for data in xys =['exterior'].data lt = np.minimum(lt, xys.min(axis=0)) rb = np.maximum(rb, xys.max(axis=0)) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb])[None, :] boxes = kwimage.Boxes(ltrb, 'ltrb') return boxes
[docs] def box(self): """ Returns an axis-aligned bounding box for the segmentation Returns: kwimage.Box Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = MultiPolygon.random(rng=0, n=10) >>> boxes = >>> sub_boxes = [ for d in] >>> areas1 = np.array([s.intersection(boxes).area for s in sub_boxes]) >>> areas2 = np.array([s.area for s in sub_boxes]) >>> assert np.allclose(areas1, areas2) """ import kwimage lt = np.array([np.inf, np.inf]) rb = np.array([-np.inf, -np.inf]) for data in xys =['exterior'].data lt = np.minimum(lt, xys.min(axis=0)) rb = np.maximum(rb, xys.max(axis=0)) ltrb = np.hstack([lt, rb])[None, :] box = kwimage.Box.coerce(ltrb, format='ltrb') return box
[docs] def to_mask(self, dims=None, pixels_are='points'): """ Returns a mask object indication regions occupied by this multipolygon Returns: kwimage.Mask Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> s = 100 >>> self = MultiPolygon.random(rng=0).scale(s) >>> dims = (s, s) >>> mask = self.to_mask(dims) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwplot >>> plt = kwplot.autoplt() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> ax.set_xlim(0, s) >>> ax.set_ylim(0, s) >>> self.draw(color='red', alpha=.4) >>> mask.draw(color='blue', alpha=.4) """ import kwimage if dims is None: raise ValueError('Must specify output raster dimensions') c_mask = np.zeros(dims, dtype=np.uint8) for p in if p is not None: p.fill(c_mask, value=1, pixels_are=pixels_are) mask = kwimage.Mask(c_mask, 'c_mask') return mask
[docs] def to_relative_mask(self, return_offset=False): """ Returns a translated mask such the mask dimensions are minimal. In other words, we move the polygon all the way to the top-left and return a mask just big enough to fit the polygon. Returns: kwimage.Mask """ # dims (Tuple[int, int] | None): # if you know *exactly* how big the polygon is you can specify # this, otherwise it will be computed. # if dims is not None: x, y, w, h = self.to_boxes().quantize().to_xywh().data[0] mask = self.translate((-x, -y)).to_mask(dims=(h, w)) if return_offset: offset = (x, y) return mask, offset else: return mask
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, data, dims=None): """ Attempts to construct a MultiPolygon instance from the input data See Segmentation.coerce Returns: None | MultiPolygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dims = (32, 32) >>> kw_poly = kwimage.Polygon.random().scale(dims) >>> kw_multi_poly = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random().scale(dims) >>> forms = [kw_poly, kw_multi_poly] >>> forms.append(kw_poly.to_shapely()) >>> forms.append(kw_poly.to_mask((32, 32))) >>> forms.append(kw_poly.to_geojson()) >>> forms.append(kw_poly.to_coco(style='orig')) >>> forms.append(kw_poly.to_coco(style='new')) >>> forms.append(kw_multi_poly.to_shapely()) >>> forms.append(kw_multi_poly.to_mask((32, 32))) >>> forms.append(kw_multi_poly.to_geojson()) >>> forms.append(kw_multi_poly.to_coco(style='orig')) >>> forms.append(kw_multi_poly.to_coco(style='new')) >>> for data in forms: >>> result = kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce(data, dims=dims) >>> assert isinstance(result, kwimage.MultiPolygon) """ from kwimage.structs.segmentation import _coerce_coco_segmentation self = _coerce_coco_segmentation(data, dims=dims) if self is not None: self = self.to_multi_polygon() return self
[docs] def to_shapely(self, fix=False): """ Args: fix (bool): if True, will check for validity and if any simple fixes can be applied, otherwise it returns the data as is. Returns: shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:shapely) >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = MultiPolygon.random(rng=0) >>> geom = self.to_shapely() >>> print('geom = {!r}'.format(geom)) """ import shapely import shapely.geometry polys = [p.to_shapely() for p in] geom = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(polys) if fix: if not geom.is_valid: geom = geom.buffer(0) return geom
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapely(MultiPolygon, geom): """ Convert a shapely polygon or multipolygon to a kwimage.MultiPolygon Args: geom (shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon | shapely.geometry.Polygon): Returns: MultiPolygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> sh_poly = kwimage.Polygon.random().to_shapely() >>> sh_multi_poly = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random().to_shapely() >>> kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_shapely(sh_poly) >>> kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_shapely(sh_multi_poly) """ if geom.geom_type == 'Polygon': polys = [Polygon.from_shapely(geom)] else: polys = [Polygon.from_shapely(g) for g in geom.geoms] self = MultiPolygon(polys) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_geojson(MultiPolygon, data_geojson): """ Convert a geojson polygon or multipolygon to a kwimage.MultiPolygon Args: data_geojson (Dict): geojson data Returns: MultiPolygon Example: >>> import kwimage >>> orig = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random() >>> data_geojson = orig.to_geojson() >>> self = kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_geojson(data_geojson) """ if data_geojson['type'] == 'Polygon': polys = [Polygon.from_geojson(data_geojson)] else: polys = [ Polygon.from_geojson( {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': coords}) for coords in data_geojson['coordinates'] ] self = MultiPolygon(polys) return self
[docs] def to_geojson(self): """ Converts polygon to a geojson structure Returns: Dict """ coords = [poly.to_geojson()['coordinates'] for poly in] data_geojson = { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': coords, } return data_geojson
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco(cls, data, dims=None): """ Accepts either new-style or old-style coco multi-polygons Args: data (List[List[Number] | Dict]): a new or old style coco multi polygon dims (None | Tuple[int, ...]): the shape dimensions of the canvas. Unused. Exists for compatibility with masks. Returns: MultiPolygon """ if isinstance(data, list): poly_list = [Polygon.from_coco(item, dims=dims) for item in data] self = cls(poly_list) else: raise TypeError(type(data)) return self
[docs] def _to_coco(self, style='orig'): return self.to_coco(style=style)
[docs] def to_coco(self, style='orig'): """ Args: style(str): can be "orig" or "new" Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.polygon import * # NOQA >>> self = MultiPolygon.random(1, rng=0) >>> self.to_coco() """ return [item.to_coco(style=style) for item in]
[docs] def swap_axes(self, inplace=False): """ Swap x and y axis Args: inplace (bool): Returns: MultiPolygon """ return self.apply(lambda item: item.swap_axes(inplace=inplace))
[docs] def draw_on(self, image, **kwargs): Polygon.draw_on.__doc__ for item in if item is not None: image = item.draw_on(image, **kwargs) return image
# def draw_on(self, image, color='blue', fill=True, border=False, alpha=1.0): # """ # Faster version # """ # import kwimage # dtype_fixer = _generic._consistent_dtype_fixer(image) # if alpha == 1.0: # image = kwimage.ensure_uint255(image) # image = kwimage.atleast_3channels(image) # rgba = kwimage.Color(color).as255() # else: # image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image) # image = kwimage.ensure_alpha_channel(image) # rgba = kwimage.Color(color, alpha=alpha).as01() # kwargs = dict(color=color, fill=fill, border=border, alpha=alpha) # for item in # if item is not None: # image = item.draw_on(image=image, **kwargs) # image = dtype_fixer(image) # return image
[docs] class PolygonList(_generic.ObjectList): """ Stores and allows manipluation of multiple polygons, usually within the same image. """
[docs] def to_mask_list(self, dims=None, pixels_are='points'): """ Converts all items to masks Returns: kwimage.MaskList """ import kwimage new = kwimage.MaskList([ None if item is None else item.to_mask(dims=dims, pixels_are=pixels_are) for item in self ]) return new
[docs] def to_polygon_list(self): """ Returns: PolygonList """ return self
[docs] def to_segmentation_list(self): """ Converts all items to segmentation objects Returns: kwimage.SegmentationList """ import kwimage new = kwimage.SegmentationList([ None if item is None else kwimage.Segmentation.coerce(item) for item in self ]) return new
[docs] def swap_axes(self, inplace=False): """ Returns: PolygonList """ return self.apply(lambda item: item.swap_axes(inplace=inplace))
[docs] def to_geojson(self, as_collection=False): """ Converts a list of polygons/multipolygons to a geojson structure Args: as_collection (bool): if True, wraps the polygon geojson items in a geojson feature collection, otherwise just return a list of items. Returns: List[Dict] | Dict: items or geojson data Example: >>> import kwimage >>> data = [kwimage.Polygon.random(), >>> kwimage.Polygon.random(n_holes=1), >>> kwimage.MultiPolygon.random(n_holes=1), >>> kwimage.MultiPolygon.random()] >>> self = kwimage.PolygonList(data) >>> geojson = self.to_geojson(as_collection=True) >>> items = self.to_geojson(as_collection=False) >>> print('geojson = {}'.format(ub.urepr(geojson, nl=-2, precision=1))) >>> print('items = {}'.format(ub.urepr(items, nl=-2, precision=1))) """ items = [poly.to_geojson() for poly in] if as_collection: geojson = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": item, "properties": {} } for item in items ] } return geojson else: return items
[docs] def fill(self, image, value=1, pixels_are='points', assert_inplace=False): """ Inplace fill in an image based on these polygons Args: image (ndarray): image to draw on (inplace) value (int | Tuple[int, ...]): value fill in with Returns: ndarray: the image that has been modified in place """ from kwimage.im_cv2 import _cv2_input_fixer_v2 image_, final_dtype = _cv2_input_fixer_v2( image, allowed_types='uint8,uint16,int8,int16,int32,float32', contiguous=False) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') for p in if p is not None: image = p.fill(image, value=value, pixels_are=pixels_are, assert_inplace=assert_inplace) if final_dtype is not None: image_ = image_.astype(final_dtype) if assert_inplace and image_ is not image: raise AssertionError('Unable to perform requested inplace operation') return image
[docs] def draw_on(self, *args, **kw): """ Ignore: >>> # Test that we can draw a lot of polygons quickly by default >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> import kwimage >>> s = 512 >>> canvas = kwimage.grab_test_image(dsize=(s, s)) >>> kwimage.ensure_float01(canvas) >>> data = [kwimage.MultiPolygon.random().scale(s) for _ in ub.ProgIter(range(1), desc='gen poly')] >>> #data = [kwimage.Polygon.random().scale(s) for _ in ub.ProgIter(range(5), desc='gen poly')] >>> self = kwimage.PolygonList(data) >>> with ub.Timer('regular draw'): >>> out_canvas1 = self.draw_on(canvas.copy(), fill=0, border=1) >>> with ub.Timer('alpha draw'): >>> out_canvas2 = self.draw_on(canvas.copy(), alpha=0.5, fill=1, border=1, edgecolor='red') >>> # Disabling fast-draw will make drawing multiples much slower >>> with ub.Timer('alpha draw, nofast'): >>> out_canvas3 = self.draw_on(canvas.copy(), alpha=0.5, fastdraw=False, fill=1, border=1, edgecolor='red') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(out_canvas1, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(out_canvas2, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=1) >>> kwplot.imshow(out_canvas3, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=1) """ Polygon.draw_on.__doc__ # ^ docstring return super().draw_on(*args, **kw)
[docs] def unary_union(self): from shapely.ops import unary_union from kwimage.structs.polygon import _kwimage_from_shapely polys_sh = [p.to_shapely() for p in self] union_sh = unary_union(polys_sh) new = _kwimage_from_shapely(union_sh) return new
[docs] def _kwimage_from_shapely(geom): """ Args: geom (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry) Returns: Polygon | MultiPolygon """ import kwimage if geom.geom_type == 'Polygon': return kwimage.Polygon.from_shapely(geom) elif geom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon': return kwimage.MultiPolygon.from_shapely(geom) else: raise TypeError(geom.geom_type)
[docs] def _is_clockwise(verts): """ Test if points are in clockwise order [SO1165647]_. Args: verts (ndarray): Returns: bool References: .. [SO1165647] """ x1 = verts[:-1][:, 0] y1 = verts[:-1][:, 1] x2 = verts[1:][:, 0] y2 = verts[1:][:, 1] is_clockwise = ((x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1)).sum() > 0 # cross_product = np.cross(verts[:-1], verts[1:]) # is_clockwise = cross_product.sum() > 0 return is_clockwise
[docs] def _order_vertices(verts): """ Reorder vertices to be clockwise [SO1709283]_. Args: verts (ndarray): Returns: ndarray References: .. [SO1709283] """ mean_x = verts.T[0].sum() / len(verts) mean_y = verts.T[1].sum() / len(verts) delta_x = mean_x - verts.T[0] delta_y = verts.T[1] - mean_y tau = np.pi * 2 angle = (np.arctan2(delta_x, delta_y) + tau) % tau sortx = angle.argsort() verts = verts.take(sortx, axis=0) return verts