Source code for kwimage.structs.single_box

import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub

# TODO: Perhaps dynamically fix the wraped method signatures to agree with
# Boxes when possible. OR just make this efficient (perhaps that is a fools
# errand because single box objects wont be efficient in Python). Probably just
# maintain the wrapper.

[docs] class Box(ub.NiceRepr): """ Represents a single Box. This is a convinience class. For multiple boxes use kwimage.Boxes, which is more efficient. Currently implemented by storing a Boxes object with one item and indexing into it. This implementation could be done more efficiently. SeeAlso: :class:`kwimage.structs.boxes.Boxes` Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.single_box import * # NOQA >>> box = Box.random() >>> print(f'box={box}') >>> # >>> box.scale(10).quantize().to_slice() >>> # >>> sl = (slice(0, 10), slice(0, 30)) >>> box = Box.from_slice(sl) >>> print(f'box={box}') """ def __init__(self, boxes, _check: bool = False): if _check: raise Exception( 'For now, only construct an instance of this using a class ' ' method, like coerce, from_slice, from_shapely, etc...') self.boxes = boxes @property def format(self): return self.boxes.format @property def data(self): return[0] def __nice__(self): data_repr = repr( if '\n' in data_repr: data_repr = ub.indent('\n' + data_repr.lstrip('\n'), ' ') nice = '{}, {}'.format(self.format, data_repr) return nice
[docs] @classmethod def random(self, **kwargs): import kwimage if kwargs.get('num', 1) != 1: raise ValueError('Cannot specify num for Box. Use Boxes instead.') kwargs['num'] = 1 boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random(**kwargs) self = Box(boxes, _check=False) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_slice(self, slice_, shape=None, clip=True, endpoint=True, wrap=False): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> slice_ = kwimage.Box.random().scale(10).quantize().to_slice() >>> new = kwimage.Box.from_slice(slice_) """ import kwimage boxes = kwimage.Boxes.from_slice(slice_, shape=shape, clip=clip, endpoint=endpoint, wrap=wrap) self = Box(boxes, _check=False) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapely(self, geom): import kwimage boxes = kwimage.Boxes.from_shapely(geom) self = Box(boxes, _check=False) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_dsize(self, dsize): width, height = dsize import kwimage boxes = kwimage.Boxes([[0, 0, width, height]], 'ltrb') self = Box(boxes, _check=False) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(self, data, format): import kwimage boxes = kwimage.Boxes([data], format) self = Box(boxes, _check=False) return self
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, data, format=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(data, Box): return data else: import numbers import sys torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if isinstance(data, list): if data and isinstance(data[0], numbers.Number): data = np.array(data)[None, :] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or torch and torch.is_tensor(data): if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data[None, :] # return cls(kwimage.Boxes.coerce(data, **kwargs)) # inline new coerce code until new version lands from kwimage import Boxes from shapely.geometry import Polygon if isinstance(data, Boxes): self = data elif isinstance(data, Polygon): self = Boxes.from_shapely(data) else: _arr_data = None if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): _arr_data = np.array(data) elif isinstance(data, list): _arr_data = np.array(data) if _arr_data is not None: if format is None: raise Exception('ambiguous, specify Box format') self = Boxes(_arr_data, format=format) else: raise NotImplementedError return cls(self)
@property def dsize(self): return (int(self.width), int(self.height))
[docs] def translate(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.translate(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def warp(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.warp(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def scale(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.scale(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def clip(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.clip(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def quantize(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.quantize(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.copy(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def round(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.round(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def pad(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.pad(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def resize(self, *args, **kwargs): new_boxes = self.boxes.resize(*args, **kwargs) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.coerce([0, 0, 10, 10], 'xywh') >>> other = kwimage.Box.coerce([3, 3, 10, 10], 'xywh') >>> print(str(self.intersection(other))) <Box(ltrb, [3, 3, 10, 10])> """ new_boxes = self.boxes.intersection(other.boxes) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def union_hull(self, other): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.coerce([0, 0, 10, 10], 'xywh') >>> other = kwimage.Box.coerce([3, 3, 10, 10], 'xywh') >>> print(str(self.union_hull(other))) <Box(ltrb, [0, 0, 13, 13])> """ new_boxes = self.boxes.union_hull(other.boxes) new = self.__class__(new_boxes) return new
[docs] def to_ltrb(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.random().to_ltrb() >>> assert self.format == 'ltrb' """ return self.__class__(self.boxes.to_ltrb(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def to_xywh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.random().to_xywh() >>> assert self.format == 'xywh' """ return self.__class__(self.boxes.to_xywh(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def to_cxywh(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.random().to_cxywh() >>> assert self.format == 'cxywh' """ return self.__class__(self.boxes.to_cxywh(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def toformat(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__class__(self.boxes.toformat(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def astype(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__class__(self.boxes.astype(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def corners(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert kwimage.Box.random().corners().shape == (4, 2) """ return self.boxes.corners(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_boxes(self): """ Returns the underlying "kwimage.Boxes" data structure. """ return self.boxes
@property def aspect_ratio(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().aspect_ratio) """ return self.boxes.aspect_ratio.ravel()[0] @property def center(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert len(kwimage.Box.random().center) == 2 """ xs, ys = return xs.ravel()[0], ys.ravel()[0] @property def center_x(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().center_x) """ return self.boxes.center_x.ravel()[0] @property def center_y(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().center_y) """ return self.boxes.center_y.ravel()[0] @property def width(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().width) """ return self.boxes.width.ravel()[0] @property def height(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().height) """ return self.boxes.height.ravel()[0] @property def tl_x(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().tl_x) """ return self.boxes.tl_x.ravel()[0] @property def tl_y(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().tl_y) """ return self.boxes.tl_y.ravel()[0] @property def br_x(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().br_y) """ return self.boxes.br_x.ravel()[0] @property def br_y(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> assert not ub.iterable(kwimage.Box.random().br_y) """ return self.boxes.br_y.ravel()[0] @property def dtype(self): return self.boxes.dtype @property def area(self): return self.boxes.area.ravel()[0]
[docs] def to_slice(self, endpoint=True): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> kwimage.Box.random(rng=0).scale(10).quantize().to_slice() (slice(5, 8, None), slice(5, 7, None)) """ return self.boxes.to_slices(endpoint=endpoint)[0]
[docs] def to_shapely(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> kwimage.Box.random().to_shapely() """ return self.boxes.to_shapely()[0]
[docs] def to_polygon(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> kwimage.Box.random().to_polygon() """ return self.boxes.to_polygons()[0]
[docs] def to_coco(self): """ Example: >>> import kwimage >>> kwimage.Box.random().to_coco() """ return list(self.boxes.to_coco())[0]
[docs] def draw_on(self, image=None, color='blue', alpha=None, label=None, copy=False, thickness=2, label_loc='top_left'): """ Draws a box directly on an image using OpenCV Example: >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.random(scale=256, rng=10, format='ltrb') >>> canvas = np.zeros((256, 256, 3), dtype=np.uint8) >>> image = self.draw_on(canvas) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(image) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ return self.boxes.draw_on(image=image, color=color, alpha=alpha, labels=[label], copy=copy, thickness=thickness, label_loc=label_loc)
[docs] def draw(self, color='blue', alpha=None, label=None, centers=False, fill=False, lw=2, ax=None, setlim=False, **kwargs): """ Draws a box directly on an image using OpenCV Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwimage >>> self = kwimage.Box.random(scale=512.0, rng=0, format='ltrb') >>> self.translate((-128, -128), inplace=True) >>> #image = (np.random.rand(256, 256) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> #kwplot.imshow(image) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> self.draw(color='blue', setlim=1.2) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> for o in fig.findobj(): # >>> o.set_clip_on(False) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ if label is None: labels = None else: labels = [label] return self.boxes.draw(color=color, alpha=alpha, labels=labels, centers=centers, fill=fill, lw=lw, ax=ax, setlim=setlim, **kwargs)
[docs] def _transfer_docstrings(): """ Helper to populate Box docstrings from Boxes. In the future we should may want to autogenerate better docstrings statically, but for now lets at least add some introspection. """ from kwimage.structs import Boxes import types for k in dir(Box): if not k.startswith('_') and hasattr(Boxes, k): v1 = getattr(Box, k) if isinstance(v1, types.MethodType): v1 = v1.__func__ if isinstance(v1, property): v1 = v1.fget if hasattr(v1, '__doc__') and v1.__doc__ is None: v2 = getattr(Boxes, k) if isinstance(v2, property): v2 = v2.fget if v2.__doc__ is not None: v1.__doc__ = ( '\n This function wraps one of the same name in ' 'kwimage.Boxes, but does not have a docstring of its own. ' 'In the meantime we will show the docstring from Boxes\n' ) + v2.__doc__
if 0: _transfer_docstrings()