Source code for kwimage.structs.detections

Structure for efficient access and modification of bounding boxes with
associated scores and class labels. Builds on top of the `kwimage.Boxes`

Also can optionally incorporate `kwimage.PolygonList` for segmentation masks
and `kwimage.PointsList` for keypoints.

If you want to visualize boxes and scores you can do this:
    >>> # Given data
    >>> data = np.random.rand(10, 4) * 224
    >>> scores = np.random.rand(10,)
    >>> class_idxs = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=10)
    >>> classes = ['class1', 'class2', 'class3']
    >>> #
    >>> # Wrap your data with a Detections object
    >>> import kwimage
    >>> dets = kwimage.Detections(
    >>>     boxes=kwimage.Boxes(data, format='xywh'),
    >>>     scores=scores,
    >>>     class_idxs=class_idxs,
    >>>     classes=classes,
    >>> )
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot)
    >>> dets.draw()
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.gca().set_xlim(0, 224)
    >>> plt.gca().set_ylim(0, 224)

import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
import sys
from kwimage.structs import boxes as _boxes
from kwimage.structs import _generic

# try:
#     import torch
# except Exception:
#     torch = None

[docs] class _DetDrawMixin: """ Non critical methods for visualizing detections """
[docs] def draw(self, color='blue', alpha=None, labels=True, centers=False, lw=2, fill=False, ax=None, radius=5, kpts=True, sseg=True, setlim=False, boxes=True): """ Draws boxes using matplotlib Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> self = Detections.random(num=10, scale=512.0, rng=0, classes=['a', 'b', 'c']) >>> self.boxes.translate((-128, -128), inplace=True) >>> image = (np.random.rand(256, 256) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(image) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> self.draw(color='blue', alpha=None) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> for o in fig.findobj(): # >>> o.set_clip_on(False) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() """ segmentations ='segmentations', None) if sseg and segmentations is not None: segmentations.draw(color=color, alpha=.4) labels = self._make_labels(labels) alpha = self._make_alpha(alpha) if boxes: self.boxes.draw(labels=labels, color=color, alpha=alpha, fill=fill, centers=centers, ax=ax, lw=lw) keypoints ='keypoints', None) if kpts and keypoints is not None: keypoints.draw(color=color, radius=radius) if setlim: x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.boxes.to_ltrb().components xmax = x2.max() xmin = x1.min() ymax = y2.max() ymin = y1.min() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
[docs] def draw_on(self, image=None, color='blue', alpha=None, labels=True, radius=5, kpts=True, sseg=True, boxes=True, ssegkw=None, label_loc='top_left', thickness=2): """ Draws boxes directly on the image using OpenCV Args: image (ndarray[Any, UInt8]): must be in uint8 format color (str | Any | List[Any]): one color for all boxes or a list of colors for each box. Or the string "classes", in which case it will use a different color for each class (specified in the classes object if possible). Extended types: str | ColorLike | List[ColorLike] alpha (float): Transparency of overlay. can be a scalar or a list for each box labels (bool | str | List[str]): if True, use categorie names as the labels. See _make_labels for details. Otherwise a manually specified text label for each box. boxes (bool): if True draw the boxes kpts (bool): if True draw the keypoints sseg (bool): if True draw the segmentations ssegkw (dict): extra arguments passed to `segmentations.draw_on` radius (float): passed to `keypoints.draw_on` label_loc (str): indicates where labels (if specified) should be drawn. passed to `boxes.draw_on` thickness (int): rectangle thickness, negative values will draw a filled rectangle. passed to `boxes.draw_on`. Defaults to 2. Returns: ndarray[Any, UInt8]: image with labeled boxes drawn on it CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.structs.detections _DetDrawMixin.draw_on:1 --profile --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwimage >>> import kwplot >>> self = kwimage.Detections.random(num=10, scale=512, rng=0) >>> image = (np.random.rand(512, 512) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> image2 = self.draw_on(image, color='blue') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(image2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> import kwimage >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> import kwplot >>> self = kwimage.Detections.random(num=10, scale=512, rng=0) >>> image = (np.random.rand(512, 512) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> image2 = self.draw_on(image, color='classes') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(image2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--profile) >>> import kwimage >>> import kwplot >>> self = kwimage.Detections.random(num=100, scale=512, rng=0, keypoints=True, segmentations=True) >>> image = (np.random.rand(512, 512) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> image2 = self.draw_on(image, color='blue') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(image2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) >>> # Test that boxes with tiny scores are drawn correctly >>> import kwimage >>> import kwplot >>> self = kwimage.Detections.random(num=10, scale=512, rng=0) >>>['scores'][:] = 1.23e-8 >>> image = (np.random.rand(512, 512) * 255).astype(np.uint8) >>> image2 = self.draw_on(image, color='blue') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.imshow(image2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Ignore: # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:kwplot) # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--profile) import kwplot import kwimage self = kwimage.Detections.random(num=2, scale=512, rng=0, keypoints=True, segmentations=True) image = (np.random.rand(512, 512)).astype(np.float32) self = self.scale(2e6) image2 = self.draw_on(image, color='blue') >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=2000, doclf=True) >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.imshow(image2) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(kwimage.Detections.draw_on)) """ if image is None: # If image is not given, use the boxes to allocate enough # room to draw bounds = self.boxes.scale(1.5).bounding_box().quantize() w = bounds.width.item() h = bounds.height.item() w = h = max(w, h) image = np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float32) labels = self._make_labels(labels) alpha = self._make_alpha(alpha) color = self._make_colors(color) dtype_fixer = _generic._consistent_dtype_fixer(image) if len(self): segmentations ='segmentations', None) if sseg and segmentations is not None: if ssegkw is None: ssegkw = { 'alpha': 0.4, 'color': color, } image = segmentations.draw_on(image, **ssegkw) if boxes: image = self.boxes.draw_on(image, color=color, alpha=alpha, labels=labels, label_loc=label_loc, thickness=thickness) keypoints ='keypoints', None) if kpts and keypoints is not None: # image = kwimage.ensure_float01(image) image = keypoints.draw_on(image, radius=radius, color=color) # kwimage.ensure_float01(image) image = dtype_fixer(image, copy=False) return image
[docs] def _make_colors(self, color): """ Handles special settings of color. If color == 'classes', then choose a distinct color for each category """ # Draw each category as a different color if color == 'classes': import kwimage backup_color = 'blue' class_idxs = self.class_idxs if class_idxs is None: color = backup_color else: classes = self.classes if classes is None: classes = list(range(max(class_idxs) + 1)) # TODO: allow specified color scheme backup_colors = iter(kwimage.Color.distinct(len(classes))) # Respect colors stored in classes if given if hasattr(classes, 'idx_to_node'): cname_to_color = { cid: cat.get('color', None) for cid, cat in classes.cats.items() } cidx_to_color = [ cname_to_color[cname] for cname in classes.idx_to_node ] else: cidx_to_color = [None] * len(classes) for cidx, c in enumerate(cidx_to_color): if c is None: cidx_to_color[cidx] = next(backup_colors) else: cidx_to_color[cidx] = c # kwimage.Color(c).as01() color = [backup_color if cidx is None else cidx_to_color[cidx] for cidx in class_idxs] return color
[docs] def _make_alpha(self, alpha): """ Either passes through user specified alpha or chooses a sensible default """ if alpha in ['score', 'scores']: alpha = np.sqrt(self.scores) else: if alpha is None or alpha is False: alpha = 1.0 alpha = [float(alpha)] * self.num_boxes() return alpha
[docs] def _make_labels(self, labels): """ Either passes through user specified labels or chooses a sensible default """ def _fixsore(s): return float('nan') if s is None else s if labels: if labels is True or isinstance(labels, int) and labels: parts = [] if'class_idxs', None) is not None: parts.append('class') elif'cids', None) is not None: parts.append('class') # Choose sensible default if'scores', None) is not None: parts.append('score') labels = '+'.join(parts) if isinstance(labels, str): if labels in ['class', 'class+score']: if 'class_idxs' in if self.classes: identifers = list(ub.take(self.classes, self.class_idxs)) else: identifers = ['cx={}'.format(cx) for cx in self.class_idxs] elif 'cids' in if self.classes and hasattr(self.classes, 'id_to_node'): identifers = list(ub.take(self.classes.id_to_node,['cids'])) else: identifers = ['cid={}'.format(cid) for cid in['cids']] else: # Cant determine label for class identifers = ['?' for _ in range(len(self))] if labels in ['class']: labels = identifers elif labels in ['score']: labels = ['{:.4f}'.format(_fixsore(score)) for score in self.scores] elif labels in ['class+score']: labels = ['{} @ {:.4f}'.format(cid, _fixsore(score)) for cid, score in zip(identifers, self.scores)] else: raise KeyError('unknown labels key {!r}'.format(labels)) return labels
[docs] class _DetAlgoMixin: """ Non critical methods for algorithmic manipulation of detections """
[docs] def non_max_supression(self, thresh=0.0, perclass=False, impl='auto', daq=False, device_id=None): """ Find high scoring minimally overlapping detections Args: thresh (float): iou threshold between 0 and 1. A box is removed if it overlaps with a previously chosen box by more than this threshold. Higher values are are more permissive (more boxes are returned). A value of 0 means that returned boxes will have no overlap. perclass (bool): if True, works on a per-class basis impl (str): nms implementation to use daq (bool | Dict): if False, uses reqgular nms, otherwise uses divide and conquor algorithm. If `daq` is a Dict, then it is used as the kwargs to `kwimage.daq_spatial_nms` device_id : try not to use. only used if impl is gpu Returns: ndarray[Shape['*'], Integer]: indices of boxes to keep Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dets1 = kwimage.Detections.random(rng=0).scale((512, 512)) >>> keep = dets1.non_max_supression(thresh=0.2) >>> dets2 = dets1.take(keep) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> canvas = np.zeros((512, 512, 3)) >>> canvas1 = dets1.draw_on(canvas.copy()) >>> canvas2 = dets2.draw_on(canvas.copy()) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas1) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> kwplot.imshow(canvas2) """ import kwimage classes = self.class_idxs if perclass else None if len(self) <= 0: return [] ltrb = self.boxes.to_ltrb().data scores ='scores', None) if scores is None: scores = np.ones(len(self), dtype=np.float32) if daq: daqkw = {} if daq is True else daq.copy() daqkw['impl'] = daqkw.get('impl', impl) daqkw['stop_size'] = daqkw.get('stop_size', 2048) daqkw['max_depth'] = daqkw.get('max_depth', 12) daqkw['thresh'] = daqkw.get('thresh', thresh) if 'diameter' not in daqkw: if len(self.boxes) > 0: daqkw['diameter'] = max(self.boxes.width.max(), self.boxes.height.max()) else: daqkw['diameter'] = 10 # hack keep = kwimage.daq_spatial_nms(ltrb, scores, device_id=device_id, **daqkw) else: keep = kwimage.non_max_supression(ltrb, scores, thresh=thresh, classes=classes, impl=impl, device_id=device_id) return keep
[docs] def non_max_supress(self, thresh=0.0, perclass=False, impl='auto', daq=False): """ Convinience method. Like `non_max_supression`, but returns to supressed boxes instead of the indices to keep. """ keep = self.non_max_supression(thresh=thresh, perclass=perclass, impl=impl, daq=daq) return self.take(keep)
[docs] def rasterize(self, bg_size, input_dims, soften=1, tf_data_to_img=None, img_dims=None, exclude=[]): """ Ambiguous conversion from a Heatmap to a Detections object. SeeAlso: Heatmap.detect Returns: kwimage.Heatmap: raster-space detections. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:ndsampler) >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> self, iminfo, sampler = Detections.demo() >>> image = iminfo['imdata'][:] >>> input_dims = iminfo['imdata'].shape[0:2] >>> bg_size = [100, 100] >>> heatmap = self.rasterize(bg_size, input_dims) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(2, 2, 1)) >>> heatmap.draw(invert=True) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(2, 2, 2)) >>> kwplot.imshow(heatmap.draw_on(image)) >>> kwplot.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(2, 1, 2)) >>> kwplot.imshow(heatmap.draw_stacked()) """ import kwarray import skimage import kwimage classes = self.meta['classes'] try: bg_idx = classes.index('background') except Exception: # TODO: might not be right to except this bg_idx = 0 fcn_target = _dets_to_fcmaps( self, bg_size=bg_size, input_dims=input_dims, bg_idx=bg_idx, soft=False, exclude=exclude) if tf_data_to_img is None: tf_data_to_img = skimage.transform.AffineTransform( scale=(1, 1), translation=(0, 0), ) if img_dims is None: img_dims = np.array(input_dims) # print(fcn_target.keys()) # print('fcn_target: ' + ub.urepr(ub.map_vals(lambda x: x.shape, fcn_target), nl=1)) impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce(fcn_target['cidx']) # class_probs = nh.criterions.focal.one_hot_embedding( # fcn_target['cidx'].reshape(-1), # num_classes=len(classes), dim=1) class_idx = fcn_target['cidx'] if 'class_probs' not in exclude: class_probs = kwarray.one_hot_embedding( class_idx, num_classes=len(classes), dim=0) if soften > 0: k = 31 sigma = 0.3 * ((k - 1) * 0.5 - 1) + 0.8 # opencv formula data = impl.contiguous(class_probs.T) import cv2 cv2.GaussianBlur(data, (k, k), sigma, dst=data) class_probs = impl.contiguous(data.T) if soften > 1: class_probs = impl.softmax(class_probs, axis=0) dims = tuple(class_idx.shape) kw_heat = { 'class_idx': class_idx, 'classes': classes, 'img_dims': img_dims, 'tf_data_to_img': tf_data_to_img, 'datakeys': ['kpts_ignore', 'class_idx'], } if 'class_probs' not in exclude: kw_heat['class_probs'] = class_probs if 'diameter' not in exclude: if 'size' in fcn_target: kw_heat['diameter'] = fcn_target['size'][[1, 0]] if 'offset' not in exclude: if 'dxdy' in fcn_target: kw_heat['offset'] = fcn_target['dxdy'][[1, 0]] if 'keypoints' not in exclude: if 'kpts' in fcn_target: kp_classes = self.meta['kp_classes'] K = len(kp_classes) # TODO: add noise or do some bluring? kw_heat['keypoints'] = impl.view(fcn_target['kpts'], (2, K,) + dims)[[1, 0]] kw_heat['kpts_ignore'] = fcn_target['kpts_ignore'] self = kwimage.Heatmap(**kw_heat) # print(' ' + ub.urepr(ub.map_vals(lambda x: x.shape,, nl=1)) return self
[docs] class Detections(ub.NiceRepr, _DetAlgoMixin, _DetDrawMixin): """ Container for holding and manipulating multiple detections. Attributes: data (Dict): dictionary containing corresponding lists. The length of each list is the number of detections. This contains the bounding boxes, confidence scores, and class indices. Details of the most common keys and types are as follows: boxes (kwimage.Boxes[ArrayLike]): multiple bounding boxes scores (ArrayLike): associated scores class_idxs (ArrayLike): associated class indices segmentations (ArrayLike): segmentations masks for each box, members can be :class:`Mask` or :class:`MultiPolygon`. keypoints (ArrayLike): keypoints for each box. Members should be :class:`Points`. Additional custom keys may be specified as long as (a) the values are array-like and the first axis corresponds to the standard data values and (b) are custom keys are listed in the `datakeys` kwargs when constructing the Detections. meta (Dict): This contains contextual information about the detections. This includes the class names, which can be indexed into via the class indexes. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dets = kwimage.Detections( >>> # there are expected keys that do not need registration >>> boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(3), >>> class_idxs=[0, 1, 1], >>> classes=['a', 'b'], >>> # custom data attrs must align with boxes >>> myattr1=np.random.rand(3), >>> myattr2=np.random.rand(3, 2, 8), >>> # there are no restrictions on metadata >>> mymeta='a custom metadata string', >>> # Note that any key not in kwimage.Detections.__datakeys__ or >>> # kwimage.Detections.__metakeys__ must be registered at the >>> # time of construction. >>> datakeys=['myattr1', 'myattr2'], >>> metakeys=['mymeta'], >>> checks=True, >>> ) >>> print('dets = {}'.format(dets)) dets = <Detections(3)> """ # __slots__ = ('data', 'meta',) # Valid keys for the data dictionary # NOTE: I'm not sure its productive to restrict to a set of specified # properties. It might be better to allow detections to have arbitrary data # properties like: velocity, as long as they are array-like. However, I'm # not sure how to best structure the code to allow this so it is both clear # and efficient. Currently I've allowed the user to specify custom datakeys # and metakeys as kwargs, but that design might change. __datakeys__ = ['boxes', 'scores', 'class_idxs', 'probs', 'weights', 'keypoints', 'segmentations'] # Valid keys for the meta dictionary __metakeys__ = ['classes'] def __init__(self, data=None, meta=None, datakeys=None, metakeys=None, checks=True, **kwargs): """ Construct a Detections object by either explicitly specifying the internal data and meta dictionary structures or by passing expected attribute names as kwargs. Args: data (Dict[str, ArrayLike]): explicitly specify the data dictionary meta (Dict[str, object]): explicitly specify the meta dictionary datakeys (List[str]): a list of custom attributes that should be considered as data (i.e. must be an array aligned with boxes). metakeys (List[str]): a list of custom attributes that should be considered as metadata (i.e. can be arbitrary). checks (bool): if True and arguments are passed by kwargs, then check / ensure that all types are compatible. Defaults to True. **kwargs: specify any key for the data or meta dictionaries. Note: Custom data and metadata can be specified as long as you pass the names of these keys in the `datakeys` and/or `metakeys` kwargs. In the case where you specify a custom attribute as a list, it will "currently" (we may change this behavior in the future) be coerced into a numpy or torch array. If you want to store a generic Python list, wrap the custom list in a ``_generic.ObjectList``. Example: >>> # Coerce to numpy >>> import kwimage >>> dets = Detections( >>> boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(3).numpy(), >>> class_idxs=[0, 1, 1], >>> checks=True, >>> ) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> # Coerce to tensor >>> dets = Detections( >>> boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(3).tensor(), >>> class_idxs=[0, 1, 1], >>> checks=True, >>> ) >>> # Error on incompatible types >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(TypeError): >>> dets = Detections( >>> boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(3).tensor(), >>> scores=np.random.rand(3), >>> class_idxs=[0, 1, 1], >>> checks=True, >>> ) Example: >>> self = Detections.random(10) >>> other = Detections(self) >>> assert == >>> assert is, 'try not to copy unless necessary' """ torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) # Standardize input format if kwargs: if data or meta: raise ValueError('Cannot specify kwargs AND data/meta dicts') _datakeys = self.__datakeys__ _metakeys = self.__metakeys__ # Allow the user to specify custom data and meta keys if datakeys is not None: _datakeys = _datakeys + list(datakeys) if metakeys is not None: _metakeys = _metakeys + list(metakeys) # Perform input checks whenever kwargs is given data = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in _datakeys if key in kwargs} meta = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in _metakeys if key in kwargs} if kwargs: raise ValueError( 'Unknown kwargs: {}'.format(sorted(kwargs.keys()))) if checks: import kwarray # Check to make sure all types in `data` are compatible ndarrays = [] tensors = [] other = [] objlist = [] ### Make it easier to specify keypoints and segmentations if 'segmentations' in data: import kwimage data['segmentations'] = kwimage.SegmentationList.coerce( data['segmentations']) for k, v in data.items(): if v is None: objlist.append(v) elif _generic._isinstance2(v, _generic.ObjectList): objlist.append(v) elif _generic._isinstance2(v, _boxes.Boxes): if v.is_numpy(): ndarrays.append(k) else: tensors.append(k) elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): ndarrays.append(k) elif torch is not None and isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): tensors.append(k) else: other.append(k) if bool(ndarrays) and bool(tensors): raise TypeError( 'Detections can hold numpy.ndarrays or torch.Tensors, ' 'but not both') if tensors: impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('tensor') else: impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('numpy') for k in other: data[k] = impl.asarray(data[k]) elif isinstance(data, self.__class__): # Avoid runtime checks and assume the user is doing the right thing # if data and meta are explicitly specified meta = data.meta data = if meta is None: meta = {} = data self.meta = meta def __nice__(self): return self.num_boxes() def __len__(self): return self.num_boxes()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a deep copy of this Detections object """ import copy return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def coerce(cls, data=None, **kwargs): """ The "try-anything to get what I want" constructor Args: data: **kwargs: currently boxes and cnames Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> import kwimage >>> kwargs = dict( >>> boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(4), >>> cnames=['a', 'b', 'c', 'c'], >>> ) >>> data = {} >>> self = kwimage.Detections.coerce(data, **kwargs) """ if data is None: data = {} if 'boxes' in kwargs: data['boxes'] = kwargs['boxes'] cnames = kwargs.get('cnames', kwargs.get('class_names', kwargs.get('catnames', None))) if cnames is not None: if len(cnames) and isinstance(ub.peek(cnames), str): if 'classes' not in data: data['classes'] = sorted(set(cnames)) if 'class_idxs' not in data: classes = data['classes'] data['class_idxs'] = list(map(classes.index, cnames)) self = cls(**data) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_coco_annots(cls, anns, cats=None, classes=None, kp_classes=None, shape=None, dset=None): """ Create a Detections object from a list of coco-like annotations. Args: anns (List[Dict]): list of coco-like annotation objects dset (kwcoco.CocoDataset): if specified, cats, classes, and kp_classes can are ignored. cats (List[Dict]): coco-format category information. Used only if `dset` is not specified. classes (kwcoco.CategoryTree): category tree with coco class info. Used only if `dset` is not specified. kp_classes (kwcoco.CategoryTree): keypoint category tree with coco keypoint class info. Used only if `dset` is not specified. shape (tuple): shape of parent image Returns: Detections: a detections object Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--module:ndsampler) >>> anns = [{ >>> 'id': 0, >>> 'image_id': 1, >>> 'category_id': 2, >>> 'bbox': [2, 3, 10, 10], >>> 'keypoints': [4.5, 4.5, 2], >>> 'segmentation': { >>> 'counts': '_11a04M2O0O20N101N3L_5', >>> 'size': [20, 20], >>> }, >>> }] >>> dataset = { >>> 'images': [], >>> 'annotations': [], >>> 'categories': [ >>> {'id': 0, 'name': 'background'}, >>> {'id': 2, 'name': 'class1', 'keypoints': ['spot']} >>> ] >>> } >>> #import ndsampler >>> #dset = ndsampler.CocoDataset(dataset) >>> cats = dataset['categories'] >>> dets = Detections.from_coco_annots(anns, cats) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--module:ndsampler) >>> # Test case with no category information >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> anns = [{ >>> 'id': 0, >>> 'image_id': 1, >>> 'category_id': None, >>> 'bbox': [2, 3, 10, 10], >>> 'prob': [.1, .9], >>> }] >>> cats = [ >>> {'id': 0, 'name': 'background'}, >>> {'id': 2, 'name': 'class1'} >>> ] >>> dets = Detections.from_coco_annots(anns, cats) Example: >>> import kwimage >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--module:ndsampler) >>> import ndsampler >>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler.demo('photos') >>> iminfo, anns = sampler.load_image_with_annots(1) >>> shape = iminfo['imdata'].shape[0:2] >>> kp_classes = sampler.dset.keypoint_categories() >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots( >>> anns, sampler.dset.dataset['categories'], sampler.catgraph, >>> kp_classes, shape=shape) """ import kwimage cnames = None if dset is not None: try: classes = dset.object_categories() except Exception: pass cats = dset.dataset['categories'] try: kp_classes = dset.keypoint_categories() except Exception: pass # kp_classes = None else: if cats is None: cnames = [] for ann in anns: if 'category_name' in ann: cnames.append(ann['category_name']) else: raise Exception('Specify dset or cats or category_name in each annotation') if classes is None: classes = sorted(set(cnames)) assert set(cnames).issubset(set(classes)) # make dummy cats cats = [{'name': name, 'id': cid} for cid, name in enumerate(classes, start=1) ] if classes is None: classes = list(ub.oset([cat['name'] for cat in cats])) if cnames is None: cids = [ann['category_id'] for ann in anns] cid_to_cat = {c['id']: c for c in cats} # Hack cnames = [None if cid is None else cid_to_cat[cid]['name'] for cid in cids] xywh = np.array([ann['bbox'] for ann in anns], dtype=np.float32) boxes = kwimage.Boxes(xywh, 'xywh') try: class_idxs = [classes.index(cname) for cname in cnames] except (KeyError, ValueError): class_idxs = [None if cname is None else classes.index(cname) for cname in cnames] dets = Detections( boxes=boxes, class_idxs=np.array(class_idxs), classes=classes, ) if len(anns): if 'score' in anns[0]:['scores'] = np.array([ann.get('score', np.nan) for ann in anns]) if 'prob' in anns[0]:['probs'] = np.array([ann.get('prob', np.nan) for ann in anns]) if 'weight' in anns[0]:['weights'] = np.array([ann.get('weight', np.nan) for ann in anns]) if True: ss = [ann.get('segmentation', None) for ann in anns] masks = [ None if s is None else kwimage.MultiPolygon.coerce(s, dims=shape) for s in ss ]['segmentations'] = kwimage.PolygonList(masks) if True: name_to_cat = {c['name']: c for c in cats} def _lookup_kp_class_idxs(cid): kpnames = None while kpnames is None: cat = cid_to_cat[cid] parent = cat.get('supercategory', None) if 'keypoints' in cat: kpnames = cat['keypoints'] elif parent is not None: cid = name_to_cat[cat['supercategory']]['id'] else: raise KeyError(cid) kpcidxs = [kp_classes.index(n) for n in kpnames] return kpcidxs kpts = [] for ann in anns: k = ann.get('keypoints', None) if k is None: kpts.append(k) elif len(k) == 0: kpcidxs = [] else: kpcidxs = None # TODO: correctly handle newstyle keypoints if dset is not None: pass kpcidxs = None if not (isinstance(k, list) and len(k) and isinstance(ub.peek(k), dict)): # oldstyle if kp_classes is not None: # These are only needed for old-style coco kpcidxs = _lookup_kp_class_idxs(ann['category_id']) pts = kwimage.Points.from_coco( k, class_idxs=kpcidxs, classes=kp_classes) kpts.append(pts)['keypoints'] = kwimage.PointsList(kpts) if kp_classes is not None:['keypoints'].meta['classes'] = kp_classes dets.meta['kp_classes'] = kp_classes return dets
[docs] def to_coco(self, cname_to_cat=None, style='orig', image_id=None, dset=None): """ Converts this set of detections into coco-like annotation dictionaries. Note: Not all aspects of the MS-COCO format can be accurately represented, so some liberties are taken. The MS-COCO standard defines that annotations should specifiy a category_id field, but in some cases this information is not available so we will populate a 'category_name' field if possible and in the worst case fall back to 'category_index'. Additionally, detections may contain additional information beyond the MS-COCO standard, and this information (e.g. weight, prob, score) is added as forign fields. Args: cname_to_cat: currently ignored. style (str): either 'orig' (for the original coco format) or 'new' for the more general kwcoco-style coco format. Defaults to 'orig' image_id (int): if specified, populates the image_id field of each image. dset (kwcoco.CocoDataset | None): if specified, attempts to populate the category_id field to be compatible with this coco dataset. Yields: dict: coco-like annotation structures Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:ndsampler) >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * >>> self = Detections.demo()[0] >>> cname_to_cat = None >>> list(self.to_coco()) """ import kwarray to_collate = {} if 'boxes' in to_collate['bbox'] = list(['boxes'].to_coco(style=style)) if 'class_idxs' in if 'classes' in self.meta: classes = self.meta['classes'] catnames = [classes[cidx] for cidx in self.class_idxs] if cname_to_cat is not None: pass if dset is not None: cids = [dset._resolve_to_cat(c)['id'] for c in catnames] to_collate['category_id'] = cids else: to_collate['category_name'] = catnames else: if dset is not None: raise NotImplementedError( 'Passed a dset to resolve category id, but this ' 'detection object has no classes meta attribute') to_collate['category_index'] = kwarray.ArrayAPI.tolist(['class_idxs']) if 'keypoints' in to_collate['keypoints'] = list(['keypoints'].to_coco( style=style)) if 'segmentations' in to_collate['segmentation'] = list(['segmentations'].to_coco( style=style)) if 'scores' in to_collate['score'] = kwarray.ArrayAPI.tolist(['scores']) if 'weights' in to_collate['weight'] = kwarray.ArrayAPI.tolist(['weights']) if 'probs' in to_collate['prob'] = kwarray.ArrayAPI.tolist(['probs']) if image_id is not None: to_collate['image_id'] = [image_id] * len(self) keys = list(to_collate.keys()) for item_vals in zip(*to_collate.values()): ann = ub.dzip(keys, item_vals) yield ann
# --- Data Properties --- @property def boxes(self): return['boxes'] @property def class_idxs(self): return['class_idxs'] @property def scores(self): """ typically only populated for predicted detections """ return['scores'] @property def probs(self): """ typically only populated for predicted detections """ return['probs'] @property def weights(self): """ typically only populated for groundtruth detections """ return['weights'] # --- Meta Properties --- @property def classes(self): return self.meta.get('classes', None)
[docs] def num_boxes(self): return len(self.boxes)
# --- Modifiers ---
[docs] def warp(self, transform, input_dims=None, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Spatially warp the detections. Args: transform (kwimage.Affine | ndarray | Callable | Any): Something coercable to a transform. Usually a kwimage.Affine object input_dims (Tuple[int, int]): shape of the expected input canvas output_dims (Tuple[int, int]): shape of the expected output canvas inplace (bool): if true operate inplace Returns: Detections: the warped detections object Example: >>> import skimage >>> transform = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(2, 3), translation=(4, 5)) >>> self = Detections.random(2) >>> new = self.warp(transform) >>> assert new.boxes == self.boxes.warp(transform) >>> assert new != self """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__(, self.meta)['boxes'] =['boxes'].warp(transform, input_dims=input_dims, inplace=inplace) if'keypoints', None) is not None:['keypoints'] =['keypoints'].warp( transform, input_dims=input_dims, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) if'segmentations', None) is not None:['segmentations'] =['segmentations'].warp( transform, input_dims=input_dims, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) return new
# @profile
[docs] def scale(self, factor, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Spatially scale the detections. Example: >>> import skimage >>> transform = skimage.transform.AffineTransform(scale=(2, 3), translation=(4, 5)) >>> self = Detections.random(2) >>> new = self.warp(transform) >>> assert new.boxes == self.boxes.warp(transform) >>> assert new != self """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__(, self.meta)['boxes'] =['boxes'].scale(factor, inplace=inplace) if'keypoints', None) is not None:['keypoints'] =['keypoints'].scale( factor, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) if'segmentations', None) is not None:['segmentations'] =['segmentations'].scale( factor, output_dims=output_dims, inplace=inplace) return new
# @profile
[docs] def translate(self, offset, output_dims=None, inplace=False): """ Spatially translate the detections. Example: >>> import skimage >>> self = Detections.random(2) >>> new = self.translate(10) """ new = self if inplace else self.__class__(, self.meta)['boxes'] =['boxes'].translate(offset, inplace=inplace) if'keypoints', None) is not None:['keypoints'] =['keypoints'].translate( offset, output_dims=output_dims) if'segmentations', None) is not None:['segmentations'] =['segmentations'].translate( offset, output_dims=output_dims) return new
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, dets): """ Args: boxes (Sequence[Detections]): list of detections to concatenate Returns: Detections: stacked detections Example: >>> self = Detections.random(2) >>> other = Detections.random(3) >>> dets = [self, other] >>> new = Detections.concatenate(dets) >>> assert new.num_boxes() == 5 >>> self = Detections.random(2, segmentations=True) >>> other = Detections.random(3, segmentations=True) >>> dets = [self, other] >>> new = Detections.concatenate(dets) >>> assert new.num_boxes() == 5 """ if len(dets) == 0: raise ValueError('need at least one detection to concatenate') newdata = {} first = dets[0] for key in if[key] is None: newdata[key] = None else: try: tocat = [[key] for d in dets] try: # Use class concatenate if it exists, cat = tocat[0].__class__.concatenate except AttributeError: # otherwise use numpy/torch cat = _boxes._cat newdata[key] = cat(tocat, axis=0) except Exception: msg = ('Error when trying to concat {}'.format(key)) print(msg) raise newmeta = dets[0].meta new = cls(newdata, newmeta) return new
[docs] def argsort(self, reverse=True): """ Sorts detection indices by descending (or ascending) scores Returns: ndarray[Shape['*'], Integer]: sorted indices torch.Tensor: sorted indices if using torch backends """ sortx = self.scores.argsort() if reverse: torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if torch is not None and torch.is_tensor(sortx): sortx = torch.flip(sortx, dims=(0,)) else: sortx = sortx[::-1] return sortx
[docs] def sort(self, reverse=True): """ Sorts detections by descending (or ascending) scores Returns: kwimage.structs.Detections: sorted copy of self """ sortx = self.argsort(reverse=reverse) return self.take(sortx)
[docs] def compress(self, flags, axis=0): """ Returns a subset where corresponding locations are True. Args: flags (ndarray[Any, Bool] | torch.Tensor): mask marking selected items Returns: kwimage.structs.Detections: subset of self CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.structs.detections Detections.compress Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> import kwimage >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.random(keypoints='dense') >>> flags = np.random.rand(len(dets)) > 0.5 >>> subset = dets.compress(flags) >>> assert len(subset) == flags.sum() >>> subset = dets.tensor().compress(flags) >>> assert len(subset) == flags.sum() """ if flags is Ellipsis: return self if len(flags) != len(self): raise IndexError('compress must get a flag for every item') if self.is_tensor(): torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if isinstance(flags, np.ndarray): if flags.dtype.kind == 'b': flags = flags.astype(np.uint8) if isinstance(flags, torch.Tensor): if flags.dtype != torch.bool: flags = flags.bool() if flags.device != flags.device: flags = else: flags = torch.BoolTensor(flags).to(self.device) newdata = {k: _generic._safe_compress(v, flags, axis) for k, v in} return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
[docs] def take(self, indices, axis=0): """ Returns a subset specified by indices Args: indices (ndarray[Any, Integer]): indices to select Returns: kwimage.structs.Detections: subset of self Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dets = kwimage.Detections(boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(10)) >>> subset = dets.take([2, 3, 5, 7]) >>> assert len(subset) == 4 >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> subset = dets.tensor().take([2, 3, 5, 7]) >>> assert len(subset) == 4 """ if self.is_tensor(): torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) indices = torch.LongTensor(indices).to(self.device) newdata = {k: _generic._safe_take(v, indices, axis) for k, v in} return self.__class__(newdata, self.meta)
def __getitem__(self, index): """ Fancy slicing / subset / indexing. Note: scalar indices are always coerced into index lists of length 1. Example: >>> import kwimage >>> import kwarray >>> dets = kwimage.Detections(boxes=kwimage.Boxes.random(10)) >>> indices = [2, 3, 5, 7] >>> flags = kwarray.boolmask(indices, len(dets)) >>> assert dets[flags].data == dets[indices].data """ if isinstance(index, slice): index = list(range(*index.indices(len(self)))) if ub.iterable(index): import kwarray impl = kwarray.ArrayAPI.coerce('numpy') indices = impl.asarray(index) else: indices = np.array([index]) if indices.dtype.kind == 'b': return self.compress(indices) else: return self.take(indices) @property def device(self): """ If the backend is torch returns the data device, otherwise None """ return self.boxes.device
[docs] def is_tensor(self): """ is the backend fueled by torch? """ return self.boxes.is_tensor()
[docs] def is_numpy(self): """ is the backend fueled by numpy? """ return self.boxes.is_numpy()
[docs] def numpy(self): """ Converts tensors to numpy. Does not change memory if possible. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> self = Detections.random(3).tensor() >>> newself = self.numpy() >>> self.scores[0] = 0 >>> assert newself.scores[0] == 0 >>> self.scores[0] = 1 >>> assert self.scores[0] == 1 >>> self.numpy().numpy() """ newdata = {} for key, val in if val is None: newval = val else: torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if torch is not None and torch.is_tensor(val): newval = elif hasattr(val, 'numpy'): newval = val.numpy() else: newval = val newdata[key] = newval newself = self.__class__(newdata, self.meta) return newself
@property def dtype(self): dtypes = set() for key, val in if val is not None: try: child_dtype = val.dtype if isinstance(child_dtype, set): dtypes.update(child_dtype) else: dtypes.add(child_dtype) except AttributeError: dtypes.add('unknown-for-{}'.format(type(val))) if len(dtypes) == 1: return ub.peek(dtypes) else: return dtypes
[docs] def tensor(self, device=ub.NoParam): """ Converts numpy to tensors. Does not change memory if possible. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:torch) >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * >>> self = Detections.random(3) >>> newself = self.tensor() >>> self.scores[0] = 0 >>> assert newself.scores[0] == 0 >>> self.scores[0] = 1 >>> assert self.scores[0] == 1 >>> self.tensor().tensor() """ newdata = {} for key, val in if val is None: newval = val elif hasattr(val, 'tensor'): newval = val.tensor(device) else: torch = sys.modules.get('torch', None) if torch is not None and torch.is_tensor(val): newval = val else: newval = torch.from_numpy(val) if device is not ub.NoParam: newval = newdata[key] = newval newself = self.__class__(newdata, self.meta) return newself
# --- Non-core methods ----
[docs] @classmethod def demo(Detections): import ndsampler sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler.demo('photos') iminfo, anns = sampler.load_image_with_annots(1) input_dims = iminfo['imdata'].shape[0:2] kp_classes = sampler.dset.keypoint_categories() self = Detections.from_coco_annots( anns, sampler.dset.dataset['categories'], sampler.catgraph, kp_classes, shape=input_dims) # TODO: should this extra info belong in the metadata field? return self, iminfo, sampler
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, num=10, scale=1.0, classes=3, keypoints=False, segmentations=False, tensor=False, rng=None): """ Creates dummy data, suitable for use in tests and benchmarks Args: num (int): number of boxes scale (float | tuple): bounding image size. Defaults to 1.0 classes (int | Sequence): list of class labels or number of classes keypoints (bool): if True include random keypoints for each box. Defaults to False. segmentations (bool): if True include random segmentations for each box. Defaults to False. tensor (bool): determines backend. DEPRECATED. Call ``.tensor()`` on resulting object instead. rng (int | RandomState | None): random state or seed Returns: Detections: random detections Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.random(keypoints='jagged') >>>['keypoints'].data[0].data >>>['keypoints'].meta >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.random(keypoints='dense') >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.random(keypoints='dense', segmentations=True).scale(1000) >>> # xdoctest:+REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> dets.draw(setlim=True) Example: >>> import kwimage >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.random( >>> keypoints='jagged', segmentations=True, rng=0).scale(1000) >>> print('dets = {}'.format(dets)) dets = <Detections(10)> >>>['boxes'].quantize(inplace=True) >>> print(' = {}'.format(ub.urepr( >>>, nl=1, with_dtype=False, strvals=True, sort=1))) = { 'boxes': <Boxes(xywh, array([[548, 544, 55, 172], [423, 645, 15, 247], [791, 383, 173, 146], [ 71, 87, 498, 839], [ 20, 832, 759, 39], [461, 780, 518, 20], [118, 639, 26, 306], [264, 414, 258, 361], [ 18, 568, 439, 50], [612, 616, 332, 66]]...))>, 'class_idxs': [1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'keypoints': <PointsList(n=10)>, 'scores': [0.3595079 , 0.43703195, 0.6976312 , 0.06022547, 0.66676672, 0.67063787,0.21038256, 0.1289263 , 0.31542835, 0.36371077], 'segmentations': <SegmentationList(n=10)>, } >>> # xdoctest:+REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> dets.draw(setlim=True) Example: >>> # Boxes position/shape within 0-1 space should be uniform. >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> fig = kwplot.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> fig.gca().set_xlim(0, 128) >>> fig.gca().set_ylim(0, 128) >>> import kwimage >>> kwimage.Detections.random(num=10, segmentations=True).scale(128).draw() """ import kwimage import kwarray rng = kwarray.ensure_rng(rng) boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random(num=num, rng=rng) if isinstance(classes, int): num_classes = classes classes = ['class_{}'.format(c) for c in range(classes)] # hack: ensure that we have a background class classes.append('background') else: num_classes = len(classes) scores = rng.rand(len(boxes)) class_idxs = rng.randint(0, num_classes, size=len(boxes)) self = cls(boxes=boxes, scores=scores, class_idxs=class_idxs, classes=classes) self.meta['classes'] = classes if keypoints is True: keypoints = 'jagged' if segmentations: sseg_list = [] for xywh in self.boxes.to_xywh().data: box_scale = xywh[2:] box_offset = xywh[0:2] sseg = kwimage.MultiPolygon.random(n=1, tight=True, rng=rng) sseg = sseg.scale(box_scale).translate(box_offset) sseg_list.append(sseg)['segmentations'] = kwimage.SegmentationList.coerce(sseg_list) if isinstance(keypoints, str): kp_classes = [1, 2, 3, 4] self.meta['kp_classes'] = kp_classes if keypoints == 'jagged': kpts_list = kwimage.PointsList([ kwimage.Points.random( num=rng.randint(len(kp_classes)), classes=kp_classes, rng=rng, ) for _ in range(len(boxes)) ]) kpts_list.meta['classes'] = kp_classes['keypoints'] = kpts_list elif keypoints == 'dense': keypoints = kwimage.Points.random( num=(len(boxes), len(kp_classes)), rng=rng, classes=kp_classes,)['keypoints'] = keypoints self = self.scale(scale) if tensor: ub.schedule_deprecation( 'kwimage', 'tensor', 'argument to Detections.random', migration='use .tensor() instead', deprecate='0.8.0', error='1.0.0', remove='1.1.0' ) self = self.tensor() return self
[docs] def _dets_to_fcmaps(dets, bg_size, input_dims, bg_idx=0, pmin=0.6, pmax=1.0, soft=True, exclude=[]): """ Construct semantic segmentation detection targets from annotations in dictionary format. Rasterize detections. Args: dets (kwimage.Detections): bg_size (tuple): size (W, H) to predict for backgrounds input_dims (tuple): window H, W Returns: dict: with keys size : 2D ndarray containing the W,H of the object dxdy : 2D ndarray containing the x,y offset of the object cidx : 2D ndarray containing the class index of the object Ignore: import xdev globals().update(xdev.get_func_kwargs(_dets_to_fcmaps)) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:ndsampler) >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import * # NOQA >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import _dets_to_fcmaps >>> import kwimage >>> import ndsampler >>> sampler = ndsampler.CocoSampler.demo('photos') >>> iminfo, anns = sampler.load_image_with_annots(1) >>> image = iminfo['imdata'] >>> input_dims = image.shape[0:2] >>> kp_classes = sampler.dset.keypoint_categories() >>> dets = kwimage.Detections.from_coco_annots( >>> anns, sampler.dset.dataset['categories'], >>> sampler.catgraph, kp_classes, shape=input_dims) >>> bg_size = [100, 100] >>> bg_idxs = sampler.catgraph.index('background') >>> fcn_target = _dets_to_fcmaps(dets, bg_size, input_dims, bg_idxs) >>> fcn_target.keys() >>> print('fcn_target: ' + ub.urepr(ub.map_vals(lambda x: x.shape, fcn_target), nl=1, sort=1)) fcn_target: { 'cidx': (512, 512), 'class_probs': (10, 512, 512), 'dxdy': (2, 512, 512), 'kpts': (2, 7, 512, 512), 'kpts_ignore': (7, 512, 512), 'size': (2, 512, 512), } >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import kwplot >>> kwplot.autompl() >>> size_mask = fcn_target['size'] >>> dxdy_mask = fcn_target['dxdy'] >>> cidx_mask = fcn_target['cidx'] >>> kpts_mask = fcn_target['kpts'] >>> def _vizmask(dxdy_mask): >>> dx, dy = dxdy_mask >>> mag = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2) >>> mag /= (mag.max() + 1e-9) >>> mask = (cidx_mask != 0).astype(np.float32) >>> angle = np.arctan2(dy, dx) >>> orimask = kwplot.make_orimask(angle, mask, alpha=mag) >>> vecmask = kwplot.make_vector_field( >>> dx, dy, stride=4, scale=0.1, thickness=1, tipLength=.2, >>> line_type=16) >>> return [vecmask, orimask] >>> vecmask, orimask = _vizmask(dxdy_mask) >>> raster = kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers( >>> [vecmask, orimask, image], keepalpha=False) >>> raster = dets.draw_on((raster * 255).astype(np.uint8), >>> labels=True, alpha=None) >>> kwplot.imshow(raster) >>> kwplot.show_if_requested() raster = (kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers(_vizmask(kpts_mask[:, 5]) + [image], keepalpha=False) * 255).astype(np.uint8) kwplot.imshow(raster, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=1) raster = (kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers(_vizmask(kpts_mask[:, 6]) + [image], keepalpha=False) * 255).astype(np.uint8) kwplot.imshow(raster, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=1) raster = (kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers(_vizmask(dxdy_mask) + [image], keepalpha=False) * 255).astype(np.uint8) raster = dets.draw_on(raster, labels=True, alpha=None) kwplot.imshow(raster, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=1) raster = kwimage.overlay_alpha_layers( [vecmask, orimask, image], keepalpha=False) raster = dets.draw_on((raster * 255).astype(np.uint8), labels=True, alpha=None) kwplot.imshow(raster) kwplot.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 # In soft mode we made a one-channel segmentation target mask cidx_mask = np.full(input_dims, dtype=np.int32, fill_value=bg_idx) if 'class_probs' not in exclude: if soft: # In soft mode we add per-class channel probability blips num_obj_classes = len(dets.classes) cidx_probs = np.full((num_obj_classes,) + tuple(input_dims), dtype=np.float32, fill_value=0) if 'diameter' not in exclude: size_mask = np.empty((2,) + tuple(input_dims), dtype=np.float32) size_mask[:] = np.array(bg_size)[:, None, None] if 'offset' not in exclude: dxdy_mask = np.zeros((2,) + tuple(input_dims), dtype=np.float32) dets = dets.numpy() cxywh = dets.boxes.to_cxywh().data class_idxs = dets.class_idxs import kwimage if 'segmentations' in sseg_list = [None if p is None else p.to_mask(input_dims) for p in['segmentations']] else: sseg_list = [None] * len(dets) kpts_mask = None if 'keypoints' in and 'keypoints' not in exclude: kp_classes = None if 'classes' in['keypoints'].meta: kp_classes =['keypoints'].meta['classes'] else: for kp in['keypoints']: if kp is not None and 'classes' in kp.meta: kp_classes = kp.meta['classes'] break if kp_classes is not None: num_kp_classes = len(kp_classes) kpts_mask = np.zeros((2, num_kp_classes) + tuple(input_dims), dtype=np.float32) pts_list =['keypoints'].data for pts in pts_list: if pts is not None: pass kpts_ignore_mask = np.ones((num_kp_classes,) + tuple(input_dims), dtype=np.float32) else: pts_list = [None] * len(dets) # Overlay smaller classes on top of larger ones if len(cxywh): area = cxywh[..., 2] * cxywh[..., 2] else: area = [] # TODO: maybe take scores into account? sortx = np.argsort(area)[::-1] cxywh = cxywh[sortx] class_idxs = class_idxs[sortx] pts_list = list(ub.take(pts_list, sortx)) sseg_list = list(ub.take(sseg_list, sortx)) def iround(x): return int(round(x)) H, W = input_dims xcoord, ycoord = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W), np.arange(H)) for box, cidx, sseg_mask, pts in zip(cxywh, class_idxs, sseg_list, pts_list): (cx, cy, w, h) = box center = (iround(cx), iround(cy)) # Adjust so smaller objects get more pixels wf = min(1, (w / 64)) hf = min(1, (h / 64)) # wf = min(1, (w / W)) # hf = min(1, (h / H)) wf = (1 - wf) * pmax + wf * pmin hf = (1 - hf) * pmax + hf * pmin half_w = iround(wf * w / 2 + 1) half_h = iround(hf * h / 2 + 1) axes = (half_w, half_h) if sseg_mask is None: mask = np.zeros_like(cidx_mask, dtype=np.uint8) mask = cv2.ellipse(mask, center, axes, angle=0.0, startAngle=0.0, endAngle=360.0, color=1, thickness=-1).astype(bool) else: mask = sseg_mask.to_c_mask().data.astype(bool) # class index cidx_mask[mask] = int(cidx) if 'class_probs' not in exclude: if soft: blip = kwimage.gaussian_patch((half_h * 2, half_w * 2)) blip = blip / blip.max() subindex = (slice(cy - half_h, cy + half_h), slice(cx - half_w, cx + half_w)) kwimage.subpixel_maximum(cidx_probs[cidx], blip, subindex) # object size if 'diameter' not in exclude: size_mask[0][mask] = float(w) size_mask[1][mask] = float(h) assert np.all(size_mask[0][mask] == float(w)) # object offset if 'offset' not in exclude: dx = cx - xcoord[mask] dy = cy - ycoord[mask] dxdy_mask[0][mask] = dx dxdy_mask[1][mask] = dy if kpts_mask is not None: if 'keypoints' not in exclude: if pts is not None: # Keypoint offsets _xys =['xy'].data if len(_xys) > 0: _cidxs =['class_idxs'] if _cidxs is None: raise ValueError( 'cannot rasterize keypoints with undefined categories') for xy, kp_cidx in zip(_xys, _cidxs): if kp_cidx < 0: import warnings warnings.warn('Cannot rasterize keypoints with unknown classes') else: kp_x, kp_y = xy kp_dx = kp_x - xcoord[mask] kp_dy = kp_y - ycoord[mask] kpts_mask[0, kp_cidx][mask] = kp_dx kpts_mask[1, kp_cidx][mask] = kp_dy kpts_ignore_mask[kp_cidx][mask] = 0 fcn_target = { 'cidx': cidx_mask, } if 'diameter' not in exclude: fcn_target['size'] = size_mask if 'offset' not in exclude: fcn_target['dxdy'] = dxdy_mask if 'class_probs' not in exclude: if soft: nonbg_idxs = sorted(set(range(num_obj_classes)) - {bg_idx}) cidx_probs[bg_idx] = 1 - cidx_probs[nonbg_idxs].sum(axis=0) fcn_target['class_probs'] = cidx_probs if kpts_mask is not None: if 'keypoints' not in exclude: fcn_target['kpts'] = kpts_mask fcn_target['kpts_ignore'] = kpts_ignore_mask else: if 'keypoints' in if any(kp is not None for kp in['keypoints']): raise AssertionError( 'dets had keypoints, but we didnt encode them, were the kp classes missing?') return fcn_target
[docs] class _UnitDoctTests: """ Hacking in unit tests as doctests the file itself so it is easy to move to kwannot when I finally get around to that. """
[docs] def _test_foreign_keys_compress(): """ A detections object should be able to maintain foreign keys through compress operations. Example: >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import _UnitDoctTests >>> from kwimage.structs.detections import _generic >>> _UnitDoctTests._test_foreign_keys_compress() """ import kwimage n = 5 dets = kwimage.Detections.random(num=n) flags = dets.scores > np.median(dets.scores) # Test normal compress reduced = dets.compress(flags) m = len(reduced) # Test case with None attribute dets2 = kwimage.Detections(**{ 'boxes':['boxes'], 'custom': None, 'datakeys': ['custom'], }) reduced2 = dets2.compress(flags) assert['custom'] is None, 'should be able to specify None value' assert['custom'] is None, 'should be able to specify None value' # Test case with _generic.ObjectList[None] attribute dets3 = kwimage.Detections(**{ 'boxes':['boxes'], 'custom': _generic.ObjectList([None] * n), 'datakeys': ['custom'], }) reduced3 = dets3.compress(flags) assert['custom'].data == [None] * n, 'should be able to specify ObjectList[None] value' assert['custom'].data == [None] * m, 'should be able to specify ObjectList[None] value' assert len(['custom']) == m, 'compress failed' # NOTE: We expect Lists to always be coreced to arrays # Test case with List[None] attribute dets4 = kwimage.Detections(**{ 'boxes':['boxes'], 'custom': [None] * n, 'datakeys': ['custom'], }) reduced4 = dets4.compress(flags) assert['custom'].dtype.kind == 'O', ( 'we currently expect list to be coerced (may change in the future)') assert['custom'].dtype.kind == 'O', ( 'we currently expect list to be coerced (may change in the future)') assert len(['custom']) == m, 'compress failed'
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m kwimage.structs.detections """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)